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06-23-2016, 01:35 PM
I don't think the title could be any more clearer. If this time I am to be trolled by those I have on ignore and the others to whom it is well known one has nothing in common with, then let their true nature be shown. On that score, there are others of us that know we are on different pages, but we are at least respectful enough to leave the other well alone.

Now - let's hope I can move on without such distraction.

I have about 10 minutes left before I do more laps of the hockey oval, so I will make this post real quick:

Philosophy The Nature of Reality, The After-Life, Belief System Territories & More (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdonsvDJqQ0&list=FLZ6jekpknyVwam1LUU540zw&index=1)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdonsvDJqQ0&list=FLZ6jekpknyVwam1LUU540zw& index=1

One thing that has really benefited me during my self recovery searches on the internet, is an ability to open up and glean information from sources that I think are absolutely fucking nuts! Once you have been fucked over by the church and likes wise BS, there is not much that can surprise one.

The thing that really stands out in the first half of this video is "How we create our own realities" - I've been doing exactly this since I gave up my meds and stopped eating all poison that most folks think is a treat. I talked about acceptance ... or was in the process of in my other thread before it was hijacked - but the fact is, we need more than just one key to make it through this resistant existence otherwise known as form. (Form = Flesh & Addiction) ... anyways:

Creating Ones Own Reality is where it is at - BUT - it need not be a lone affair as the ability to build strong bridges is where it's really at.

LOL - I think of the filtration Process in that. :) Pun intended Dahila - re PM ...

I think this time YES - now I can ignore the "true nature" that will this time be surely revealed, with a need to go on any further ... but let onlookers see for themselves. I know I said it before ... but I am feeling pretty good about the up coming space I have made for a V-log attempt.

Adios ... until next post. ;)

06-23-2016, 02:34 PM

06-23-2016, 05:29 PM

06-24-2016, 04:02 PM
http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/green-tick-with-man-small_zps1hvn15ej.png106kg down to 77kg - 233lbs down to 167lbs. - almost 30kg down.

06-24-2016, 05:28 PM
wowwwwwwwwwwwww I wish it was me. you look 20 years younger and the body oh jeez

06-24-2016, 11:08 PM
Slow down there - I have not updated photo just yet. :) - No after shots this time from me.

06-25-2016, 06:48 AM
(sorry I skipped out on your last thread... I fear I went a little backwards a few weeks ago. I was in therapy, but it ended as it was only ever intended to be a 4 week course and was having trouble adjusting to the idea of being without it. Especially as last week I had too many things on-a poetry reading (though I ended up not going because I had a meltdown), I was scared about going to my sister's birthday (but i went and it was good-I stayed out until the end). I made the mistake of assuming that after the therapy course ended I would be cured...)

06-25-2016, 01:56 PM
Good to see you again TreeStar. Srry you have been struggling. I hear ya on that front. I’ve decided to leave the group I am with, however more so because I think I have evolved beyond that point that particular group was at and or providing for me.

I hope you stabilize soon enough. I don’t believe in cures, I think such a term is more meant for selling rather than healing.

I’m off on a long trip today. My youngest boy is returning home for a bit.

I have a flat battery though. We are just waiting for road assist to come along. However I managed to type out a poem that I only just came across.

Here is a peom written by someone I recently met who was put on a ITO (Involuntary Treatment Order “there is nothing voluntary about it”)

Life is such an extraordinary thing
But somehow, we all end up
In boxes & Bins

Some time not very long ago
I told the story of my aggravation & agro

And just because of a piece of paper
in the hand of a nurse
I was treated like I had sinned
I was under a curse

But I found out if you asked
From all the right places
That you can get help
Even if it only starts in small places

06-26-2016, 01:43 PM
For me, my recovery has become a lifestyle for me and something that I welcome each day. Such is how I now term my maintenance phase:


This week = working on relationships. Younger son is back living at home and doing well enough. Other kids doing as best they can like the rest of us. I'm also keeping focused on 80% full with good results. No meat for over a week now and feeling pretty good. Having cut out new contacts and the men's group has helped to reestablish balance with my overall routine. Was

That's about it for now. Still getting up at 5am for the most part. Gym is regular 3 times a week with jogging on the off days (sometime I hit the treadmill as well on gym days [depending how I feel]) - Sunday I spend inactive for the most part or just catch up on things around the house. I've recently included sunning myself out in the backyard which I think is helping quite a bit. Mostly because it's a time I am meditating as well as taking in natural vitamins. Vitamins that came straight from the source, unlike synthetic supplements. The only supp I take now is Vitamin D.

Lastly - taking in two large tea spoons of coconut oil in my herbal teas has been seeing excellent results for my skin and overall health. Not sure how long I will keep this up, but right now, it seems easy enough to include and no real down effects. The only thing I may not is a a blocked nose starting up during the evenings. This may be due to a curry paste I have been introducing into my evening meals. Other than the curry paste I only use whole foods (Not processed, dried or powdered) as toppings and add on flavors, ie - Apple cider vinegar, ginger, and so on.

Anyways - living like this is becoming quite natural to me now. Takes little effort for my mind to wrap around, although it does take effort in the kitchen and also with planning when going out of the house. I don't mind though, because it keeps me busy and focused on all that I do. I eat only small amounts and pretty much nutrient dense foods. Hydration mostly comes from eating soft fruits, juices and smoothies. My skin is always shiny and soft - only a few dry areas which is easily moisturized and then stays soft for long periods.

Hygiene is pretty good - another part of my routine that I now welcome and use a a gauge like the tinnitus in my ears. The later is not so bad of late, although I can tell when I am pushing myself as it starts to ring a higher pitch. Such is life for many as we age.

Joint wise - feeling really good! Elasticity has me thinking I might cap off living with more stretching. BUT - I'm content to leave things with the sunning and mediation for now. That and the coconut oil in my herbal teas with 80% full will be my new challenges for the following weeks.

Time to finish this lemon water now and pick up my daughter and do some laps.

Adios until next post. ;)

06-26-2016, 06:05 PM
Losing weight will be a relieve for joints and muscles too. Try to stick to the routine, as long as possible and do not please, you know what I am going to say:)) fantastic, BTW I had seen you in the interview and on the pick with your sponsor, so I do not need the picture, I know how you look now:)) it is long way to go for me, but still on very low intake of carbs,
My birthday is on August and my best friend she bought for me Express and milk frother Martello. It is fantastic machine and I enjoy one cappuccino a day :) and regular coffee too
She thought that I do not need to wait for my birthday to get the gift. It was expensive so I m kind of thinking that I do not deserve it. What do you think D?

06-26-2016, 10:48 PM
We tell ourselves all kind of things. In matter as such, what I think is of little consequence. The day means little to me. I say if it's what you want then let the presents fall from the sky now.

06-27-2016, 08:07 AM
Thanks :)) .........................have a wonderful day D

06-27-2016, 04:14 PM
Back at ya Dahila.

06-27-2016, 08:28 PM
Study: Virgin Coconut Oil More Effective than Drugs in Combating Stress and Depression: (http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/study-virgin-coconut-oil-more-effective-than-drugs-in-combating-stress-and-depression/)

http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/anxiety-coconut-oil_zpslrumjww5.jpg (http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/study-virgin-coconut-oil-more-effective-than-drugs-in-combating-stress-and-depression/)

Some of you may already know I gave up taking my antipsychotics and antidepressants close to two years ago. At that stage I could barely string a sentence together when out in public or under stress. Long story short, since then ... Whilst having used exercise, meditation, psychotherapy and a number of other lifestyle changes - it has ultimately been watching what I put in my body that has helped me to stabilize over the long term.

I'm not just some kid who's out looking for the latest chemical quick fix. I have a long complex history of (47 years) hard core abuse. When it comes to anxiety and depression, I know what works and what does not.

I can vouch for the cold press virgin coconut oil being beneficial in my own recovery. It's still early days since starting on it, but hell - the only supp I now take is vitamin D3.

For those interested, I'll keep you posted on how I find this coconut oil treatment to be in my own experimentation. Currently I only take two large teaspoons of the high quality cold press variety. I take in in my herbal teas. I don't believe I need 3/4 of a cup to which people looking for a quick fix to loose weight are taking. At any rate - the high quality stuff which is needed for effect, is very expensive (for me) ... I have broken a weight loss plateau, but not just because of the increasing metabolic properties, but mostly because of how super clean I am now eating. It's kind of a beneficial residual effect of fine tuning my health.

I still have triggers - no such thing as a cure in my book and whilst that can be viewed as a self fulfilling prophecy to keep me pegged, I don't see my perception being like that at all ... It's more about being real when it comes to expectations regarding the breaking of neurological conditions/bridges. I still live under a lot of stress that impacts on my ability to overcome deeply embedded negative patterns. The good news is that my awareness of such and also my new found desire and skill to stop poisoning my body with commonly accepted perceptions ... means I am more stable than most of the sheep popping the pills and systematicaly being led in their limiting beliefs.

06-28-2016, 03:49 PM
Awesome morning work out! All praise be to me!!!

06-28-2016, 07:17 PM
Seems to be a hell of a lot of bitching on here lately with not much encouragement other than prescribing meds. I think your grandma approach is actually what's needed so I've been telling like it is. So many people take things for granted these days. People can't even smell the roses unless it comes in a little plastic dispenser. That's about the size of things when you go reading through the Q&A this place is offering up of late.

Dare I ask how things are going Dahila? LOL - is what it is I guess. Sigh and breaths with a little sniff. Yep sire re ... I thinks there is a rose in there somewhere.

I leave you to go save all those little souls that are in need. ;)

Adios - I got some living to do.

06-28-2016, 07:24 PM
Well I had to get ready for a show on Canada's day July 1. I keep my fingers crossed that I will do ok, Lately I have only loses. ........... Yeah this place is really depressing. The stupidity of youngsters are killing me. They want everything served on silver spoon. I am happy you keep your routine:)

06-29-2016, 01:55 AM
Boy it's a tough job changing diapers in this forum. Where were we? OH YEA!

I was so excited with dinner tonight I bit my bottom lip. I can think of worse things I guess. lol ... arrrr - I'm still living with a torn ass hole, but hey ... that's life. I've got an itch in the middle of my back that's a neurological condition. Thankfully the pain in my ass overshadows the itch for most of the day.

I hear ya on the losses Dahila - I'm just trying to focus on what matters and if I can't find anything, I will make something up.

We could always go changing nappies in the other sections of the forum together? - Good for a distraction at least. :)

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

06-29-2016, 07:14 AM
yeah what about changing nappies now......................nah I had of it enough, raised two children ;)) The rectal problem is a major one. It must be addressed somehow. The itch; are u sure it is neurological condition? make peppermint tea and wash it in it. Use a cotton ball of face cloth. Maybe it helps. :)

06-29-2016, 02:36 PM
Hi Dahila. I'm not sure, however from what I have been reading on my symptoms, it does sound neurological related and not uncommon. It is the same spot on my back as others and more point like rather than covering a large area. The sensitivity of this point also heats up under direct sunlight. I'm finding it very interesting the more I read:

neuropathic pruritus or neuropathic itch

It's bearable -
The cleaner I am eating, the more these kind of problems are showing themselves ... Moreover, the more I am also overcoming them. : )

As for the anal issue, that one is keeping me very focused on eating just right. :) It can take years to overcome without surgery. In my case, I have multiple tears and a colon that has much more crap yet to come out. Having said that though and for all the issues that have arisen since taking control of my body, I am actually slowly healing and enjoy blissful moments between shedding of pain. I'd rather shed the pain, than pop the pills I know that will only lead to a slow, painful and depressive death.

06-29-2016, 02:46 PM
oh I have this all the time but blame my sensitive skin and chlorine........... yeah it bearable but makes me miserable when i get it:))
so the more fiber you eat is better or you have to control the fiber intake? I would think the best would be not to go over 20 g a day.........I find it is a problem. Something seems so trivial, but it is not. Do whatever help you. :)

06-30-2016, 04:43 AM
I hope you have managed to find a win somewhere out there in the land of soap my good friend. :) Here is to thinking of you and yours this day as I'm about to hit the hay.

I know you may not have much time on hand, but I will share at any rate:
Excellent Walking Podcast → Walking Meditation to Relieve Stress and Lose Weight (http://webtalkradio.net/internet-talk-radio/2011/10/17/aging-without-limits-%E2%80%93-stress-and-weight-gain-the-walking-meditation-to-relieve-stress-and-lose-weight/) ← Excellent walking Podcast.

I always love finding a good podcast to head outdoors with. Just finished sharing that one in another post about healthy eating and exercise being good for anxiety. I kind of thought is was sad that people have to ask in order to know whether it is or is not. Sign of the times I guess. This kind of makes walking look even more attractive for me. I've been working out so hard, that I now welcome a good hours brisk walk. I was getting in some good meditation sessions with some of my 10K jogs, but since tightening up my plant based diet, I am enjoying the breeze with my early morning winter walks.

Walking really is the answer to just about anything! I am so thankful that I can now walk painlessly for so long and also do it fast, yet I am also doing slow walks in my backyard. I walk very slowly backwards and forwards (grass under foot!) just in my runners shorts in order to both meditate under movement and catch the rays of the sun. It's an excellent low key activity that allows me to better digest my small meals and empty my mind. Generally I feel pretty good about what it is that I will go and do next ... often I really don't know what that is until I have done a walk.

I have been having little power naps as well. 4:30 - 5:00 am still suits me fine with an early night - typically before 9pm ... sometime 8pm. Still doing my weights down at the gym. Mondays/Wednesdays & Fridays. Still flying through those workouts with medium weights and high reps - (30 second intervals full systems go from beginning to end) - that's why I have been enjoying the walking and backing off the jogging ... as to fine tuning my high density nutritional needs ... bla bla bla bla ... :)

Science aside (although comes in handy to keep me going) - I am really feeling much better when out on the trails. I've been a few times out for day hike, but have had others with me, so still not done my V-log. Soon enough I guess. YAWNS ............... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

It's all good whilst yet, I know much is not. My new friend has finally come to accept what he cannot change with regard to his ITO (involuntary treatment order) - Good for him! Is the only way sometimes - most times in fact. YAWNNNNNN ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I am very much looking forward to my morning walk. My son is coming, so I might jog a little here and there. See how I feel - see how he feels :)

I think that's wrap for now.

Adios - until next post.

06-30-2016, 03:29 PM
Another Great → Walking Pod Cast (http://hwcdn.libsyn.com/p/d/b/f/dbf04ca1576048aa/S1_E10_Steve_Talbot_Final.mp3?c_id=11351740&expiration=1467325536&hwt=a63e12da63d4023d3252a3231c7a9644) ← click to stream.

