View Full Version : My Story.

07-01-2016, 01:09 PM
Hey Guys,

At work but took some time to read some topics and it is great to know there is a place to talk.

I am not sure this is the right place to post but I am frustrated so I thought it would be OK. So, I will give my story with a nice summed up version because I can drag.

When I was around my early 20's, with my wife, we got into a bad car accident. We were young then, she got hurt, I got banged up but we moved on. It was a hard time for me. It was a hard time for her. I wasn't depressed at the time just dark. I felt life at the point was a void for me. Life went on.

About two years down the road, I started driving again - got a new car to get around but I felt faded. At night I would go out and see my g/f at the time, but night felt as I was detached or my eyes were taking me into a different place.

Keep going.

I started working a year later, working very long hours. I was up early and doing long bids until 10pm daily. We were working on a new project and it was key my job to get done. I was probably overdoing it, but still. I finished a late night I remember sometime in Feb.. and I had an appointment at 6pm, then I had a break, so I decided to grab dinner, very high in salt, and come back to handle my 9pm. I handled my 9pm, and I was off to go visit my g/f at the time before I headed home. I got there in about 15 mins, spent a little time and I remember some medical show was on the TV. I started feeling off. I went to the bathroom was like almost throwing up.. so I asked for an advil. I calmed down a bit but said let me head home. I got to my car and started driving to the highway which is about 5 mins from my g/fs house at the time. A block before I start feeling, wow. I am having trouble breathing let me pull over. I was shocked, scared, and it was pitch black out. I pulled over and got out, I was so out of body I was walking I felt but it felt not normal. I quickly called my g/f to pick me up and she bought me back to her parents place. I get there I called my parents to get me. I didn't feel safe to drive. Fast forward 30 mins, I get picked up and I'm driving with my mom. She is taking the longest way home. We get half way home and my heads knows the locations and landmarks around. The hospital is near, so I told her I wanted to go there. She dropped me there and I was checked out around 3am. I was low on potassium and dehydrated. I just remember them pumping me with IV, it felt so cold in my blood.

That was the first scare, I only had one other major time that I went to the hospital and everything was fine again.

After all that I started seeing a doctor. I got prescribed Klonopin as needed. I didn't use it everyday, only as needed. I feel safe with it around. I was always nervous after all that, but I tried daily to break the mold and push myself since I didn't want to resort to using meds everyday. My wife pushed me too and helped and always was understanding before we got married and all that jazz.

Now I've been married for almost 2 years.. Life is good. I work in a stressful job but I enjoy it.

The thing that is holding me back that I can't seem to get nailed down is this constant dull ache. I get worried, I go to the doctor, some days I just say let me deal with it, but it just becoming annoying. I can't remember ever having this growing up. I went to my usual doctor, everything comes back clean. I've done so many EKG's, Blood work, echo's, haulers, stress test, etc. I've even of last week switched to a different doctor to make sure, did an EKG... was fine. I complained so he told me to take 81mg of low dose bayer daily.

I will admit I am over weight, 29 years of age, and have to start putting in time to start working out and eating right. I constantly when have a dull ache stretch my chest and rotate my arms and I feel/hear all types of cracking. Also maybe a little relief from that for a second. I feel like sometimes I can locate the ache, not really pain but just annoyance of the dull ache always there.

I just wish I can go back to normal. I have a child now too, which she is amazing, but I want to make sure I am healthy as can be for her since with this dull ache I think different.

This is my story. Sorry to bore you, just wish I can go back to normal or adjust somehow to find the answer.

-As of now I take Klonopin as needed.
-I take low dosage of bayer daily (81 mg) feel as it does nothing much tho.
-No working out yet
-Not really eating well

Sometimes feel the most anxiety when I am hungry or when I eat and am SO full. I even had the doctor prescribe for reflux... but I felt even worst taking those. So I stopped two days in.

Thanks for your help!

07-01-2016, 06:26 PM
Do you even know if this ache is caused by anxiety or by a physical problem?

07-01-2016, 07:58 PM
Hi two1two, it seems like you know what has to be done. It took me a little push from my sister to get me to start going on walks with her. She has asthma and she's over weight, and I'll admit I'm on the heavier side as well. I kept blowing her off, not wanting to step out of my comfort zone. I was too busy eating Wendys with my boyfriend. I'm new to this whole panic/anxiety attacks thing. I've had panic attacks before and had no clue that's what it was. I ignored the warning signs and continued with my not so healthy lifestyle. Cut to my most recent panic attack. It was major after an argument. Left me with that dull pain that had me worried. My whole nervous system went into shock, and 3 weeks later still not the same, but a lot better. I've been going on the daily walks in the evenings, and might start with my kickboxing workouts again in the mornings when I gain more stamina and strength! Another plus from the walks is the sunshine. I stopped letting the sun hit me for more than 5 seconds. OOPS. Not good! Eating a lot better. Although my appetite is off, and instead of being super hungry, I don't get hungry like I used to. Its crazy how the mind works. I took it for granted, but I think I still have time to better myself inside and out. So do you! My sis even feels stronger and her breathing is better! I'm not on any meds. I am taking magnesium supplements as I read on how the deficiency of magnesium can wreck one's nervous system. I'm feeling a lot better. I still get waves of panic/anxiety and they lift away. Maybe that dull pain is from breathing with your chest. Try breathing from the belly. Belly breathing is something that has helped me. I was having chest pains from breathing too hard with my chest. We were born breathing with our bellies! We just somehow trick ourselves to breathe with our chest somewhere in life. The belly breathing could help you relax those muscles for you and maybe in time the dull pain will go away! Can't hurt to try! Best of luck!

