View Full Version : Overly aware of my health

07-03-2016, 09:13 AM
This is going to be a lot of thinking out loud, so please excuse the jumble.

Is anyone else overly aware of the state of their health?

I have my moments of assuming I'm in poor health or unknowingly terminally ill but this feels different from that.
It's like.. if I don't stay on the exact same eating pattern, I can almost feel my body begin to get upset.
If I go without activity, even for a short enough amount of time that it wouldn't realistically make a difference, I can feel my body yelling at me.

I don't know if this is real and I'm overly aware in a way that I can use to continually better myself, or if it will slowly tear me apart.
Equally, I keep coming back to the conclusion that I have some sort of undiagnosed terminal illness that it slowly deteriorating my body and when I deviate from my healthy lifestyle, if only for a moment, my body tells me to stop.

I've had my blood tested more times than I can count for diabetes, thyroid (even though it runs in my family, I've never been diagnosed), hormone imbalance, HIV and have routinely brought up "maybe I have cancer somewhere in my body" to my doctor. All of this has come back negative, which is great, but it leaves me feeling absolutely insane as I continue to have feelings of being unwell.

Additionally, any slight ache or pain I feel is automatically assumed to be something terrible - a tumor, a degenerative disease etc. I just wish I was less aware of every little thing going on in my body so I could walk around in blissful ignorance like everyone else.

07-03-2016, 02:25 PM
I was told by a psychologist that some of us are just wired differently and are more aware of any change in their body. Myself included.
I was also told to accept yourself as you are and don't fight your anxiety as this will make it worse and stall your recovery.

07-03-2016, 02:26 PM
By the way, welcome to the forum.

Boo Bass
07-04-2016, 12:38 AM
Health anxiety is common.

Yep don't fight it, go with it and those thoughts should eventually lose their power over you.

Listen to stuff by Claire Weekes