Here is yet another:
__________________________________________________ _______________________
To download click on below pic and scroll down to image link and click the down arrow:
http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/a1_zpsvh7twxfd.png (http://www.positivitylife.com/season-1-episode-10-the-amazing-benefits-of-walking-with-steven-r-talbot/)

Learning how our calf muscle takes on half the function of our heart muscle really put things into perspective for me. Once that fact sinks in, you really begin to understand how sitting and standing really is killing us.

This podcast is certainly one of my favorites in the walking genre.

Happy to share. ;)

07-01-2016, 12:30 AM
Went to the cinemas today. I saw THE WARCRAFT movie. It reminded me of when I used to play Warhammer. I was not sure about it, but thought they did a good job overall. I was glad I went. I hope they make a sequel.


07-01-2016, 01:19 PM
Reconnecting with Our Lives – Healing from Dissociation (https://www.tarabrach.com/reconnecting-with-our-lives/)

I always said Disassociate Today! However there has to be a lvl of understanding as prescribed in the above podcast for it to be effective. I choose to dissociate from Society and its ideals; mostly those I know that are destructive. (Especially religion and limiting belief systems) Rather than living to an ideal standard, I choose to live through my own understanding and learn from my own experiences. Kind of like reconnecting with the source that many of us do not understand, yet it's OK not to know. The latter reminds of of Jon Kabat-Zin and his Stress Reduction Program based on mindfulness.

Speaking of which, I think I will make this mornings walk with no podcasts.

Adio - until next post.

07-02-2016, 07:34 PM
Hmmmm - Anxiety & Depression - Recovery Without Medication. I'm pleased to say I have pretty much finalized my website for the homeless project both my wife and I are now running. We have had a few inquiries with positive outcomes already. At this stage I am done with seeking out funding and just happy to run it from the website as is. Learning to make the website with WIX was a good learning experience and now I am itching to start up up webstie/blog. I've made a few attempts in the past but never really got them off the ground. I think with my new found wisdom regarding how to use WIX - I think I may start up a website/blog once more. It will help me to keep focused on my continued recovery, which in all respects is going to take me until I die ... then who knows what will happen. :)

So - Anxiety & Depression - Recovery Without Medication sounds like a good title? I'm not going to win a popularity contest with a title like that, but it will offer up a niche that's in great need. A huge subject that needs to navigate a LOT of misinformation intended to keep people hooked. FOOD is the last addiction that all of us will have to contend with.

Sounds like a plan ... might go toy with this idea a little more where it counts. WIX ;)

Adios until next post.

07-03-2016, 02:00 PM
I got side tracked - The intention is still there though. I ended up playing City Skylines for a bit on my PC. Just getting ready for my morning walk. I think I will cut back the pace this week both on the road and inside the gym. Will focus more on my eating habits. Many of the new hints and tips in that regard are starting to really sink in that I am in a better position to fine tune them. More so, simply put them into practice. So many years of abuse simply from eating a diet of diary, meat and wheat. It's a whole new recovery game in it's own right, let alone the behavioral issues spawn from such conditioning. None the less, VERY EMPOWERING to know that know matter how controlled we think ourselves to be, that we will always have a choice when it comes to what we put inside our mouths. I ponder to think how that alone can affect the way we think, perceive and speak. No matter how toxic those decisions may seem, one can always make a healthier, less damaging and less toxic decision choice. Such a mind set is what it takes to heal in such a toxic world.

I may keep going over the same things, but I do so differently each time and in my persistence I am slowly recovery in ways that makes me truly free. Free from the addiction of both pain and food. Learning to find comfort in discomfort and better appreciate the space in between. On that note I push through a little procrastination I can feel creeping in by getting out of this comfy chair and begin my morning trek. Here's to a week of steady states.

07-03-2016, 05:20 PM
Hi Dave try to mix work with relaxation. You went such long way, give yourself a moment of stillness. Or just play the game for some time, to calm down the thoughts. I am still eating clean too. the only sin I do is eating feta cheese. One Cappuccino a day. :)) I damn tired after two days of show. next week I will start on Friday finish on Sunday, but I do not think I will make a lot. :))

07-04-2016, 01:21 PM
Right on D. This week is D-Stress week for me. I am not doing Gym this week, however I am well placed not to. I am walking a LOT though and don't mind it at all. 2 hours solid walking everyday now, but in a meditative like state. I also walk in between at a much slower pace in my backyard.

My focus is purely on food this week and also the way I eat it. I ponder on that later. For now, It's time to embark on my morning walk.

I hope this finds you somewhat more restored.

Thanks for checking in. Much appreciated.

07-04-2016, 02:28 PM
Well I just made a wonderful facial cream, which failed before. Shoot one small mistake and it is garbage;). Spend time with my best, my only friend, had a nice relaxing time. I woke up at 6:30 and already made a lot. In a few minutes, I am going downstairs to make Arnica salve with new addition of Comfrey root infusion. I am short for the show, and I have almost none at my bedside.......I think that you could take a rest for a week, like 1 hour of brisk walk should be enough. You spend a lot of time, preparing the food, cleaning, cooking, shopping. I can not even imagine. My DH helps me in the garden................the rest is on me:(
I feel rested finally :)

07-04-2016, 04:40 PM
Loving the sound of those creams D. Your focus sounds in good stride today. Here is a photo of my a Comfrey Patch I grew some years ago:

These where just thrown in around the house. I was careful to use only chemical free products due to the water outlet and only used that comfrey on household plants.

This here was my prize comfrey patch in the front yard. Comfrey was a very important plant I used a lot. Our Gov reports the plant as a poison, like it does most medicinal herbs. I used mostly to fertilize the vegetables growing all around the house. I just about took out every blade of grass except for a few square meters.

Click pic to enlarge:
http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/Comfrey%20patch_zpseiqql3er.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/71988794@N08/27988378432/sizes/o/)

Click pic to enlarge:
http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/Collecting%20Comfrey_zps1cokford.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/71988794@N08/27476518044/sizes/o/)

Anyways - I think I already shared these some time back. Is always good to remind myself of the fun I had growing like so. That was government housing. I did not have to worry so much about getting permission like we do now. These days I am just growing house plants, although I do have a small spot on the go up in the backyard of this place. Nothing too much.

__________________________________________________ ____________

The two hours of walking is easy for me Dahila. My afternoon/evening session helps me sleep better than the seroquel/quetiapine ever did and I wake up much more alert! I split the two hours between morning and night.

Time to get out of this chair actually.

On with the show. - Just kidding ... going to fold some clothes before our next appointment turns up on the door.

Adios ... until next post.

07-05-2016, 12:57 AM
Just heading out for a walk now, but before I do I'm going to give the following book a good listening too. I've already linked it in another thread, but will do so again here. I managed to download the PDF onto my phone where I used "this app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hyperionics.avar&hl=en)" to read the text aloud. (Android phone) I also converted to ePub:

The Proactive Twelve Steps for Mindful Recovery (http://lifesherpabooks.com/zug/books/Proactive12steps-Book.pdf)
So much more powerful IMO - since taking the religious tone out of it.

https://c3.staticflickr.com/8/7412/28059550946_d29c069b9e_n.jpg (http://lifesherpabooks.com/proactive12steps/) http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/New%20Book_zpsxvr1enrj.jpg (http://lifesherpabooks.com/zug/books/Proactive12steps-Book.pdf)

I came across this book whilst searching for the Serenity Prayer. I was not comfortable with the religious version and figured having some experience with the 12 step program in the past and it's sucess with many people, that there would surely be some kind of secular version by now. Thankfully there was. It was the word proactive that hooked me in the Google listing.

I have taken the liberty to share the following ... with regards to taking religion out of the equation the Author gives his reasoning in the following text:
The Proactive Twelve Steps for Mindful Recovery by Serge Prengel

“ … my goal is to describe the “steps” as a self-directed process—as opposed to a mystical process
in which change somehow happens ...”


The Proactive Twelve Steps for Mindful Recovery by Serge Prengel

The Proactive Twelve Steps*

Higher Power & Inner Power

The Proactive Twelve Steps are written without any reference to God or a Higher Power. In contrast, the original wording of Step Two refers to*a power greater*than ourselves. And the original wording of Step Three refers to*God*or a*Higher Power. Why remove any mention of God or a Higher Power in these Proactive Steps?
One reason is that a secular approach is more likely to be understood by people who are not accustomed to turning to God or a Higher Power. If this were the only reason, it would be a very weak one. These Proactive Twelve Steps would only be some kind of a "lite" version of the "real" steps, and they would only be relevant to those people who "can't stomach the real thing".

What I have found in rewriting the steps is that eliminating the faith element (faith in God or a Higher Power) forced me to pay more attention to describing what actually happens in the process of personal growth (or, at least, my view of it). I alluded to this in the introduction to this book. As we are further along in the process, this is a good time to go further.

The essence of the Twelve Steps approach is to take our focus away from a specific problem that seems unmanageable, and to bring it to another dimension. This powerful shift is like the "jump into hyperspace" in science-fiction movies.

In traditional Twelve Steps wording, this "other dimension" is described as "letting God" (or a Higher Power) guide you. In the Proactive Twelve Steps, the "other dimension" consists in connecting with a larger sense of who you are. This is not meant to alienate people who see God or Higher Power as a key part of the process, as will also be explained below.

The process I describe is one of letting go of dysfunctional habits and ways of thinking, and progressively focusing on the more positive forces within ourselves. In this process, there is still a leap of faith. It is faith in the basic resiliency of human nature (an assumption that is supported by contemporary neuroscience). All you have to do is think of our basic goodness as a working hypothesis, and be willing to test this hypothesis. Try it, and see if it works for you.

While this approach requires no religious belief, you are of course free to think of this "basic goodness" in divine or religious terms.

If you are religious, I believe you will find these down-to-earth steps a very useful perspective, just the way as a down-to-earth description of the world need not negate, and will often enrich, a religious outlook.

The Proactive Twelve Steps In fact, there can be a convergence of views. The process I describe is one in which you progressively experience a sense of feeling that you are more than your little ego. This experience is what gives you the strength to overcome the dysfunctional habits and be pulled toward fulfilling your life-affirming needs.

This experience can be described as feeling one's*Inner*Power... but it could also be described as feeling one's*Higher Power. All it takes is thinking of*Higher Power*as a state that we experience, as opposed to a being that is outside of ourselves.
__________________________________________________ ______________

Righto - sounds attractive enough for me to give a listen. I'm off.

07-05-2016, 03:32 AM
I really don't have time to give a good review as I have to shower and relax before bed. I'll just be real quick and give this book another listen to on my morning walk. The above phone app I referred to (@Voice Aloud Reader) enabled me to record the PDF to MP3. (Just had to hold the play button for 2 seconds) The length of the book in audio is aprox 55minutes which suits my hour long walk perfectly.

Listening to books through text aloud can take a bit of getting used to. I have some high quality voices pre-installed and set-up at a good pace for me. Having said that though, I generally need a few sessions to digest properly. I really like to know the stuff I take on-board. It took me many goes to take in The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Using an audio format several times over whilst out walking really helped for that book to sink in.

SO - just having had one quick session with text aloud:

I really like this book. A lot!
Whilst the author has taken the faith based content out of the original text and highlighted the empty content of several steps, there are many spiritual concepts to be found in the author's methodology. Well, that's what I thought as the book went on. Mindfulness is nothing new and much of the new age self help concepts have too, been taken on board in even the most clinical of establishments. I have always been very sceptical and still am to some degree (far less than what I figure is worth wasting energy on) - however having learned to glean what resonates as well as that which does not - (The author highlights well that the process is not all about a serene experience) - the fact remains that most of what I have been learning what works and does not from several books all point to the same thing. More importantly is the realizations I have come to know from several years of actively turning my own life around, are very similar to those principles discussed in this book.

I really think there is a good balance between the old and the new terminologies that have been and are now currently afield.

It's going to be good for me to have another book to go over and over. Having twelve steps outlined (very different and more to the point than AA's version) should make the process of digesting what really matters is very helpful. I look forward to sharing my own views within my own thread as I normally do.

An excellent guide to self reflection, setting goals and moving on!

Adios ... until next post.

07-06-2016, 03:25 AM

Another Big Day

The ingredients are not the cleanest, but they are affordable. My daughter has also gone off meat, however been struggling with finding a base meal for the day. I never ended up using the bean sprouts. I generally don't like cans, however getting organic is best these days. Food is just so toxic - Sigh .... None the less, as I always say, it's about making the less toxic choices we can in a world full of so many chemicals.

Once I rinse them really well, the damage is not so bad. I don't use salt whatsoever ... more then enough sodium leached into those beans and whatnot. In fact, I will be teaching her how to soak beans, lentil and chickpeas instead. It's what I do, but I had to factor in her time constraints with the little one → which is why I have selected the ingredients like so. The broccoli is way overprice, leaving the frozen option not such a bad choice. Other ingredients I ended up using not pictured here where 4 small beetroots and a couple of table spoons of organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil. (about to put some in my tea.) I may of even added something else.

It's a really great mix and quite filling. I actually split a small container into two when I eat. I fill it out simply by adding more RAW veggies into the mix. Mostly broccoli when I can afford it.



I'm now big on eating mostly raw foods and always add raw foods to my cook food when I feel it's time to eat. My eating lite and remaining slightly under full is working really well. I'm also waiting a full 12 hours before eating after going to bed. Since adopting both the 80%full and now 12 hour nightly break, my digestion has improved BIG TIME!!! - combined with the clean eating as well. (clean being a relative term)

That's a wrap for now ... will try and sneak in a late episode of Stargate Atlantis tonight with my herbal tea and oil ... (which will make my 12 hour break quite the test) ... not sure if I will have time to add to the article I posted today, but hoping so. Shopping day tomorrow as well as more meetings re PEERHAPS.

Adios ... until next post.
PS - really enjoyed my time with our grandson today.

Thus far ... time management doing AOK.
Later guys ... Be well as can be.

07-06-2016, 11:00 AM
I cooked soup today with barley and sweet potato for me, I know it is starch but I need some too. Then I had a bowl of garden salad already. I should eat twice today, I had eat once, and half of they gone:)
You use cans. With chick peas I just cook them till soft, drain it, and freeze it in portions, For my hummus or soup or just to add to garden salad

07-06-2016, 12:43 PM
I soak mine Dahila. I only chose ingredients that would best suit my daughter. I catch up soon. Time for my 5am walk. ;)

07-06-2016, 02:08 PM
I wont Berry-Bamboo :) After my walk and having now listened to that book 3 times , I have decided that's enough mental masturbation; at least for now : ) I think I will tie up one last loose end in the article section I posted yesterday by renaming the title and finishing it off with a yet another quote from the author.