07-03-2016, 01:07 PM
Do you even know if this ache is caused by anxiety or by a physical problem?

I'm not sure what more I can really do. I'm not neglecting anything. If I find pain or a dull discomfort I'm always trying to get myself to the doctor asap. I tell them everything. I know I'm a bit overweight but I need to change that lifestyle. I weird experiences, such as I was feeling the same dull ache all day yesterday. I then had to go to my parents house around 4. I stayed there from
4 to about 7:45pm. I was busy with people there and it seemed as I forgot the "problem." Or feeling. The minute I left or when I was in the car driving home, it slowly creeped up. It's not a dull ache that will stop by life, but it's annoying. What do you think it can be? Thanks for your advice.

07-03-2016, 01:14 PM
Hi two1two, it seems like you know what has to be done. It took me a little push from my sister to get me to start going on walks with her. She has asthma and she's over weight, and I'll admit I'm on the heavier side as well. I kept blowing her off, not wanting to step out of my comfort zone. I was too busy eating Wendys with my boyfriend. I'm new to this whole panic/anxiety attacks thing. I've had panic attacks before and had no clue that's what it was. I ignored the warning signs and continued with my not so healthy lifestyle. Cut to my most recent panic attack. It was major after an argument. Left me with that dull pain that had me worried. My whole nervous system went into shock, and 3 weeks later still not the same, but a lot better. I've been going on the daily walks in the evenings, and might start with my kickboxing workouts again in the mornings when I gain more stamina and strength! Another plus from the walks is the sunshine. I stopped letting the sun hit me for more than 5 seconds. OOPS. Not good! Eating a lot better. Although my appetite is off, and instead of being super hungry, I don't get hungry like I used to. Its crazy how the mind works. I took it for granted, but I think I still have time to better myself inside and out. So do you! My sis even feels stronger and her breathing is better! I'm not on any meds. I am taking magnesium supplements as I read on how the deficiency of magnesium can wreck one's nervous system. I'm feeling a lot better. I still get waves of panic/anxiety and they lift away. Maybe that dull pain is from breathing with your chest. Try breathing from the belly. Belly breathing is something that has helped me. I was having chest pains from breathing too hard with my chest. We were born breathing with our bellies! We just somehow trick ourselves to breathe with our chest somewhere in life. The belly breathing could help you relax those muscles for you and maybe in time the dull pain will go away! Can't hurt to try! Best of luck!

Thanks so much for the reply. I'm going to try up and start getting my life in order. I enjoy eating the fast foods also. I really think it's too much though. I never really lost my appetite as that seems unaffected and I eat as I did when I was growing up. I just think I feel uncomfortable in areas I can't control, like going in taxis, heading into the city, especially when I am not in control and have no escape... Like without my car God forbid there was an issue I grow extremely anxious. I really do think I need to start getting on a diet. I just took a cat nap, I was so tired and just feel like my energy is so low. I shouldn't feel this way at 29. I wake up from sleeping or naps, and I feel so aches. I'm not sure what that is about. Like I said before I've done all the test they wanted me to do, I guess heart related and they all come clear from the doctors and the two hospital visits... I'm running on low fuel.

07-03-2016, 02:20 PM
I am not sure if I would take the aspirin as it can irritate your stomach. I have had a pain off and on, on my right side above my right ribs (too many rights) for 13 years now and they could never find any organic
reason for it, so I have tried to live with it the best that I can. A stressful job can also cause you to feel tired. My physician told me that some pains never really get explained as to why they occur and they never
really cause any harm, just some discomfort.

