View Full Version : Panic attack during therapy

07-02-2016, 03:34 PM
Panic Attack During Therapy


I have been suffering from panic attacks. I went to my 2nd therapy session & I guess I'm just overwhelmed with my feelings of panic. It's so frustrating because they come out of no where. I was driving on my way and felt one coming before the session. As soon as I got into the room with my therapist I started having a panic attack. I would calm down then freak out. It was like a roller coaster. I feel bad, she even tried to do a meditation with me but I totally changed the subject. I just could not relax. I think it's just hard for me to face the reality of it. I had a rough week with a lot of attacks so maybe that's why I was so overwhelmed. I just feel so bad it happened there. That I got an attack ;(

Has anyone else had this happen?


Boo Bass
07-03-2016, 06:41 AM
Hi there

Panic attacks can happen anywhere at any time so don't feel bad about it. The therapist's response was kinda right but just getting you to breathe correctly would have calmed you.

Try reading anything by Claire Weeks. There are 4 free talks online. The secret to panic attacks is to don't just do something stand there. Relax your body do belly breathing and will the panic to do its very worst. Gradually the attacks will lessen in duration and intensity. Take each attack as practice for the next one