07-06-2016, 02:23 PM
Sounds nice Dahila - How's life in general?

07-07-2016, 01:36 PM
76.2 to 75.3 kg
New Record - Feeling supple - energy AOK.

07-07-2016, 03:51 PM

http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/stress%20podcast_zpsjxzxjbop.png (http://beyondthebasicshealthacademy.com/podcast-134/)

Was a good education listening to this on this morning's walk. I was able to glean much as well as identify my own differences in opinion. I believe there is much we can do to accept our socio position through making disassociation a positive step. That is to say, change the way one views society by no longer subscribing to it's destructive social behaviors. I believe a void must be experienced before we can hope to make effective interaction with others. In this regard the author kind of has her own agenda which tends mostly to a scientific response to our current environment. I agree with most of what is said and find it very beneficial to hear much of what I have already learned, but in another way that teaches more.

Excellent podcast on Stress and our Modern Westernized Living - I only add to it by reminding myself that when it comes to those things I can not change, I can overcome such by simply changing the way I see. For me, that is part of my healthy dissociation which creates new realities for me that do not co exist with such a sick society. As for social connections - I still seek them out, but not ones that subscribe to the main stream way of doing things - hence there is usually a void before connections are made.

Anyways - that's my add on to those parts about societal impact on our bodies when it comes to involuntary stress. We always have a choice beyond food and where we choose to work (or if we work) and live - However I take head when she discusses meditation not being so effective when we continue to expose ourselves to chemicals and other forms of dysfunction. This is why I am learning many ways of D-stressing and broadening my choices through the application of such knowledge.

The information is useless if you can not put it into practice, which takes dedication and time.

Just my view - seems to be working for me. 31 kgs of toxic waste now eradicated from my body. Well Done Davy Boy!

Here's to a good day for all.

I'm off to play golf with my mentor friend.

Adios ... till next post. ;)

07-07-2016, 04:01 PM
Tomorrow I will set up the table for three next two days, beside that life is ok. I am slowly losing the weight and with each kg I feel better.
Congrats on your new record, I am kind of greenish now, from envy. That's so cool D
I had packed my flower shape soaps ...........we will see

07-07-2016, 04:12 PM
Sorry to crash in on the topic, but how do you help someone with weight loss if they don't believe they can exercise or keep track of what they eat? It is ridiculous, still holding on to the idea this is impossible. How to motivate someone like that?

07-07-2016, 05:47 PM
BB you do not, the someone must motivate him/herself.
When you want to help someone accept him/her the way he/she is

07-07-2016, 06:05 PM
You mean I should help them accept that their weight is just fine? I don't understand.

07-08-2016, 12:31 AM
It's an honor to have you here BB. :) I will think more on this later and make it the focus of my next reply. Once I have myself moved some more, I am sure the answer will come. Time for my afternoon walk/winding down session.

D - Awesome!!! Sniffs and SNIFFFFFS ... just what I need. Great looking Soaps!!! I thought you might be losing weight. I only suspected from the interest and encouragement you have been sharing. Please keep us all posted on how the soaps are travelling. (as too your health!) Thanks for the updates. I always welcome pics.

Back later guys ... take care.

07-08-2016, 05:19 AM
...how do you help someone with weight loss if they don't believe they can exercise or keep track of what they eat? It is ridiculous, still holding on to the idea this is impossible. How to motivate someone like that?

First I would ask why they don't believe they can exercise. After establishing some kind of logic on that front, I would then question the need to count calories at all.

The good news is that one need not "exercise" or bother counting calories to loose weight. Weight loss is 90% food and 10% activity. Something like that. Activity need not be monotonous as exercise, whilst exercise need not be monotonous at all. It's all in the way we view things.

With regard to motivation - there is no problem being inspired by others, however Dahila is imo correct in alluding to the fact that self motivation is really the only way one can achieve desired goals. The problem with today's addictive food and main stream mind sets, is that giving up the sweets, sugars, starches, salts, fats and so on, is actually imo, harder than exercising. The majority of people eating a western diet put hard core ice addicts to shame when it comes to the power of addiction. The trick is to wean yourself off.

Think of it this way ... giving up the junk to quick well make you as sick as someone coming of antidepressants cold turkey. Both will keep you dependent.

I could tell you that when it comes to our modern day diet and societies focus on consumption that we are all addicts, but that will probably only bring out some kind of defensive reaction. Especially if one not only does not want to exercise, count calories or do much else. If however one is sick of being sick ... well it's not so hard to convince such people just how disgusting our modern eating habits really are. Disgust is what really helped me give up smoking. It helped me overcome denial and gave me the strength to heal myself. In that regard, cold turkey can work for some people for both smoking and junk food ... but be prepared for the headaches and short lived runs with fad diets.

LIFESTYLE - Is one prepared to give up bad habits for life?

THE EASY WAY = do it with one product at a time. NO MORE SUGAR. (switch to honey) You can still eat all the other garbage. If by this stage you cringe or resist calling the other stuff garbage, then one is probably not ready to let go - more suffering is needed.

Once you can prove to yourself that you can actually live without sugar ... a little self empowerment give one the strength to start with some other form of toxic food.
CUT OUT FULL CREAM MILK! I found this really easy. I switched to light milk and never went back. I was so successful with dropping out foods in such a manner that by the time I gave cheese I was completely free from diary.

If you want to loose weight - give up sugar and dairy and you see changes soon enough. Same with Bread - The point is if you make gradual changes, you'll stick with the new habits and find out just how and why you were addicted. Switch from white to brown bread, then select seedy types and all that jazz. Once you start making healthier choices, you will no doubt read all kinds of things.

I now soak a lot and ferment a lot of my foods as most of the information regarding whole grains is pointless if you don't home process the anti-nutrients:
Another mind boggle below on the is the futility of switching to brown rice if one does not soak and ferment: (http://holisticsquid.com/is-white-rice-bad-for-you/)

But don't worry about all that jazz when first starting out. Just stop eating out. The very first thing my wife and I did to lose get well (don't even bother thinking of it as weight loss early on - it's about saving your life!) was to stop going through drive through food outlets like pigs in a trough. No more Maccers, KFC, Hungry Jacks, Pizza, and or Chinese Take away. That alone hands down we the beginning of many headaches.

So don't worry about the challenges of exercises or counting calories ... in the beginning there is HEAPS one can do to begin the process of taking back control of ones life. Again - such is an opportunity to see just how gullible and easily led we have all become. Even the skinny and young ones who think they are invincible are all effected in negative ways - behavioral issues ensue with Type A personality's and anxiety frothing to the hilt.

WHY DO YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT??? If not for being sick of eating shit and feeling like crap - if only to fit into this or that ... then I am unable to inspire, as my effort to lose weight is more about long term health and reclaiming my well being from a society bent on ownership, a system that only thrive on oppressing the weak. Each to their own mind set of course. All of the above and the tone in which it is set is what works for me.

I started slow but with a vengeance to make serious changes I intend to last till I die. Bit by bit I chipped away until now all I eat is whole foods - now down to mostly plants and no meat. One does not have to go so hard core, but one does have to know why they want to loose weight and learn just how toxic main stream food really is. Fruits and veggies whilst sprayed are basically the better choice - Nothing that comes in plastic, packaged and containers are worth their weight in gold, because you will soon be dead living a life eating said crap. What good it having all that BS they imprint on the TV,Radio and or pop up adds if one is soon to be dead?

Is one sec of the heavy breathing, reflux, light headedness, itchy and flaky skin, dry patches, flare ups, food allergies, constipation, anxiety, depression, chaffing, find clothes that actually fit, walking with a limp, inability to climb stairs, do up shoes ... at this rate it wont be long before one needs help taking a shit! - Not to worry ... we can take some pills to help with one condition and then others to help with the side effects ... yadda yadda

If not already experiencing such conditions ... give it time, then one may be ready to start with the simple process of no more junk food, then progress to giving up the sugar and so on.

Each of us can only find our own motivation to do what one must. Just as we all come up with are own excuses to cling to our comforts. For me - I am a hard hitting with such personalized BSing .. because I know well how addictions work. It's exactly the same process with FOOD. Food is the last addiction that any of us will give up in this life.

Man - if only I could describe the liberation of coming to see like so. The time I spend on eating clean and learning to live through watching what and how I eat has been my best lesson in this life thus far. I have not looked backed since I stopped eating shit. To actually know what being skinny and healthy feels like is awesome - it is far from being another addiction as the process I am talking about will always require making an effort. Addictions come more from the ease of comfort than it does form doing something that requires discipline

For me - I am in the phase of maintenance entering into optimization - however really need another two years before I will have a proper grip ... given the decades of abuse. There is way more to all this (well being) than just the food - yet it is the most crucial factor that will either make us or break us. Just know, living in such a toxic world, eating right is no easy feat. Yet ... if you learn the art long enough and practice consistently ... the rewards will give incentive to keep going.

I use imagery as I mostly do with most of my successful ventures. I have become the image of my desire through both knowledge and consistent practice. Movement is key ... move move ... it's all about relativity ... learning to feel beats hands down the logic of numbers and letters. But that comes much later as it takes a long time to regain that kind of sensitivity. We sick humans have lost the ablity to feel just how sick our bodies have become... Betta Blockers comes the cry ... Oh I need a pill to block the feeling ... You get the picture. That's why logic is the flavor for most ... it fills the void on no more feeling ... replace with intellect to solve ones dark and bleak emptiness ....

On that note ... smiles... it's time for me to go empty my head and sleep. ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz which I now do so well.

Srry for the rant as I am sure it's not a common page that is liked ... none the less, I do hope you tune back into this neck of the wood. If you like crashing ... then that's cool with me. Crash any time you like.

Adios - until next post. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

07-08-2016, 06:24 AM
Thank you, this will help me too, as being one that falls into the category of skinny and young people who grew up on junk food. My parents kept me off junk food as much as they could but maybe not enough, since in school, there was only junk food we could eat. I wonder one day will I discover something that wasn't pointless in my past life...

07-08-2016, 06:39 AM
I am on 300 mg gabapentin, 600 mg are out already. As soon as I ween myself of it, it will be easier to lose it. For you D is sugar, Iam addicted to salt.
You know that I got the weight from being on gabapentin and not putting a lot of attention on portion size. It is not easy to go from size 4 to 16. I do not eat bread, another addiction of mine, even I had switched a years ago to home made rye bread it was still a problem.
I am slowly losing and it is the most important. Keep you fingers crossed that I will sell something Saturday and Sunday ;))
Fantastic post Ponder:))

07-08-2016, 11:21 AM

Another Big Day

The ingredients are not the cleanest, but they are affordable. My daughter has also gone off meat, however been struggling with finding a base meal for the day. I never ended up using the bean sprouts. I generally don't like cans, however getting organic is best these days. Food is just so toxic - Sigh .... None the less, as I always say, it's about making the less toxic choices we can in a world full of so many chemicals.

Once I rinse them really well, the damage is not so bad. I don't use salt whatsoever ... more then enough sodium leached into those beans and whatnot. In fact, I will be teaching her how to soak beans, lentil and chickpeas instead. It's what I do, but I had to factor in her time constraints with the little one → which is why I have selected the ingredients like so. The broccoli is way overprice, leaving the frozen option not such a bad choice. Other ingredients I ended up using not pictured here where 4 small beetroots and a couple of table spoons of organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil. (about to put some in my tea.) I may of even added something else.

It's a really great mix and quite filling. I actually split a small container into two when I eat. I fill it out simply by adding more RAW veggies into the mix. Mostly broccoli when I can afford it.


Just a suggestion, I try to eat clean most of the time. I use dry beans, cooked in crockpot and store in freezer, they freeze well and you have more control on what is added to them plus its cheaper. I have enjoyed you post very much.


I'm now big on eating mostly raw foods and always add raw foods to my cook food when I feel it's time to eat. My eating lite and remaining slightly under full is working really well. I'm also waiting a full 12 hours before eating after going to bed. Since adopting both the 80%full and now 12 hour nightly break, my digestion has improved BIG TIME!!! - combined with the clean eating as well. (clean being a relative term)

That's a wrap for now ... will try and sneak in a late episode of Stargate Atlantis tonight with my herbal tea and oil ... (which will make my 12 hour break quite the test) ... not sure if I will have time to add to the article I posted today, but hoping so. Shopping day tomorrow as well as more meetings re PEERHAPS.

Adios ... until next post.
PS - really enjoyed my time with our grandson today.

Thus far ... time management doing AOK.
Later guys ... Be well as can be.

I have enjoyed your post very much.

07-08-2016, 06:37 PM
oh godguy you should say so instead or quoting " I like your post Ponder #154 a lot , I have enjoyed your post very much ;))) greetings people

07-08-2016, 07:26 PM
Your most welcome gadguy. Thanks for your response.

Hi Dahila - fingers crossed. OH YEA - I grew up on salt as well!!! It's not just sugar. I "was" addicted to is ALL!" Great to hear about your wins re unhealthy weight. YEP - Even the smell of bread was a massive trigger early on. Just ride with your personal wins that you know you have achieved. It's the only ways I have been able to get to where I am. Little by Little. You have helped me along the way with many insights. Thanks for that! - Food for medicine and all that. Herbs and the like!

Hi BB - skinny fat is a term I have heard - a lot of those type about these days, although in denial once one slips on the threads. : ) ... lol It's all good - we are only healthy as we feel. Forget the what ifs and enjoy all those new insights that have been coming your way and the sharing you do. Much appreciated. ;)

That's it for me, I have a few goals I need to complete ... I think I may ... MAY -go bush tonight. That would be cool .. a challenge in deed.

I go now and complete what I must and then contemplate or maybe whilst on the go.

Peace out Guys.

Thanks again gadguy ... all good. I know what you mean D ... all good. : )

07-09-2016, 03:20 AM
Welcome to my camp fire. Dave's latest Vlog:


07-09-2016, 04:56 AM
This De Evolve is you man? Cool.

07-09-2016, 08:53 AM
The one and only. :)

07-09-2016, 09:23 AM
This is awesome! I flew a few times and I love watching clouds swimming in the sky. It's so peaceful...

07-09-2016, 09:58 AM
Sadly I ended up selling my drone due to the attention it was attracting to me. Whislt some people were positive, it also gained a lot of negative responses.

Perhaps in the years ahead, I may aquire a new drone.

I'll have to reply to your other post some time after I get home as I'm not too handy with texting and one finger. I apreceate your offer of an ear regarding my views.

