View Full Version : Losing Mind

10-11-2008, 03:34 PM
Hi I have had generalized anxiety,ocd and constant worrying for years...But a couple of months ago I noticed a swelling in my leg, which made me extremely nervous....I got it checked out went to many specialists and I have leg problems. Well tell a person who has anxiety that plus looking at my condition I constantly worry every second.... As the weeks went on I got worse worrying about everything and fear of losing my mind or was it my health doing it to me.... My doc put me on 20 mg of paxil which I have been on for about 10 days which will soon be upped to 40mg...Also on 1mg ativan twice daily. I am not as hectic as before but feel lifeless, cant think straight at all feel blank in mind, fear I am seriously losing my mind or going to go brain dead... Or even have a stroke. I feel so mentally sick cant remmber what i did days ago. Please help me with advice on situation and meds ty all.... :cry:

10-11-2008, 06:08 PM
Hi there,
I went through all these my self too, don't worry - you won't loose your mind. Try avoid drugs, don't get use to becasuse they're addictive and
have strong side effects. Get yourself a lot nutrition and vitamins becase
there is like 95% chance you have some minerals/vitamins deficiency.
Natural substitution for benzo drugs can be GABA, which is safe for you.
I used to take before work and before sleep and it calmed me down a lot.
I addition take a lot of magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin B complex. Especially niacin and B5 is great for panic attacks. It will take time to recover from severe minerals deficiency, sometimes even 6 months or longer.

10-12-2008, 08:55 AM
If possible, try to reduce your medication as soon as you can. Medication is only putting the situation on hold and not actually resolving the core of the problem..... I'm not saying you shouldn't use it.. obviously in your situation it's effective.....putting you back on level ground, but you need to be extremely careful. I really am a great believer in natural healage.

You wont lose your mind, you just think you will.. it's just a thought!..Try to feed your brain with positive thoughts, rather than feeling down and hopeless.. You need to try and concentrate and give your life structure.

I never once took meds in 4 years of severe anxiety, I was so determined to get through this, which i did.. I'm completely free of anxiety now, couldn't be more happier to be honist.. :)

10-12-2008, 06:18 PM
Hi agian, TY for the responses 2 you both.... I want to stop medication but its not like I even have sever anxiety or panic attacks anymore, its like I went crazy already and now I am just waiting to die no hope to ever feel better...I am not panicky just cant remmber cant concentrate and think I will die because of some health problems. I feel so hopeless and try to stay positive but feel mentally gone. I just dont feel refreshed or clear minded ever... ITS HOPELESSS CONSTANT WORRYING BUT NO PANIC ANYMORE, I HAVE WENT OFF THE DEEP END NO REVERSING IT.... :(

10-12-2008, 08:05 PM
looks like you have depression and mental fog, but good news for you - it's not so easy to die because of that.
Drugs usually make you like this, but you cannot stop them abruptly if you have been taken them for a long time. Gradually eliminates drugs, increase minerals and vitamins, start exercising - all I can advise. Stop going to "your" doctor, if you're weak and cannot manage on your own go to alternate medicine practitioner.