07-03-2016, 02:37 PM
Fast food had me on low fuel all the time. I would eat big and then just get so tired and nap for hrs! Ever since I've cleaned up my diet, I still get a little tired and I think its from my mind constantly wandering. I try to nap, and maybe I will for a few mins and then I'm wide awake. Sometimes a little too anxious too be laying down so I have to get up. It's a real mind fu*ck if you ask me. I've NEVER been like this before even with my general anxiety. Now it's just small waves of panic and depersonalization. The waves are getting smaller, but there is still that worry in me.. will it be too strong next time it hits?? I sure hope not! I don't drive and I'm 33. I've always had driving anxiety, and now that I'm 33 It's starting to hit me... Feeling like a failure once in a while because of where I'm at in life. I didn't go to college, don't drive... but my Family is still around, my friends are too.. that's got to mean something! My health anxiety has been creeping up on me from time to time as well. I never used to care about my health just living carefree and exercise when I felt like it, which was not very much before the worst of it happened. Today I woke up and did some yard work. It felt great to just do what I love and not worry for a little bit. Sometimes sitting alone for too long will trigger a little bit of anxiety. It just comes rolling in, so I'll play some music and noticed singing helps relax me. I'll jump on here and read through the forum, that also has helped. Then there is my Sister who must be tired of me talking about it but no matter what she is there, listening. A good friend who is older always knows what to say as well to calm me down. I guess it's safe to say a little group support always helps. As for the pain, I had that dull pain. It sacred the hell out of me cause at first it was heart attack symptoms, then just that dull pain I couldn't get rid of! It finally went away and then had another pain in my abdominal area and my back... if you read up on the symptoms of panic/anxiety you'll see a lot of muscle aches and pains, usually due to always being tensed up and not noticing. I start breathing with my belly and try to relax. I would go get a massage, but not too fond of the whole touching thing... so I'm just doing breathing exercises for the most part. Might even try some essential oils. I'm very impatient when it comes to getting better. If I have a cold or something I just hate that it takes time to get rid of! Same thing with all this... but my good friend put it into perspective for me. I've spent years on an unhealthy lifestyle, it's not gonna get better over night. It will take baby steps and so that's all I can do for now.

07-07-2016, 12:28 PM
I am not sure if I would take the aspirin as it can irritate your stomach. I have had a pain off and on, on my right side above my right ribs (too many rights) for 13 years now and they could never find any organic
reason for it, so I have tried to live with it the best that I can. A stressful job can also cause you to feel tired. My physician told me that some pains never really get explained as to why they occur and they never
really cause any harm, just some discomfort.

Thanks for the advice. I stopped taking that Aspirin maybe that is what was messing me up. I agree the stress can ad to it. I'm just trying to find the middle ground, its been a long road.

Fast food had me on low fuel all the time. I would eat big and then just get so tired and nap for hrs! Ever since I've cleaned up my diet, I still get a little tired and I think its from my mind constantly wandering. I try to nap, and maybe I will for a few mins and then I'm wide awake. Sometimes a little too anxious too be laying down so I have to get up. It's a real mind fu*ck if you ask me. I've NEVER been like this before even with my general anxiety. Now it's just small waves of panic and depersonalization. The waves are getting smaller, but there is still that worry in me.. will it be too strong next time it hits?? I sure hope not! I don't drive and I'm 33. I've always had driving anxiety, and now that I'm 33 It's starting to hit me... Feeling like a failure once in a while because of where I'm at in life. I didn't go to college, don't drive... but my Family is still around, my friends are too.. that's got to mean something! My health anxiety has been creeping up on me from time to time as well. I never used to care about my health just living carefree and exercise when I felt like it, which was not very much before the worst of it happened. Today I woke up and did some yard work. It felt great to just do what I love and not worry for a little bit. Sometimes sitting alone for too long will trigger a little bit of anxiety. It just comes rolling in, so I'll play some music and noticed singing helps relax me. I'll jump on here and read through the forum, that also has helped. Then there is my Sister who must be tired of me talking about it but no matter what she is there, listening. A good friend who is older always knows what to say as well to calm me down. I guess it's safe to say a little group support always helps. As for the pain, I had that dull pain. It sacred the hell out of me cause at first it was heart attack symptoms, then just that dull pain I couldn't get rid of! It finally went away and then had another pain in my abdominal area and my back... if you read up on the symptoms of panic/anxiety you'll see a lot of muscle aches and pains, usually due to always being tensed up and not noticing. I start breathing with my belly and try to relax. I would go get a massage, but not too fond of the whole touching thing... so I'm just doing breathing exercises for the most part. Might even try some essential oils. I'm very impatient when it comes to getting better. If I have a cold or something I just hate that it takes time to get rid of! Same thing with all this... but my good friend put it into perspective for me. I've spent years on an unhealthy lifestyle, it's not gonna get better over night. It will take baby steps and so that's all I can do for now.

I hear you, I am the same way. I just want it to end and end now but nothing is that easy. I'm impatient always, but I noticed life is that way. Nothing is crazy fast even in new york. I guess it is all about time and making the right moves to make it go away or calm the storm as I say.

07-07-2016, 12:57 PM
Update July 7:

Over the weekend (Monday) I was at a BBQ. After eating, I felt the pressure in my upper chest then lower stomach. I thought to myself what can this be? I waited it out maybe an hour and it wasn't getting any better. At the time it was July 4th, so I said let me head over to the CVS, to pick up a pack of Tums chewable. I was thinking reflux or something was making me feel that way. So I took 2 and I was feeling better, not the greatest but better. I went home, enjoyed my night, and woke up. I went to work the next day and day was great... Had a very light meal for dinner (soup) and that night was also fine, no Tums needed. Last night, lunch and dinner was heavy and late. I felt so bad, I slept so bad, tossing and turning, all night. I should of took Tums, but I didn't... It was horrible. I ended up taking Advil as I was feeling tight and a lot of pressure upper chest but it didn't really do anything for me. I try to not take Klonopin when not needed, only emergencies.