It just sunk in that you had some quotes from Startrek Next Generation. I thought COOL! My favourite series with both Voyager and DSN on par. I was not as impressed with the later serries Enterprise, however tried to give it a go. Too much focus on the Zindi for my liking and they messed with the theme too much ... although I understand it was a hard call given the change in dynamics and time. I did however like the backwards tech, but thought they should of toned down the tech even more.

Righto ... the temp has dropped somewhat so I figure I will move a bit in my sleeping bag and dream of some Stars Treks now.

07-09-2016, 10:33 AM
That's upsetting about your drone. People eh!! :) All the things I give up or never start because of too much attention...

No man, message in this forum (from the inbox), if you are not sure about sharing those issues openly I mean. Some people are usually not. And when it comes to phones and messages, even I gave up twitter, messenger. Not a fan of messages either.

I LOVE Star Trek! But couldn't handle the original series. It is old and too much emphasis on women are dumb. The same thing I felt in James Bond series. Not to spoil anyone's thoughts on this. But I love Spok - Leonard Nimoy, I cried when he died. And Daniel Craig's Bond is better.

07-09-2016, 02:00 PM
I think the whole gender thing is as crippling as technology. Whilst there is potential for both, humans have yet to evolve in order to aprecited them.
Time for me to pack up and go for a walk.

I'm easy with sharing in the main ;)

07-09-2016, 03:20 PM
Reminded me I was gonna exercise, I forget the time when I am here; https://en.lichess.org. Do you like chess??

07-09-2016, 04:31 PM
I sure do. You might be as appreciative as I as, to what my wife brought home yesterday. Hanimex HGC 1500 (http://www.spacious-mind.com/html/computachess_hcg1500.html) Lisa's found it in an opp shot for 50 au Cents. I'll give you my thoughts on it later. It's missing a few pieces, but I figure I will find something similar ... eventually.

I would be honored to have a chess buddy. I think I can download lichess for android as well as desktop? I'm no pro but do enjoy the game quite a bit. I have a few basic boards at home.

I'll look into creating an account later today. Just got home and have a few things to catch up on. We may also do well to play a turn based game where we simply just check in when time allows. I don't mind both either both ways, but live chess could be problematic depending on available times. I'm happy to work out some kind of scheduled, send it to you and then adjust according to meet your commitments. Would be a good wind down time for me actually. See what we can work out.

07-09-2016, 05:10 PM
My nick is ozz2 in lichess. Yes you can download it to android if you have a good internet on phone. We can always play correspondence when we don't have time. I can't exactly play in real time anyway. I am not a pro either. I am practising with puzzles there.

What is this? A computerized chess with pieces?? Interesting.

07-09-2016, 10:09 PM
yep yep, I'll keep you posted when I have signed up.

Yea - it's an 80's retro computerized chess set. I'll share some of the photos I have prepped for eBay. (just phone pics as I am not fussing over it too much) Unfortunately it does not power up. Someone probably used an incorrect power supply on it. not to worry. The pieces may be worth something to someone. I might even hold for a while and see if I can match it with one that works, however they are a rare find.

As far as computerized chess sets go, I really love them; In much the same way people love to hold books rather than digital devices. There are pros and cons to each kind of chess computer. I really dig the LED indicators. Very good for my ransom brain. Whilst I understand Chess Notation and have no doubt I could teach myself to react pretty quick with that style of readout, I find LED indicator lights much easier on my brain. It feels as if someone is moving the pieces for me, whilst the other requires more time to compute.

https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8864/28101450482_8122ffb5ff_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JPehbW)

Here is a size comparison: (The pieces stay in place when paying in a car or on a plane)
https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8855/28101447382_66e5d1a22a_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JPeggu)

One the double pieces that came with the board is picture below - a white queen being used as a bishop. The black is missing a Castle, King & Knight:
https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8848/28101449432_7c88530b33_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JPegSQ)

The below are the extra pieces/doubles that came with the set: (you push the pieces in to set off a sensor switch below)
https://c1.staticflickr.com/8/7554/28101451552_d37a344110_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JPehvo)

That concludes the story on that 80's vintage computer chess set. I'm now searching for a cheap updated model as I think I could really benefit from few quiet games out and about. I know a small park well place in the sun and or the shade pending the season, where I could loose myself relearning the game. Then of course I can look forward to making contact with your self and using my larger board and moving the pieces in syn with my phone. Hence, why I think I will be in the market for a computerized chess set. Nothing beats the hand on feeling imo. In the mean time I will set up my desktop as well.

Will inform you of my user name in due course. ; )

07-09-2016, 11:44 PM
It's so small...

07-09-2016, 11:55 PM
I am used to the size of my standard chess pieces too much. How will you play with that if you don't see a large screen/board in front of you?

07-10-2016, 02:06 AM
LOL - I know ... I use reading glasses as it is. : )

I used think the same way. "You've got to be kidding ... that small!" These little computer chess sets were around when mobile phones were giving people brain cancer. Basically when only the rich had a mobile attached to their cars. So taking that into consideration might give way to some kind of reason for having them. My attraction to computer chess sets is the hands on for my preference of comprehension and interaction; even if that only be with self.

However - I agree ... it's too small for me to actually enjoy or meet my preferences. It does look cool though and a collectors piece. I'm hoping to find a mid size one where the pieces do not fall of the board do easily. A medium sized portable unit that can be played and take a few bumps.

On a side note, I tried your name and unable to locate you. Are your profile/preferences/privacy settings - set to allow "Let other players follow you"? My wife had to set hers in order for me to add her as friend.

My User Name is Davekyn

07-10-2016, 08:49 AM
Yes, I am following you now. Let's see if we ever come across each other with all that time difference and all...

07-10-2016, 09:21 AM
I have a clock in front of me, and it is night time there. But it is just 6 o'clock here in the evening. This is going to be a challenge.

07-10-2016, 09:37 PM
Regarding Time Zones:
The easiest way for me to work out times is to know location. I live near "Brisbane Australia" If you google time for Brisbane Australia, that should give you my current time. If your not comfortable disclosing your approx location, you could PM me, then I could work out time zones and difference much easier. Brisbane Australia is also known as UTC +10

I wonder if you would be open to another site to play correspondence games that does not require either party to be logged in. I still don't mind playing Lichess live with you. I just don't think there correspondence games are set up to allow for people outside of log in times. The more I research on it, the more people I see are frustrated with it being like so.

Anyways - I'll check around and put forth a few options and see what you think.

07-10-2016, 10:47 PM
Really enjoyed that game - TY:
http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/Queen_zpsblmdjzk8.pngI think we are closely ranked, but fear your relentlessness. : )

Dahila - How's things. Had a crisis this end, but recovered well enough. Hope your doing as well as can be? Soaps and all : )

I'm off to the Gym guys. Have a good day.

07-10-2016, 10:51 PM
I am not relentless !!! Okay maybe a little :)

07-11-2016, 03:02 AM
lol - Hey BB ... whilst I intent to still play live chess at https://en.lichess.org/ - would you consider doing correspondence chess through: gameknot.com (http://gameknot.com/)
My user name there is dave182
Unlike lichess, either party does NOT have to be logged in at the same time to do correspondence chess. Email notifications pop up when either person takes a turn.

If we start taking turns and email notifications are going off everyone 30 seconds, I recommend we log into lichess and just play a live game, however I used to play gameknot with other players several times spread throughout the day, which I thought was fun. Sometimes is might just be one turn a day and other times 15 times a day.

Does any of the make sense. If you decide to join gameknot for correspondence just search for dave182 in invite/start game ... I guess we add each other as friends straight away. Once we hook up there, correspondence will be a breeze.

Let me know what you think ... again ... if we start going hell for leather with it, we can just hook up for a live game in lichess as well.

07-11-2016, 05:03 AM
For gameknot; ozz1

07-11-2016, 12:49 PM

I hear ya guys. We have a lot of depression raining over here as well of late. I have to keep focused on Dstressing. Since reading up on stress and the effect on the body, I am very careful not to let depression stop me from my routine. I'm just going to keep focused on what I can do to make things less stressful. Whilst it can seem like a huge effort, I will at times try to relieve the stress of another in order to relieve my own. Thinking of whether that is selfish or not is counter productive and usually stops me from trying, so I have just been doing it more of late. If others are unable to pull themselves up after giving them a hand, then there is not much else I can do, but to do the best I can to stop myself from being dragged down.

Best I can say re my own stuff atm. The chess thing has been a good distraction to be honest.

Anyways - still on track. Was a good week off the gym, however getting back into that now. The walking also is going well. Eating in very much on track. Those are the main things I try to keep in place no matter what else is going on.

That's about it for now. Time to find a new pod cast then off for a walk.

Trying to find something to look forward to in each day kind of helps ... no matter how small. Sometimes that means getting things out of the way like clutter in our homes as thus our heads. A good feeling when we can keep the house clean or at least a path way free from things that make us trip. Brain states can be effected with even the most basic of jobs left undone. Inducing hygiene ... one of the most important that is the quite elusive - big balancing act with that one. Not too much, not enough.

But to finish on a good note - I'll finish the kitchen and do the clothes as well as find time to shave.

07-11-2016, 01:12 PM
I found this → An Uncluttered Life! (https://player.fm/series/an-uncluttered-life)

I found a few podcasts in that mix that sounds really positive. Just scroll down the list or find the list view option and then scroll down. Hit the 3 dots → ... then select download.
Once you have downloaded some positive insights onto your mp3 device ... then go for a walk.

You'll be all the more empowered for doing so.

Catch ya's when I get back. ;)

07-11-2016, 06:48 PM
Reminiscing my most recent solo bush trip - Doing what it takes to recharge and keeping my spirits high:

https://c2.staticflickr.com/9/8664/28174904121_3c2fe55d9a_c.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/71988794@N08/28174904121/sizes/o/)

Later guys. ;)

07-12-2016, 03:53 AM
I miss the picnics in woodlands we used to take with family+relatives. And the camps in the shore. They are just pictures now... Sometimes I feel like I lost a lot!

07-12-2016, 04:32 AM
A picture is only as good as the experience one keeps alive within. We are each responsible for what comes next. Thus we should seek to create new experiences. Learning to accept self is what enables me to do just that without the need for others to tag along. In this way I can connect with genuine intent when looking into my own camera and enjoy the experience, knowing those that matter will also appreciate the moment for what it is.

Night BB - Night Dahila.

07-12-2016, 07:10 AM
I am too scared to be outside by myself. At least you don't have such an issue. Even my gym is in my house. I tried Aikido a couple of months in a gym, but working with people, I am so not ready for this.

07-12-2016, 07:18 AM
D you have almost similar pic from two years ago. What a change, and you look happy. I know that your life is so tough, and it lifts my heart to see you smiling and looking good;))

07-12-2016, 01:58 PM
"At least you don't have such an issue." Please do not be so quick to make assumptions of me. I had to take quite a moment before responding after reading this; to compose myself.

I miss my brother heaps since he killed himself 2 years ago. Right now there are other members of my family who are being treated for suicidal tendencies and attempts. I'm also being stalked by a fanatical christian mother who hangs on every word I say and thus contributes greatly to the dysfunction although I had to go through great pain to cut her out of my life. Without making a concentrated effort, this tear in my ass hole could be the straw that breaks the camels back and I could easily act on visions of picking up a kitchen knife and stabbing people indiscriminately until someone takes me out. Reminds me of my petrol can and rope episode actually when out in public. Right now - there is a LOT of dysfunction that is chipping away at us all ... and I am not just talking about my family, I mean all of us ... on this entire rock.

Dahila knows me well, which is why I am receiving praise (TY Dahila) for my efforts despite the BS I go through each day on this miss treated and forsaken rock.

SO BB - please choose you words carefully when referring to what I find easy and or not.

I know life sucks man - I'm back to dealing with police, welfare dpts, involuntary emergency evaluation orders and the whole fucking lot! I am dealing with ungrateful people with a welfare mentality that are not thankful for voluntary efforts of others when it comes to helping them help themselves. I face a lot of bitterness from others every day whilst I do my best to eat right, breath right and move right. I myself am on a disability pension for mental illness without taking medication. That's no easy task. The "stability" which is actually a requirement in order to receive welfare benefits for such a condition is something I have to work on every day of my life.

I have a very violent abusive and traumatic history that has been legitimized by the appropriate professionals that have determined a resulting predisposition that warrants ongoing intervention and support. If not for such checks and balances in a society that's as sick as ours currently is, I may or my not have killed a number of people as well as myself and to this very day, the said predisposition still has the capacity to do such things. What keeps me going is knowing that I am not the only one that has to deal with these issues. I am not the only one that has suffered like so. I have discovered that I am responsible for the way I act, think and feel. I have discovered the potential and healing power with just such a mind set and or insight having come to accept such truth as I now know it.

Anything less is pure denial - point blank! I hear it every day from everyone I try to help. Denial often thrown by others in my face whilst I do my best to give them a hand despite many others giving up on them using metaphors, "you can't help those who can't help themselves." The missing point is that I help people knowing that it helps myself and I also help from a perspective of knowing what it's like to NOT want to help myself. I'm done with the fucking telling of others - done with the telling point blank ... either fucking help or shut the fuck up. Don't be dissing on those who are helping themselves, buy helping others ... even if they don't care for themselves.

It's pointless to tell any story that does not relate to self and I'll go one more by saying it's so pointless because clinging to our own stories is what is destroying our souls and this planet. Once you work that out, you'll understand the gist of what I have been saying in this little steam blowing post. SIGH.

So believe me when I say it's not easy - not by a fucking long shot. I refrain from using an exclamation mark on the end of the last sentence, and also explain I am not frustrated at you. So please do not take this response personally. I am in deed tethering on a lot of pain and was so during the course of my outdoor solo trip. It took me a few takes to come up with that there smile above. Like I said, "A picture is only as good as the experience one keeps alive within."

After my brothers death it took me a huge effort to go outside my door without biting heads. The medication I was on just about had me dead. It's been a HUGE effort to come off all the chemical crutches and take responsibility for myself. Instead of complaining about my mother, I cut her off. No more feeding into things from my position or being vulnerable in such a way has resulted in such a choice being a positive one. How easy was that to do? It was extremely hard, but now I have come to understand it was for the best where I have enabled something positive for myself, instead of being enable to continue being rejected and abused. I've also come to depersonalize such thoughts which is also another positive step. There have been many more choices I have had to make that involve a number of letting go scenarios. Perhaps not as final as those previous, but many I make every day and many of them are far from easy.

