View Full Version : Hard break up, dealing with anxiety and depression

10-12-2008, 11:08 PM
So my gf decided that we had no growing space and thought a breakup would fix it, so we broke up and now im a little stressed out about it, it sucks you know? being with someone for a year and then them just saying "oh lets breakup!" and what makes me mad is she doesnt even care! she's on living her life and meeting new guys a week after we freaking break up it makes me so mad because it seems like i meant nothing to her, she still calls me and hangsout with me and when we hangout it seems like she still loves me/likes me but then she goes and says something and it makes my stomach drop

i feel like im falling out of the sky and i cant stop moving because i try to take my mind off of it, me and her like one so when i lost her i lost half of myself and now im so confused and lost and i dont know what to do anymore and im so scared because i really thought she was the one and now it makes me think that all girls are eventually going to end things i was nothing but good to her, ive NEVER cheated on her i wouldnt even think about it and i always took great care of her so why do things happen like this, now im depressed and i feel empty and i really dont know where to turn.

any help or words of wisdom will greatly be apprieciated!

10-13-2008, 06:25 PM
I know exactly how you feel..... I went through a break up about 2 months ago it was pretty bad......Now I have had anxiety an panic attacks for a while so the break up caused it to worsen it was devastating to me.....The worse part was she hooked up with one of my own friends the day after we broke up......needless to say I was hurt...But with time all things heel. I realized that it could have been worse an that I wasted my time with someone who really didn't love me like I had thought.....You will find someone again that will be there for you that will attend to your needs just don't give up...I know your wondering how can a person be capable of something like that there is no answer for that I am clueless.....But what I took it as was a life lesson that I wont soon forget...I hope I was some help.......

10-13-2008, 11:21 PM
I know exactly how you feel..... I went through a break up about 2 months ago it was pretty bad......Now I have had anxiety an panic attacks for a while so the break up caused it to worsen it was devastating to me.....The worse part was she hooked up with one of my own friends the day after we broke up......needless to say I was hurt...But with time all things heel. I realized that it could have been worse an that I wasted my time with someone who really didn't love me like I had thought.....You will find someone again that will be there for you that will attend to your needs just don't give up...I know your wondering how can a person be capable of something like that there is no answer for that I am clueless.....But what I took it as was a life lesson that I wont soon forget...I hope I was some help.......

Anyone ever tell you your very wise? Theres alot of wisdom there and it helped alot, The sad thing is i know were not going to get back together. atleast any time soon but part of me still hopes that we will and that part makes me sad every day i wake up and were still apart

she was apart of my mind and conscience so i guess part of me still looks for her everyday it sucks, :(

10-14-2008, 04:36 AM
I am sorry to hear what has happened. Maybe you could consider telling your ex that you are cutting all contact with her. Seeing her when she wants to meet up with you, and with her raising your hopes and then dashing them again is doing you no favours whatsoever.She is being unfair to you.Her telling you that she still loves you and likes you is bound to make you feel so confused. She wants her space - let her have her space, but without you being there when she decides she wants you there. It is just stirring up your feelings for her and prevents you from dealing with the breakup. If she does want to make another go of the rship then fine and she should tell you this and you can start again but at the moment she is placing you in an emotional halfway state regarding this which will not help you with how you are feeling at all. You need to put time and space between you two, in order for you to recover and deal with the end of the relationship and so that you can move on. At the moment she is getting the best of both worlds, she ended the rship and yet she still has you there when she wants you there. If she truly wanted you and loved you she would be with you in a relationship. I know you will miss her and grieve over the end of the relationship for now and probably for some time to come, but eventually you will gradually start to spend less time thinking about her, and will move on to other relationships. Time will do this. You are bound to feel depressed and really upset. It is natural to feel this way after the end of a relationship, for a while. Eventually that feeling will pass with time. Not all girls/women are the same, just as not all men are the same. There are a lot of people out there who do hurt people in rships and it seems to mean nothing to them to do so and they dont stop to consider the consequences for the other person, but there are also a lot of really good people out there too. You sound like a really nice caring loyal guy and eventually you will meet someone who deserves you. Hugs.