View Full Version : Not your typical Anxiety

06-26-2016, 04:17 PM
Hey all! first time posting in any sort of anxiety forum. I just wondered if anyone feels the way I do. My anxiety is generalized, but mostly centered on my health. my heart, getting sick, dying...etc. It got so bad at the beginning of the year I finally broke down and saw my GP, to make sure I was healthy, which I am, for the most part. I take Effexor XR daily. but I still feel it. It comes on mostly when I'm in the car, or at night. I drive about an hour each way to work so I spend a good chunk of time in the car! I don't want to say it's a panic attack, but I get very nervous all of the sudden, and I almost start to feel like my chest starts twinging and my breathing gets a little harder. While I"m driving, mind you. It's not enough to put me out of commission. But it's enough to where afterwards I feel almost ill. like my head is heavy, or foggy, and I"m tired. I'm not sure what to even call it, and I was hoping someone could maybe shed some light on it for me. I'm going to make a psych appointment this week, it's just tough for me as I don't have health insurance.

Gosh, that came out more rambling than I thought. Thank you for even making it this far through my post!

06-26-2016, 07:36 PM
What you describe sounds very typical to me.

06-26-2016, 08:09 PM
I am sure the psych can give you some ideas that will help you.

06-28-2016, 02:53 PM
I had some relatives of mine who felt worried about their physical health to the extreme. They were hypocondriacs.

So yes, their are others out there who feel lots of anxieties regarding their physical health. So it's not just you with issues like this, Cotton.