The answers are no secret as commonly termed and sold ... Number one may sound harsh for those addicted to wallowing in self pitty ... but it is key:
Eliminate complaining in your life...once and for all. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/PLAY_zps14pxmhjo.png (https://player.fm/series/an-uncluttered-life/aul-151-eliminate-complaining-in-your-lifeonce-and-for-all)

I think I will leave it at that, as for many people ... that will take long enough to digest. As for digestion ... lol ... that's another one that does not sink in, until one is done with poisoning one's self.

I'll just finish with - I'm not frustrated with you ... but I am with the assumption of → "I am too scared to be outside by myself. At least you don't have such an issue." PS - I still have mentor friend paid by the government who in the beginning supported me when making outdoor trips. We are now playing golf together and he has played a huge part in helping me to walk once more.

I share you this video to also explain where it is that I have come from - I'm working towards doing some video editing where I cut myself into scene as the new me to show just how far I have come - I now run my own organisation helping the homeless, yet I struggle in many ways the same I do "at various times" when presenting myself in this vid. It was not easy to go from what you see in this video to presenting before a committee to ask for funds to help the homeless. The journey never stops:

I know you have already seen Dahila - I just share for others once more, so that can see they are not the only ones that have it tough:


...then contrast it with this one → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_cWVPWOKA8

Now here is the thing ... The later was just a feel good story that really got bugger all response. The journey however was crucial to my ongoing recovery. Believe me when I tell you such has not been easy and will never be. Thankfully we run our service from the internet. My wife and i have had several wins now helping those at risk. We helped a Veteran with a periodic lease. (to break a lease were we are now helping him move into a place more conducive to his mental health) We have assisted in the removal of several names from a black listing agent that stops people from being accepted from renting a home. This Friday I am actually helping a stranger move using my trailer and utilizing other things.

We got nothing from the community - it was just a story to most ... the story never even reflected what we were really about. None the less, we knew and we kept true to knowing what it was that we to do.

It does not consume our lives, but it makes us feel useful. My wife is also struggling very much. She is quite ill of late with everything that's going on. She is pensioned off with a serious physical condition that will in all likely hood see her die many years before I. This too I am preparing for.

So my good friend ... believe me when I say ... "Nope - it's not easy at all."

You take care now ... I hope you find something in this of worth ... it's meant to help, not make things harder. I've been under a lot of stress so apologize if any of this comes off as ... hmmm ... lacking mindfulness.

I look forward to making my next move .. but first I go for my morning walk.

Peace Out

07-12-2016, 02:08 PM
You're right, I don't know you. I'm sorry.

07-12-2016, 02:14 PM
It's OK man. This forum is just one step in many. I have a life outside of it. I take many steps every day to keep myself as healthy as I can be. A tough existence in a toxic world as I choose to see it be. Pretending it is not may be an easy feat for those well placed, however it comes at a cost to the rest.

Edit ... I for one am glad we have crossed paths. : ) Such meetings always bring with them opportunity.

07-12-2016, 02:55 PM
I made this one up, thinking about Data as he embarks to exit his front door. : )


07-12-2016, 03:05 PM
...and lastly before I finally walk out my front door ... I will often struggle with one saying that challenges another, because for all the self betterment that is preached today, I am very much in tune with self acceptance and being content in that; yet such appears on the surface to conflict with striving to be more than we already are. In saying that though, I see elements of truth in both that require knowledge and wisdom - lessons and experience with both facets to truly appreciate each perspective and make them work as one. Lest one become stuck in logic for eternity without any hope of feeling at all. This I know data would not like. :)

Adio, until next post. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/fighting/hair-fire.gif

07-12-2016, 05:33 PM
I made this one up, thinking about Data as he embarks to exit his front door. : )


Thank you. I love Data! You are my best God-damn friend right now. I don't want to lose this connection.

07-12-2016, 05:35 PM
Well people assume D:) . ......... Remember I assumed too. Right now I do know you well, and your situation. BB does not know, that our light tone on forum, comes from a lot of pain and suffering. You mr. ponder had enough to share with 10 people, still you survive, you inspire others. You are very dear to me, and I do not mean your physical, rather your soul and your heart, we both know how sensitive you are. Others do not perceive you the way they should. They see strong, and wise person, this is who you are. You are a survivor, you do this for others, then for yourself. In time BB will get it. :)
I had spend 1.5 hour with my psdoc discussion life, and society. It was the most interesting meeting so far. She is a wise and really educated woman. She is good what she does,
It does not mean of course that I am relaxed. I only relax when I am talking about my passions, :)) I hope you had a good walk and my thoughts are with your family, every member of it, and you D.

07-12-2016, 06:33 PM
TY Dahila. I find much comfort in your words and also pleased to hear about you most recent visit. : )

BB, it was a real treat reading your reply. The feeling is mutual. You have sparked much on me. :
) I have some shopping to do,so will be a few hours before my next move. Excuse typos as hard to type in moving car. We catch up soon.

07-13-2016, 12:28 PM
I've been up since 1:40am - 4:19am now ... Sigh ... just wrote out a rant intended for some Gov Dept ... hmmmmm ... relating to family concerns. I'm going to delete it now. I had a night mare about abuse in some prison - both my wife and I being tortured. I'm not phased though - Waking up with very dry throat really hurt though. Had to use lots of honey, have a shower, then make a cuppa. Might make one before before my long walk.

Letting Go - ... what can I do to make it better ... buffer and more buffering. I will certainly have to have a sleep later today. I'd like to air some things, but without getting into the specifics. Someone recently said to me, "Id rather put my efforts into being positive, rather than focus on dissatisfaction that will only feed the hungry monkey" Well they did not say it like that, but that's how I am saying it now.

Now to find a podcast and ready up for my day. Today, I introduce both my daughters to the community mental health service that I was previously utilizing. It may or may not be for them, yet I am please it's a path on today's agenda. :)

Adios ... until next post.

07-13-2016, 12:37 PM
Lastly - Dahila, I just wanted to say that I very much value that connection of which you speak. You described it perfectly and I feel very much the same way. I really appreciate how you always emphasize the most important parts. You are one the most most mindful people I known. Such is the success to ongoing and fruitful relations. TY.

07-14-2016, 05:13 AM
Feeling a bit sick today. Apparently my eldest daughter fell sick with a sore throat recently, so I have in all likelihood picked something up during my rounds. Lisa seems to have it now as well. I bit the bullet and bought some throat soothers. Here's hoping for a good nights rest. I have been up since 1:40am and it's now 9:00pm.

In other news Lisa and I downloaded a chess app on our smart TV and are having fun solving chess puzzles. I guess I got you to thank for the BB. :)

As a bonus, Lisa tracked down an 80's chess computer I once owned about 25 years ago - Radio Shack Chess Companion:
This is the link to the add, however I don't think it will be available much longer as already purchased:

I'm not sure which version of board it is, but here are some detail on the B version: (edit - going by the pic mine is not version B)

I have good memories playing with this set. I't approx 14 inches by 10 inches. Light to carry around BUT very durable. In fact, many people recommend the vintage 80's sets for their durability over today's flimsy plastic models. The unit apears to have had minimal use and or been very well looked after. All pieces present and fully functional.

So the add goes ... I'll let you know when it arrives. I've also been looking at smaller boards a little larger than the previous tiny one I show cased earlier.

That's about all I wish to report tonight.

Take care guys.

Over and Out. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

07-14-2016, 06:31 AM
Ponder, the chess looks so good.:)
Wash a lemon under the stream of warm water, wash it well, then with the skin; slice it and take a slice and try to chew on it not to swallow it. Few minutes and you will feel the difference , then spit it out. It is easy, tasty and helps.
Gurgling with sea salt and water does wonders to throat too. Then a lot of fluid. Maybe some rest.
Sage; another herb very helpful with it. Make a tea and gurgle for a few minutes at least do it three times a day. The relieve is almost immediate. I wish you all fast recovery.

07-14-2016, 09:51 AM
Here it is; the board editor at lichess: https://en.lichess.org/editor. You could also find it at the menu; tools section.

07-14-2016, 01:21 PM
TY Dahila. I have just followed your instruction re the lemon and will use some Celtic Sea Salt (Grey Salt) now and hydrate before walking out the door for my morning walk. TY heaps for that advice. Much needed.

Also thanks heaps for the link BB ... I finally worked out the below puzzle. See how you go without using the computer to evaluate. In the end I had to flick the evaluation switch a number of times which forced the computer to move and in turn solve the puzzle in two moves:

White to move - MATE IN TWO:
(https://en.lichess.org/analysis/8/4KQ2/8/8/4k3/4P3/1B6/2N5_w_KQkq_-#0)http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/Mate%20in%202_zpsdwiix98y.png (https://en.lichess.org/analysis/8/4KQ2/8/8/4k3/4P3/1B6/2N5_w_KQkq_-#0)

To use computer - click on image, then click on ("local computer evaluation for variation analysis.") switch in upper right hand corner. Now simply move pieces as instructed by the arrows until puzzle solved. AWESOME!!! Thanks again BB.

__________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
For me, this was not an easy puzzle. It's really good to now have the ability to analyse like so. A great tool for distraction as well!!! Just need to balance is all.
Please let me know how you go without using the computer. Now Now ... No cheating! Just kidding. :)

07-14-2016, 01:45 PM
Just heading out the door now - feeling much better now for having solved the puzzle (lol) and throat feeling much better. Thanks guys. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/yes/huge-thumbs-up-smiley-emoticon.gif

07-14-2016, 02:20 PM
This puzzle is tough...

07-14-2016, 02:45 PM
I had to sacrifice my bishop for checkmate! Nope, I couldn't solve it. :(

07-14-2016, 03:10 PM
I have a question regarding that puzzle. My wife Lisa is asking why is the computer so stupid? Someone else might have simply moved the black kind to take the pawn with the bishop having moved like so?

If you are black and seeing the bishop being moved like so, one would think the computer could see itself being checkmated if taking the bishop ... therefore if the pawn can be taken on next move, what not take it to avoid checkmate? Given it's a puzzle and all?

What are we missing when viewing like so? ????

I thought I had answered this before, but now I can't for life of me work out why the black kind does not take the pawn?

07-14-2016, 03:18 PM
arrrrrrrrrrr - I just used the board analyser link you gave me to solve my question.

....... because it's also check mate when the black king takes the pawn with white queen then moving to F4.

SO - I guess when the computer sees it's going to lose by running away ... it has an anxiety attack but then takes the path of least resistance. :) ... or will always choose to go out taking the most pieces it can. I think the later is the case? Would be good to understand the mechanics to make solving these puzzles easier.

Thus far the patter with these Mate in 1-2-3 moves seems to start with forcing the king to move. Care to comment on such patterns or way s of thinking when it comes to approaching these mates in so many moves riddles? I try another one before breakfast. :)

07-14-2016, 03:21 PM
Okay, I took the pawn as black king, and it was still mate in two moves!! :) I guess it just wanted to take more points with that bishop :D

07-14-2016, 03:25 PM
We wrote at the same time about taking the pawn :D

07-14-2016, 03:28 PM
Where did you take this puzzle from??!

07-14-2016, 03:34 PM
No, sorry. I missed something. The king takes the bishop rather than taking the pawn, the trap isn't about the pawn, it is about trapping the king with bishop and the queen, but there is double trap here, to get rid of one trap, the king traps itself in another. There is nowhere the king can run. Only two options... Two traps...

07-14-2016, 04:09 PM
LOL - heading off to make a move then starting my day.

Have a good day D & BB.

07-14-2016, 08:00 PM
I missed your last few posts above. On the fly at the moment. We downloded a chess app onto our smart TV via the Internet. It has a challenge mode with a heap of check mates riddles. I'll post the ones we are struggling with from time to time.

Nice breakdown on the puzzle just posted. TY

07-15-2016, 02:52 PM
Hmmm - I've been wanting to be create a new website dealing with Anxiety & Depression. More so with how to live, accept and more importantly, how to define such realities. I am Just pondering on how to overcome the mind block of that often comes my way when embarking on such large projects.

I figure I will just use this space to flesh an approach with whatever notes. What better place than a forum based on Anxiety & Depression.
__________________________________________________ ________

THE APPROACH: Written by a sufferer for suffers:

In the spirit of reaching broken people I guess it should be inspiring, but not over the top? I think an About Me concept should be used to remind people the author is not really that much different from those seeking to be free of their suffering.

Current Approaches:
Conventional approaches to self help concepts often sell quick solutions that have about as much substance as their adds. If your finding all that fancy technological jargon, testimonials and endless promises more of a trigger than any kind of fix; then you have come to the right place! There will be nothing new on this website that has not already been presented to each and everyone of us. I have no secret, no pillars of wisdom nor scriptural quotes or even a mythical back story that paves the way.

What I can offer ... is a comprehensive outline of exactly what, but more so how what worked for me. A guide aimed at softening the blow to an inescapable reality of accepting what is and moving on from there.

I think I can work with an intro like that. What do you think?

I guess it will be kind of like a Blog as well. A website format though - one with a blog attached. Yea ... that's seems feasible. I do a LOT of things to remain medication free and having a base of operations that not only keeps me on track, but one that is informative would be really cool. I have some really heavy stuff I have to continue living with (as do well all) and figure this could be a good way of seeing me through ... till the very end, whatever that may be.

I think more on this later ... time to walk on it and hopefully not get too soaked in this rainy weather. I might do a long list of atypical things that have been helping with my routine and add to them later as well. Just making notes is all.

First I go check make my chess moves.

Adios, until next post.

07-15-2016, 03:29 PM
Our game in Process. BB V D - A new board I picked up yesterday. Mid sized - Nice & Portable. Wooden board has green felt underneath with wooden pieces.

07-15-2016, 04:39 PM
I like it :)

07-15-2016, 05:08 PM
Sizing the pieces to the board can be problematic when the pieces fill too much of the squares. I like just enough space around the chess pieces to make the squares to stand out. Much easier to see what's going on with the planning that way. Don't you think?

Here is a link to finding the right balance between pieces and the board:
http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/1-2_zpsyqyx1jmo.jpg (http://www.chessusa.com/chess-pieces-size.html)

07-15-2016, 05:20 PM
Good analogy to model our brains on. :)

07-15-2016, 06:07 PM

My chess set :)

07-15-2016, 06:08 PM
Now that is convenient and well balanced. :) Nice holder case as well. Thank you so much for sharing that.

07-15-2016, 06:16 PM
A good set to take anywhere and still be a decent size that makes viewing easy. Seems to roll out pretty flat as well. Nice sized pieces and all. How long have you had it?

07-15-2016, 06:38 PM
I edited it again, is this what you were trying to teach me?? Without the link... I think I had this set about 15 years. With it I learned how to play chess.

07-16-2016, 12:19 AM
Narrr - but you did learn how to use Flickr pretty quick. Good Job! on that. I rarely use a forums hosting app to display my photos. You essentially got the concept of what I meant correct, but I was more meaning how to use Flickr for such a process.

First lets explore WHY we may want to edit the photo links to output to a larger photo. Not every users screen will display the same size pic we see on our screens. That's why I usually select a maximum resolution of approx 1024X which is about the full display size on today's general laptop within a forum text window. If the subject is captured well and takes up most of the picture, a smaller display size of 800px is more than enough. You will eventually work out that having control over how large or small you wish to display a photo can help to give emphasis and or subtly to the points being made. Neatness is also another factor.

I find the forum apps go to the other extreme making the icons too small. If I want to make a small pic so as not to detract from the text, I will usually select a pixel size of around 500 like so:

https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8720/28303321836_44aa1b80c1.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/71988794@N08/28303321836/sizes/o/)

Bare in mind - that large pic is extreme ... Views have an option to click on other sizes above, although many will not know if not regular users ... here is a 1600X option that looks pretty good ... you will have to experiment with the subject and think about what you want your views to see: (the larger size may not always be the best is all)

What we have here is a Game of Thrones Chess set. Lovely is it not? Notice how it's still larger than the tiny little pic that the forum software displays it at. I think it's nice to see the subject even in a small display pic. I think too small is as messy as too big.

SO - that's why I use Flickr and not the forum's app. NOW - the main reason I like to edit the link (sometimes) for a much larger show case photo, is simply to SHOW up nice and close of exactly what's in the pic. Of course the quality of composition during the time of capturing the photo can make or break this method, which is why I have chosen a Subject that whilst looks good as a small pic and makes a point, it also provides a LOT of detailed viewing displayed at it's much larger resolution.

I'll just include the link to another page on the flickr website that displays the above photo at its full resolution. Just click on the photo and it will now load that page. Those using a desktop display with a resolution of 1920X1080 will also have to use the scroll bars to the right hand side and lower page to move the photo about to view all the details.

The result is that people can see a LOT more of what is on offer/displayed and or talked about. So often people neglect such features and of late places like eBay have made changes in their policies with regard to such things so that buyers can see a lot more of what's they intend to buy. That is another story ... yadda yadda

So ... the following is the process on how I do this method: (when I choose to do so)

You already know you to grab a BBCode link from the share Icon:

I specifically resized this demo photo (in Photoshop) to a resolution of 800X so it easily fits into the forum text box. [when I share this photo via Flickr, I will select 800pixles which will be it's original size) It clearly indicates the icon on which to click, in order to reach the BBCode link we need. This is what comes up next:


There are a few options you can select that do different things, however for forum use we will stick with selecting the BBCode TAB as pictured above. A few things to note here. The drop down box allows us to choose the size we wish to display the pic on the forum text box; as I already explained. Your chioce ... but keep in mind how the subject will appear given the composition of your pic and whatever size you choose and how what you wish to achieve using a small pic. Yadda Yadda. NOW:

Lets talk about the actual link (which is only partially displayed) it looks like this: DOH I have already link 4 pics which is max for one post ... (whilst you only see 3 pics, the link I included over the top of the first pic is counted as an additional pic. I explain about the link and how to finish this process in the next post.

07-16-2016, 12:44 AM
Here is what the BBCode link will look like: [The highlighted part is all we need - just cut and past the BBCode into the forum and then delete everything except the text in yellow]

Now ... Normally I would just delete the last two [url] links which display the photo name and my name which would simply have the link look like this:


Whilst having removed irrelevant information that often does not keep uniform, we have kept the image clickable by retaining the flickr page link. BUT - when I want to bypass the usual Flickr page in order to do a close up on LARGE SIZED PICS to show much more in the photos (only works if the original photo is HUGE) >>> we need only coppy over and or delete all the extra urls so we only end up with the highlighted text as above in the 1st demo link:

Once you copy that into the forum text window ... we then have to go back to flickr and view our pic in it's original size. here is how we do that:

Click the Download arrow (next to the share icon) ... then click View all sizes:

Now I have to make one more post due to the 4 pic limit per post ... ; )

07-16-2016, 01:00 AM
We are nearly there ... to arrive at the final destination and grab the link we need to add to the previous link ... just click on the "original" tab as pictured below:


NOW - that you are finally on the Orinal display size (or size you wish to choose) ... we simply just cut and past the web address from our internet browser:
Top of the browser screen:

We just need to take this new link back to our forum post and highlight the previous link ... Whilst highlighted we click on the "LINK" icon in the forum post widow box:

a new window will pop up where you just paste the new viewing link into that. Your pic will now be clickable and will display at it's full size or whatever page you wished it to be seen at.

That my friend is what I meant. Well well ... I have one last pic left ... how's about we make that a smile. :)

edit - If I have left something out or you have any questions .. please feel free to ask. Now I must go for a walk and recharge.

07-16-2016, 01:10 AM
OH -I give one more example of where this process really shines.

Here are two photos that show well the main pieces.

The Starks:
https://c4.staticflickr.com/8/7791/27721150603_60be794ec2_c.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/71988794@N08/27721150603/sizes/k/)

The Lannisters
https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8638/28258621271_6e77867aa8_c.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/71988794@N08/28258621271/sizes/k/)

Lastly I forgot to mention ... depending what text editing mode you are in, if you links turn into pictures whilst editing ... just highlight the pic and then click on the link icon ... if you want to adjust your links but still in picture mode ... you can switch the editing to source mode with will then turn your pics back to text links. That icon is above the Bold one.

Adios ... until next post. ;)

07-16-2016, 04:18 AM
Gene Wilder ... What Kind of God you have:


07-16-2016, 05:27 AM
I understood the other one and didn't this one. Smart one minute, dumb the next. Because my mind only understands what it's going to use, which considers as important, and other things, it just blurs them out. And till I really need it about in connection to something else, I can't even begin to understand it.

07-16-2016, 06:21 AM
That video... Now I understand why you were interested in the rain so much in the book. That's so funny! Everything happens at the right time, but to understand and see this, and benefit from this, it takes a special kind of devotion.

07-16-2016, 04:21 PM
Glad you like the vid and it makes you happy. I really love the way Gene Wilder plays his characters. He was the first actor to play the main role in → Charlie In the Chocolate Facotry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y8aYd9uqFY 1971

I am srry I let my random thoughts get the best of me last night as I spiraled away with my explaining.

I will attempt once more with a simpler explanation. I will do so if not only to teach myself on how to be more concise and to the point.

It's a good example of how we each learn ... in not being afraid to speak out as we only now ... but go back over things and iron out what is not needed. I work once more on that.

Again ... you closing statement finds it mark well. :)

07-16-2016, 04:57 PM
I do not want to upload today to flickr, so just here, Ponder, remember when I was the one who had not know how to add the pic here:)))
I know forgive me; my cabbage, the young one and the shakes I use, on the go.

Something changed here, they are not so small anymore:)


07-16-2016, 05:00 PM
I had turned it and uploaded again:((

07-16-2016, 05:19 PM
My brain is the same about taking in only what it needs to know in order to get what it thinks needs to be done. Information overload comes easy living in a world that plasters info not only on the trees, but also every damn leaf! It's why I have not yet started a web blog like I have been pondering on for ages! I really just need to kick on with it like I do these threads and just let it evolve.

Having said that ... I actually need to learn more about embedding picks and understanding web code. So it is, that I will repeat myself ... but a little more to the point.

I will start with the first part on how to upload to Flickr ... then I will go onto how to share link ... then from there I will explain the part you don't get. You may not want to use the final method ... I would just like to know if you get it is all. Once you do, I will copy and paste this guide in the main and then let it float away. ;)
__________________________________________________ ________________________________

Using Flickr to Embed forum photos:

Uploading to Flickr:

1. Sign up to Flick

2. Click the upload icon on in the top right hand corner of the page (next to the little icon of my smiley face; as displayed in this thread)http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/Capture_zpscr8oupjc.png (http://s181.photobucket.com/user/davekyn/media/Capture_zpscr8oupjc.png.html)

3. Click on Choose Photos & Videos (windows explore will pop up - simply navigate to the file you wish to upload and then click open)

4. You can change the file name and add a description buy clicking under the thumbnail in the context menu. TO UPLOAD - select the blue "upload photo" icon - in the top right hand corner under your profile icon.

Congratulations - That's it! You now know how to upload to Flickr.

Now you should be on a screen displaying your Flikr Gallery. "How to share your photo's in a forum using Flickr" ... Coming Soon. :)

07-16-2016, 05:40 PM
https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8595/27737078134_d9b7949f5b_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Jg2LZ5)20160716_183004 (https://flic.kr/p/Jg2LZ5) by Dahila_ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/66530436@N03/), on Flickr

https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8897/27737078164_bc813e50f2_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Jg2LZA)20160716_183302 (https://flic.kr/p/Jg2LZA) by Dahila_ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/66530436@N03/), on Flickr

https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8628/27737078214_a3efc17bd9_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Jg2M1s)20160716_183338 (https://flic.kr/p/Jg2M1s) by Dahila_ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/66530436@N03/), on Flickr
.................................................: )

07-16-2016, 05:43 PM
I hope it will make you happy :))) I had not forget :)

07-16-2016, 06:07 PM
Dairy free protein ... awesome. It is dairy free is it not? Thanks for sharing that with me ... I actually need to check that out ... cabbage should be a large part of my diet!

Hey ... you just showed me why I use Flikr over forum hosting software. I note the quality of rendering form the forum hosting software to be far less detailed than that of flickrs. The sharpness in detail is MUCH better when view from Flickr compared to when hosted on from the forum.

That alone is my main reason for using Flickr's Light Box Show Case Display ... as well as their "View All Sizes"page which I am in the process of showing how to do.
I maybe include in my introduction of the guide once I join it all together ... lol ... Whatever Dave. I seem to be the only one that picks up on all thise little things. Basically the quality of photos suck when view from forum software. Forums are not built to display pics.

Righto ... The next issue I picked up on with those linked photos from Fickr ... is why to edit and remove the annoying details at the bottom of those pics. Notice how the information is not display in uniform ... it looks messy and the your name being displayed like that is something I can show you how to remove from the links. Possibly why you do not like to use Flickr ... anyways ... it will all be in my guide ... I am just messing in my thread before I link all the relevant info and make it easier to follow.

Using flickr shows much better detail in your pics ... All you need to look for in my guide is how to edit the links.

I'll let you know when I get to that part ... just showing others how to actually get the BBCode ... forum link, from their Flickr Gallery.

Thanks again for sharing ... we talk more on the cabbage for our diets.

07-16-2016, 06:12 PM
How to Embed Your Flickr (https://www.flickr.com) Photos into your forum Posts/Threads:

1. Locate the Flickr photo you wish to share. (if not viewing your contents gallery, locate the tab "photostream")

2. Once located, click on your photo so it displays in a show case gallery also known as a lightbox gallery

3. Now locate and click on the Share Photo Icon: (far bottom left as depicted below) We are looking to cut and past a link.


__________________________________________________ _____________________________________

4. Once in the share link options page → make sure you select the BBCode tab to bring up your forum link! ... then select the resolution in the drop down box (display size) I selected 612X800 ... and then simply left click on the link. It should automatically select all. If not... left click again until the link is fully highlighted ... then right click and select copy.


5. Now go to your forum Page and past in the link ... That's it! You done. Now preview to make sure.
edit ... I got side tracked and skimmed on the last step... be sure to include photo in the final guide ... yadda yadda ... ;)

Coming next ... "How To Edit You Link" - To remove unwanted information that is often gets in the way of text as well as your name which you may not want displayed ... you can also remove the link so the photo displays in the forum without a taking people to your Flickr acount ... I do that guide later ... after that one ... I do a last guide on how to link to Flickrs "View All Sizes"page; more over a specific size you may want the pic to open up at. Once I complete all these guides, I will join them together and post in the main. Hopefully in an easily understood way, so that people will not see sharing like so as a chore but more another way to creatively share ... and do so more effectively that the lacking hosting software in forums more meant for text.

Seriously ... the main reason I use flickr and not the forum app ... is that the quality of photos are far superior when viewed from flickr than when using forum attachments. This is a especially more meaningful for me, when I take time shooting my photos. I've been in this game a long time, and know what I am talking about. The secret is having more control of the display sizes ... yet there is still an edge to be had from a rendering perspective using hosting sights that are meant to display at best qualtiy Vs your run of the mill inbuilt forum apps.

I best get the dishes done, fore Lisa cracks my head. LOL Just kidding. :)

07-16-2016, 07:17 PM
yeah I had done it, now ; it is dairy free , all veggies proteins and everything it is actually vegan no vegetarian. A picture is the best in this situation. This powder my daughter found and I am using it for some time. She is one smart cookie for the staff
https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8786/28072028050_52244de924_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JLCtVC)20160716_210809 (https://flic.kr/p/JLCtVC) by Dahila_ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/66530436@N03/), on Flickr
https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8616/27738321594_731be73a4f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Jg99C3)20160716_210730 (https://flic.kr/p/Jg99C3) by Dahila_ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/66530436@N03/), on Flickr
https://c3.staticflickr.com/8/7304/28072028690_d71df4961c_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JLCu7E)20160716_210713 (https://flic.kr/p/JLCu7E) by Dahila_ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/66530436@N03/), on Flickr
https://c7.staticflickr.com/8/7519/27738323414_60a2640703_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Jg9aaq)20160716_210653 (https://flic.kr/p/Jg9aaq) by Dahila_ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/66530436@N03/), on Flickr

07-16-2016, 07:20 PM
When you look at pics you will see that a portion (the scoop ) contains just 2 g of sugar, when tsp is 5 g and another thing the sweetness is from stevia, Stevia is 100 times sweeter than sugar. I had once it in my garden but dd not survive the winter. One leave into cup of coffee (280-450 ml) was sweet but no too sweet.:)

07-16-2016, 07:21 PM
I know what you are saying. Photography is an art form. And the size and quality are connected to each other. I used to be addicted to http://www.deviantart.com/. I would post my artwork and collect other's pictures and stuff. So now this Flickr is not even close to it. But promise, I will pay attention to your posts. Right now, what I don't get is; how to link to Flickr "View All Sizes" page. These days I am collecting videos on YouTube, mostly all kinds of tutorials, I like learning, not concentrating on photos much lately. I actually added you to my YouTube but I don't know if you noticed...

And I think cabbage is the one vegetable I don't want to eat... I love green vegetables and there is something I love doing, not into cooking much, or eating food that takes a lot of process to be cooked, I love it when potato, eggplant, zucchini, with thick slices in the oven. Or potato and carrots chopped up and boiled without any salt or spice. As long as vegetables are plainly cooked, I love them. Especially broccoli. Mmmm yummy! Very little times I eat a real course with soup and rice and vegetables... I love grilled fish. And I eat meat, I am carnivore and herbivore. And I love smoothies. Sorry, don't really understand about giving a recipe. Mom always tells me I should've been a guy. Maybe she is right.

07-16-2016, 07:23 PM
there is an arrow on the right hand side on the black area on right side of pic, the arrow is pointing down and is underlined (undercut) click on it BB and you will get all sizes:)

07-16-2016, 07:28 PM
By the way, are those pickles?? They look delish! But I can't eat much pickles, they make my teeth hurt!

07-16-2016, 08:31 PM
BB I make dill pickles, they have not vinegar, they contain garlic, horseradish root, a lot of dill and salt, of course water. It is for whole winter:) we eat tons of those

07-16-2016, 08:42 PM
Wonder what would that taste like... :)

07-16-2016, 10:31 PM
I will assist shortly BB ... :) I'm not sure Flickr can be compared to the Deviant Art website. Flickr has the ability to embed photo's into forum posts using BBCode. Deviant Art's website does have many sharing options, however limited when it comes to embedding it's pictures into forums like this. If you know where I can get the BBCode from the Deviant Art Website for its show cased pics, that would be awesome.

Both are very good at what they do. One is more for showcasing photo's whilst the other is more for Art. I am familiar with both. I'm not sure it's a case of either being better than the other just as is the case with this forums ability to host photos Vs eBay's ability to sell items.

I just go with what my eyes see. One sec while I grab my glasses. Now lets take a look.



Be sure to compare the above two with the thumbnail at the very bottom of this post!

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____
My summery of what I actually see - No Bias towards either website as I too often access both:

Straight away I can tell that Flickr reveals more definition in the rocks. If your not quite convinced, I suggest flicking between webpages whilst staring at the artist name and text beneath it. It now looks a little blurred when compared with Flickr.

In this example, I can't help but call give 5 out of 5 to flickr and 3.5 out 5 to Deviant.

Both examples are displayed at the same resolution. The only variant is that I saved the original pic to my desktop then uploaded to flikr (without any editing whatsoever ... if anything one would think there may be a slight degradation. Flikr is well known for it's rendering when display pics. It's just a matter on knowing of such things or spending years with an interest to look for the very fine details.

What's more interesting and gives me self-validation is to compare the "thumbnail below image attached/hosted by this forum with the above two links. I flicked forward from Flikr to Deviant Art and then finally to the forums display page. As I flicked backwards and forwards, I could see a steady improvement across all three picks going one way, and then I saw a steady a degradation going the other. Again, I think this well illastraights the my point regarding the quality of displayed rendering from one website to another.

Lets try a larger pic and also more of an artsy one that does not require as many fine pixels ... or at least more forgiving.



I won't even bother using the forum hosting attachment feature for this one, although it could do a better job than the previous "photo" as digital art is more forgiving as such a medium spreads digital noise very well. In fact, long story short, to my eye there is very little different. Even the fine dimples in the leather seat are identical in each picture ... even the digital noise itself (very find dots as color washes from one into the other on a pixel scale) is almost a perfect copy.

Conclusion -For photo's Photo's - Flickr wins hands down. We could further complicate the issue talking about original file sizes being resized ... however this example uses the same photo at the same size. I believe Flickr's advantage comes in the up-scaling during it's uploading phase. Again, I don't want to over complicate the issue as I feel this test provided shows the difference when it comes to photos being rendered for display. Clearly the forums ability to retain image quality is not a priority when it comes to it's attachments and display.

Another important factor is also Flckr's ability to not only resize but also link to a full size image of your choice without the need to magnify. IMO, Such control allows for more creativity and presents less hassle for the view when utilized to match the purpose of come the the posters point ... whatever that may be.

Yadda Yadda ...

Again ... I'm just going by what my eyes sees and exploiting Flickr for all it's ability. Deviant Art Rocks! ... but it's not the same thing and not meant for sharing photos or pics in forums that use BBCode like these. At least we now know without a doubt, how up-scaling works when hosting images. Facebook SUCKS big time with it comes to Cover Pics. In such cases it's best to save your pics in a "png" bilinear format below below 100kb and or adopt other tricks ... but that's another story.

Now let me think on how to explain the linking process to get real creative with sharing our pick ... Hmmm ... LINKS ... editing Links ... that's what I was going to do hey? ... I do that soon. Maybe I go for another walk ...

Peace Out Guys.

Edit ... one more test ... now I want to see how the winning BBCode Embeding Link holds up when display across the web:

Cool - just as I thought ... flick between the below Deviant Art Link (http://philippe-albanel.deviantart.com/art/Iodine-616591211)and this page to compare ... Can you see what I mean?

07-16-2016, 10:45 PM
Yes I can see what you mean, just not into embedding photos to forums, deviantart was never about a forum, it was like a different world for me when I needed it. I guess I don't need it anymore. I am trying to figure out what I need right now... This is your specialty, and I like this about you.

07-16-2016, 10:52 PM
Smiles ... of course. I'm making a point to myself others BB
Would you care to share some of your art? Just link me ... that's good enough ... OR ... upload to flickr and embed here. LOL. :)

07-16-2016, 10:56 PM
__________________________________________________ __________________

Your Move. :)


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07-16-2016, 11:07 PM

Did you see some of my art attempts? I tried my hand at some sketching and pastels last year. If you click on the images, when you arrive at the Flickr site, just hit the thumbnail arrows below the picture displayed there and you will see some of my records of that "phase" then :)

Dahila inspired my creative side. I was receiving help with spacing/spacial ... when I received a Wacom Pen and tablet ... and tried my hand at digit art. I see if I can find that .. hmmm.

https://c6.staticflickr.com/1/535/20420700861_2d4ce1a40f_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/x7vqVk)

https://c6.staticflickr.com/1/430/20295607709_ca3aa560be_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/wVsi5R)


07-16-2016, 11:23 PM

I found my first Digital Painting Effort ... I did this using a Wacom Pen and Tablet:
Remember this one Dahila ???

https://c5.staticflickr.com/8/7313/13234907484_d2f1c24a9d_c.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/71988794@N08/13234907484/sizes/l)

The following is a photo of my setup when I was practicing with the Wacom Tablet:

https://c1.staticflickr.com/6/5515/12811041024_6033bcc389_z.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/71988794@N08/12811041024/sizes/o/)

_____________________________ I built that computer and many others :) _____________________________

It was probably the best piece of art work I did. I ended up giving it to my mother shortly before my brother killed himself and then I cut ties with my mum after that. The good thing with art is how it can hold the image of our desire long after we are gone.

07-16-2016, 11:27 PM
Dahila - Thx for the chat today ... I also read back over my sunday posts here in this thread to see the variety of foods your eating. I was looking for horse radish today. You really are the queen of healthy variety and also herbs! :)

07-16-2016, 11:45 PM
Sorry, I got rid of them, every painting and poems and stories... Even burned my photos and erased the rest from my computer. All I have left is photos with me in it. I think I need to stay away from the forum for a while, don't worry okay. I need to focus on reading a little, and myself. I am a mess right now. So, bye for now.

07-17-2016, 12:10 AM
OK - I know how that goes. I will be here, hoping you return.

07-17-2016, 04:46 AM
Lisa picked this up today for $5au - Less than 3 British Pounds:

http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/Biosnacky_Mini_Greenhouse_2__45536.1407468975.1280 _zpsgojfrowq.png (http://sprout.net.au/biosnacky-domed-sprouter.html)

I'll have to work something out for the filter papers as I'm having trouble locating the original sheets. All the same I will work something out. Yet another tool for the plant based living. Also scored this awesome book with it:

http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/steve_meyerowitz_sprouts_book_front_zpsjpblipnu.jp g (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/978605.Sprouts)

The book was first published in 1983 (33 years ago as of 2016) - this is the 6th edition published in 1999.

Apparently the young ones think he is too eccentric. I think I will understand his passion and spasmodic thinking quite well!!! I look forward to reading his comprehensive book regardless of those who struggle with his attention to detail. People really are too lazy to learn for themselves these days. If they don't have time, then sprouting is not really for them.

Sadly he met with an untimely death in a head on car accident.

I look forward to making time for this next phase of me raw eating:
HEALING WITH SPROUTS (http://vitalitymagazine.com/article/healing-with-sprouts/)

This concludes my Sunday Sharing on AF ;)
Have a nice day.

07-17-2016, 08:24 AM
Yes I remember the rose and the awful person attached who was kind of stalking me. Sprouts they are awesome. I was looking for this thingy to use for sprouting but can not find it.
Herbs I do love them on my skin and into my stomach:))
Have you seen all the dill I added?
Ok ; I lightly fry, very lightly so it is shiny, onion finely chopped and then add a bit of salt and a lot of pepper, black ground pepper, a lot of fresh dill but it on the end of cooking. It cooks about 30 min, I would like half of that time but my man refused to eat half raw veggies. it is kind of sweet. I know you avoid milk products, I use 40 ml of milk and it is home 3.2% not the artificial 2,1 or 0 percent, for my daily cappuccino. I got the machine from my friend Martello and the milk frother :)
but I do add a tbsp of sour cream to the cabbage:) It is delicious, I eat it without anything. My DH uses it as veggies when he eats meat. Only very young and new cabbage will taste like spring:)
When I am done with picles (7 hours probably) I will upload pic)
Yeah why did you stop the art? I thought you could find your peace in it?
Filter paper, use the coffee paper filters, but I use cheese clothes, it is not expensive. I cut it in smaller pieces.

07-17-2016, 01:07 PM
I actually missed that tub of dills. Nice ... Did you say your going to do with without using a vinegar or did you mean a strong vinegar mix? Other than Organic Aple Cider Vinegar, I try to avoid Vinegar in general as my skin seems to react to it. Did I had another look at the plant based protein. That kind of thing costs an arm and a leg over here. Thanks for filling me in on the cabbage recipe. I am going to cold press some in a minute actually.

Thanks ever so much for taking the time to explain your ingredients and method there. Sounds like a real treat!

There was too much going on around the time of the art, or too much started to happen as I was getting into. So I decided I would pick it up another time when my adult children grow up some and are not so reliant. Perhaps when I am 70. : )

Stalking - ?????? ... do you have religious family members that stalk your posts too? lol, just kidding. :)

__________________________________________________ ______________

Here is what I am having before hitting the gym:

Cold Press Juice -Carrots, Ginger, Beat & leaves, Silver Beat, Broccoli, (Apple,Pear and Cabbage [under the Chard])

http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/Web%20Sized_zpsbufss03d.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/71988794@N08/28088870330/sizes/o/)

07-17-2016, 02:22 PM
My Gym Music for this morning: :)


Simply Beautiful.

I just bought my youngest daughter a MP3 BOOM BOX; except it's meant for easing the monkey mind that comes from wallowing in loneliness. We all know what that is like. Music without words is very powerful. It's worth posting on actually ... breaking a negative atmosphere that often swallows one whole if we continue to live in such darkness. I know the little one will sense the benefits as well. Time to keep searching for more vibes like it.

Have a good evening folks.

07-17-2016, 03:55 PM
My dill cuces are covered with salty water no vinegar in my cooking. If I need acid I use lemon:)) I will take a pic when done but the ingredients; cucumbers; small ones, garlic, dry dill, horseradish root, salt and filltered boiled water. That's all
oh can you make one smoothie for me, please:)

07-17-2016, 04:05 PM
Yes please ... would love to see the results.

I just made a smoothing ... lol ... My morning base meal after the cold press green juice ... Gym workout done, now I am off for a brisk walk:

250ml Unsweetened Almond Milk, One Free Range Raw Egg, Flax Seed, Spirulina - (seaweed/algae powder), Raw Honey, 5 small dates and a Banana.
https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8893/28271083662_a7c4cf0716_z.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/71988794@N08/28271083662/sizes/o/)

07-17-2016, 06:01 PM
https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8154/28297969981_0fcdf251b3_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/K7AuAa)
https://c2.staticflickr.com/9/8799/27761045113_28e337cb8c_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Ji9BwR)
https://c2.staticflickr.com/9/8730/27761047113_1bda712d65_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Ji9C8k)
https://c4.staticflickr.com/9/8227/28297968171_d4627de290_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/K7Au3X)

how does it look, now? thanks a lot D you are a jewel

07-17-2016, 06:06 PM
[url=https://flic.kr/p/K7Atst]https://c4.staticflickr.com/9/8596/28297966171_b42332408a_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Ji9ARH)
I poured very hot salty water over it, we made is tight with the foil, then put upside down to make sure that none is leaking. After they close, and the water is cool they go to basement, the coolest place in house. They will last up to two years, but first year is the best, later on they are just too sour , good for soup though. I also make some for now, in the bucket, and I love the ones after two days, they change the color and still are salty (I know not good for me) Salt garlic and horseradish conserve them, but do not cut on fermentation process. Horseradish root keep the hard and spicy a bit:)) different leaves or roots can be used for it; ie cherry leave, or raspberry leave:))
The white long strings that horseradish. garlic dill and salty water. that all>
somehow they uploaded from the last one to first, so go to next post and see the lowest pic then go up. I hope my explanation is clear enough

07-17-2016, 07:12 PM
Excellent information! Your explanation could not be clearer. I'm avoiding salt, but I guess it has to be a better way to ingest than poring it all over food. I LOVE pickled cucumber, however I can't say I have had them like yours. They look and sound awesome. :) YOUR STOVE IS AWESOME TOO!!!!

You took some really good photos there ... I Favorited 3 of them.
__________________________________________________ ____

In case you would like to embed photos without all that info trailing off to the side ... delete the last two [url]'s after you paste your Flickr link in:
ei: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/delete%20last%20two%20urls_zpswfcxzfxh.png

Once highlighted, just hit delete. You get used to it after a while. Just start with the 1st URL of the IMG tag. Then you only have the photo, yet it's still clickable and will take them to the gallery at any rate.

I said I would show the above, now I have. I stop babbling about it now. Thx again for showing me that awesome setup with the dills. This time I envy you. :)

07-17-2016, 07:58 PM
have you notice the splash back I had finally got? he did it. I love my stove, it is convention stove so bread or anything else comes out perfect. Now i need to learn how to bake sweet potato (Yams) and get it crispy.
I can eat cukes all the time, my favorite veggie, low calories, and fresh taste sweet, gives you a lot of water, and goes nice with everything. It is my favorite snack. I do not buy it on winter (fresh one) due it coming from USa heavy using of Round up, does not good to body:)
Now seeing your set up the smoothie I am not surprise you look so good. I have problem to eat raw eggs , but I had back home......... eh propaganda here mashes my brain, this is bad, that is bad, when I had switched to butter my doc almost got heart attack....................now I do not use it, cause I do not eat bread or sandwiches
you see BB run off, no one can follow us:))

btw I try to limit salt but I think my body require it, the craving is incredible, however I rather use a lot of garlic and herbs , so salt is just a bit. I do not like sweet things though
Bitter and salty

07-17-2016, 09:23 PM
Yea, I hear a lot of raw food gurus talking about the benefits of juicing with cucumbers as well. I have started eating more in my salads. I can't help but encourage you with your efforts to continue to hold strong with the no more eating bread and butter. Whilst it was without a doubt giving up junk food that got Lisa and I onto the right path of making our weigh loss program a way of life/life style, it was the giving up of bread and butter that really helped us break a plateau. I know well how that produce rates on the scale of addictions! Trust me when I say "It does get easier" - but you have to go cold turkey for quite some time before you can allow yourself even the smallest of slices ... I rarely touch bread these days. I know how fattening it really is. No matter how healthy one claims it to be.

You sound in tune with your food. It's a good way to be. I still make slips here and there, but they are not bad ones. Just be careful not to mistake cravings for ones addiction. I have come to see how easily I reason my cravings so that I feel better cooking and or adding salt. I get what you mean, and yes, I have heard it said that our bodies crave what it needs, but that is also a popular saying for giving in. Just saying is all. :)

You also can't beat moderation Vs energy expenditure. I think I will try upping my fruits - but not feeling so bad. I am still getting up every morning between 4 and 5am then walking 1 hour and do gym every second day. Living like so without the need to eat meat. I don't even eat sweet potatoes and my intake of soaked brown rice has gone down to about 1 cup a week. LOL ... Go figure hey. According to what most people are lead to believe, I should not be pumping weights! I do need to eat a lot of other things to make up for it though and it requires a bit of research to be in the know ... but it's true ... anyone can live on a plant based diet ... My Blood Type O ... does not seem to be hold me back. Let's just see how I go as the months role on.

Believe me ... people are fed all sorts of bullshit when it comes to what they should or should no eat. I simply do and experiment myself. After I had my green juice this morning on an empty stomach I was ready to go to the gym ... later when I got back, the smoothie kept me going till lunch ... which again was a NO NO ... two Veggie Sushi Rolls ( NOT FRIED YUK YUK!!!) Half the stuff that vegans and vegetarians eat is actually VERY unhealthy ... process to the hilt! I am no puritan, but I no what is not healthy and what less toxic. The sushi rolls whilst still full of sweeteners ... is a less toxic choice when caught outside with no home made food or esky. I should of just gone and grabbed a salad from the grocery store, but Lisa does not feel comfortable with me eating out of a plastic bag in the food courts. LOL I do so when she is not with me. I care less what others think ... I enjoy the feeling of staying light.

Srry for the ramble ... I go some things I need to research.

I am really pleased that you are doing your best re the Bread and butter ... that is awesome news. I love challenges ... giving up food presents a bunch and the more wins I have, the lighter I feel. Seriously ... even when not being so active, there are still many choices we can make to improve our lives!

I'm srry if it was anything I said or me just appearing obnoxious in my seeming manic researching states ... that's just me ... you know that hey? I love jumping head first into topics that please me ... it helps to keep me stable. I might seem eccentric, but I like eccentric people. I mean not to miss other peoples posts when I get on a tangent. Srry about that too. I don't know what happened, I think maybe it's not so much us, but in saying that ... your right that it's happened now more than once. I guess it is the nature of online forums. Is good how we can persist like so

I think I do another camp soon.

Keep on keeping on everyone. Find things you like to do and don't wallow in those things that make you feel low.

Peace Out. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/happy/crazy-happy-smiley-emoticon.gif
EDIT - awesome ... you followed my instructions. Cool ... your a programmer now. :)

07-18-2016, 07:37 AM
heheeeeeeeeeeee thanks D. Yeah I thought giving bread is going to be difficult but actually it was not, For a month , I do not eat bread. The key to my strategy is make my portion 70% smaller, It does a trick. I try to eat small something at least 5 times a day but not always it is possible. Yesterday we went house hunting and instead of two hours it took four. then the pickles. eh.
you are absolutely right with raw food. got to go to pick up my grandchild, see you later :))

07-18-2016, 04:09 PM
Yeah, I didn't leave. I am just trying to figure out why everything in my life is causing me anxiety. Why I can't have control over anything. Until I figure things out, whatever this is I can't let myself see, there is nothing else I can write about here. Those pickles look lovely by the way...

07-18-2016, 05:37 PM
Glad to see you pop in at any rate. Hang in there BB - Talking about other things not related can help. Sometimes it's hard not to talk about those things that drag us down, simply because it's just so easy to cling to the depressive feeling even if we struggle to find words. Is best to find words that come easy and not focus too hard on those that don't.

Acknowledge the desire to cling and learn about that instead of trying to nail the conditions themselves. That was one key of many but very crucial in my moving on ... as well as finding space to which then coming back allows one to write about the same things, but in a much more conducive state, less taxing and more healing way.

Does that make sense?

07-18-2016, 05:38 PM
BB I had spend years trying to figure it out. In my humble opinion, the best action in this situation is no action. Try to accept it, you are very sensitive and this is the way you are. Of course overgeneralizing is not good.
I am very happy you did not leave:) I am!
Yesterday I tried to distract myself with pickles, they are so good :) and it did not work, I had a major panic attack , it lasted for hours, could not sleep half of night. We went to see the property and it is enough for me to get all anxious. Then I was expecting my grandchild today, it was probably another reason for it. I could not stop worrying.............but it passed and I am fine today.
Life is good again.
I need to tell you that I am never completely relaxed. As long as I can function, I am happy.
Not watered garden will cause serious anxiety attack........, this is what Ponder is trying to say; let it go, live here, right now, enjoy the moment, in the other words; stop and start smelling the roses.
BB we all are anxious all the time, it is important how we respond to stress. This is why so much work and distraction, is required ...........eh just forgive me my rusty language skill

07-18-2016, 05:38 PM
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we wrote at the same time D:) 1 minute of difference

07-18-2016, 05:44 PM
just finished editing mine :) I am doing my eBay photos so can't really chat. Lisa is the Boss of that Job (keeps me motivated to make a few bucks - I like it that way) ... I just do. BUT ... Look forward to catching up soon. I just want BB to feel as welcome as possible and let her know that we are here and barracking for her too.

It's true BB ... We are. :)

I best get back to work ... O OH ... Here comes the car. lol ... Lisa loves me. I am just acting like reality TV is all.

Catch up soon guys.

07-18-2016, 05:46 PM
Do not worry , we chat when we chat :)) heheeeeeeeeeeee it made me happy to see you posting at the same time I had done, Hello to Boss:))

07-18-2016, 06:15 PM
Yes I know, it's just it feels like every time I come face to face with something I don't understand and fear, I am going to lose my mind... Every time I go through this, and I manage to overcome it. It's never over like you both are saying. But thank you. These days are very hard for me...

07-18-2016, 06:58 PM
Please understand BB that I meant not to imply that it's ever a case "of being over" and I think Dahila actually mentioned that it never ends. In actuality I have come to find that we should accept that suffering is part of life. It is in that acceptance that we suffer less. Again - I highlight how it is the focus on suffering that creates more pain where otherwise none would be. That is why moving on is so important. To move on without thought of what has past or what is coming. Just move to what comes next, as in what you can see.

It's all in the experience which is why none of us can really tell the other what to do, other than perhaps do our best to guide. Some people do not like the day by day analogy, whilst others thrive on it. I have come to learn from goal setting, whilst at the same time adopt zen like policies that only deal in the now. The only way I have come to find balance is first by coming to see just what an addiction clinging to depression really be. The next step is to treat is like all addictions. STOP doing what makes it worse, and where depression is concerned, start building less negative experiences. I say less negative, because positive is not something a person in a depressive state is ready to deal with ... not clinically depressed people who are addicted to moaning, complaining and so on.

The coming to see the addition is the first step to over coming denial which is often seen as incessant reasoning ... Logic being the flag flown in defiance over coming to terms with self. Self acceptance. Logic has it's place in the word, but is as much a stumbling block as depression itself.

So you get it ... what comes next. How to overcome that compulsion that's been ingrained for so many years. The compulsion to focus on the only thing we know so well ... pain and suffering. Yep ... It is to understand the process of how our brains have been wired for pain. Emotion is such a complex thing which is why we needs moments ... long moments without even a thought. AKA Meditation ... take work and practice, but need not be an arduous affair.

That book I found / you found ... The Proactive 12 steps ... hits the nail on the head with regards on how to start off. Find something to look forward too. The trick is not to be focused in the future with the image of doing, however that is part of the process ... the key is to hold that feeling in the now that comes when you discover something that you and you alone can do!!!

YEAAAA I GOT IT!!!! I can start taking photos again. That will do that trick. I don't care I deleted all those files or sold my pro DSLR ... I have a little compact camera that can do the job, I got a tripod still and I also got the time ... maybe I can put those photos in my blog? YEA ... sounds like a plan ...

You see how it works ... I start to feel good even though I am not yet in the future doing my thing. It is how we hold the thoughts that count ... and how we seek to find experiences and work with what we have. (If we hold the thoughts right and balance out the doing and focus on what matters and be kind to ourselves and overs ... Our intended thoughts tend to come to fruition which instills and consolidates that positive way in which we aim to think - our self empowerment if you will - and will it with good intent) This is why it is so toxic to believe in all those BS advertisements that want us to believe we need more than what we have, or should feel a certain way because of how we look. (I seek not to sculpt my body with healthy eating and exercise as my primary aim, but more so to feel less pain knowing full well that I and everyone on the planet will age and die. I wish to do so having lived somewhat free and meet my end with dignity) They are more addictions ingrained into our thinking patterns that make us slaves.

There is nothing more empowering than learning how to make the most of what one already has. Can you draw? Then why not draw? Can you walk, then why not walk? Can you read, then why not read? Can you hear, then why not listen, Can you see, then why not observe? .... and so on. Just find something ... one thing that you can look forward to in the day (something within your means - no onese elses or anything! - {less is best}) ... it may not even consist of doing anything ... for many, the ability to do nothing is a dream!

Yes - suffering will always be with us, but how we choose to act, is entirely up to us ... and we are much more powerful than we are lead to believe!!! MUCH MORE!

Focus on what it is that you can do, rather than keep repeating what it is that you cannot. Break the pattern and discover just how much you really have to be thankful for. Once you know discover how easy it really it, be warned is can be frustrating as when you go to guide others, they will often resist.

It never ends ... and once you see the big picture, you will also come to understand why that is. Just as it is easy to hear others and or be heard; ultimately we need to be the ones that hear ourselves. All in good time ... all in good time.

I say one last time:
Focus on what it is that you can do, rather than keep repeating what it is that you cannot. Break the pattern and discover just how much you really have to be thankful for. :)

Maybe just play chess for a while and forgot about all esle. Srry If I am making things worse ... I'm just trying to help.
__________________________________________________ _______________

OK compulsive editing done ... back to work with the photo editing, then email for the next step of writing up the adds.

07-18-2016, 07:24 PM
I think I need to share something with you. It helped and help me so often

Imagine 40 years ago I went with my husband (he is a musician) to the sea. We put up the tent on the beech....... I remember the sunset just before it was out, he was playing on flute my favorite song.......I was just sitting on the sand, looking at the waves ...........
Oh gosh I felt happy then, I told my self that I do not need to anything else, the sound of waves, the sound of music, warmness on my skin, perfect happiness and fulfillment.
I caught this precious moment, and I will have it to the end of my life. Every time, like yesterday, when I despair, I close my eyes and listen to the sounds. I move back there...... It gives me the same happiness, as 40 years ago. My anxiety was also awful at this time, I had always had mood swings, from depression or deep sadness to feeling at least good for a short time...
You are not bound to do anything BB, find a moment, even short moment of happiness and focus on emotion. Keep it close to your heart.
I must be crazy because the same kind of happiness i feel when humminbirds come to my garden, :) Mr Ponder gave you a very good post, Read it please and focus on it, try it. You can be anyone, and do anything you desire

07-18-2016, 08:02 PM
No I didn't say you meant something wrong. Don't worry. You are not making it worse, you know what is happening where I live, that's making me worse. It just brought out things I couldn't face before. Now I am trying to. To try to see something I kept boxed up in denial for so long takes some time to make sense. I am trying to talk through this fog right now, please no one misunderstand anything. It's all good. When this happens I try not to talk to anyone, because in this fog, it is really hard to make sense of anything. But somehow I keep coming back here. Because I feel welcome. I wanted to stay away because I can't find the right words to help anyone right now. Because I need the help. I just want to understand and help, but I can't. Like I said, mess...

Don't worry, I used to repeat things but now it is different, I can't explain it. Now it is like all the things I didn't understand before, they force me to see and understand them. Not really repeating, it is more like finally going through the darkness and letting the pieces of it go one by one to reach full acceptance. I have no clue, how did I manage to not understand anything up to this point. So, I am making up for it now. I am not mad, not any more. I am just trying to make sense, because I really want to live, not just survive.

I was not really into taking photos, because that would mean overcoming my issue of standing alone with a camera on my hands and feeling insecure. No. I used to draw. And take photos of my drawings and put them on the net. People would tell me I was very good at it. But I couldn't continue, with my muscles and all, shaky hands. Whatever, I will start doing them again, no more shaky hands, but now every time I want to do something I used to do, everything starts to blur. It's like I am making a mistake and I will hurt myself or something. That's why I keep trying to find other things to do most of the time. I have to face this fear sooner or later.

No, I don't want more than I am, not any more. I am understanding this more and more every day. But who am I? How will I keep myself together in a toxic environment, where nothing is what it seems. All I care is being more open and honest with myself. But everything is telling me to hide, so I will not get hurt. I have come a long way, everyone who sees me admits that. But what they don't know is, there is still a long way to go. And I am scared shitless that this is pointless and I will never reach my destination. It's definitely one of those times that I want to just stop struggling and sink into the water. But I never do, I keep trying. Because I find bits and pieces of serenity in between my problems and they give me enough hope to continue my journey.

07-18-2016, 08:06 PM
Thanks Dahila, I love the sound of birds, the waves... I listen too...

07-19-2016, 03:04 AM
This guy can help ... all we need ... is to be willing to let go. Check out the book description:

Wherever You Go, There You Are (http://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/books/reviews/view/3241)
By Jon Kabat-Zinn (http://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/search?author_first=Jon&author_last=Kabat-Zinn)

I will go one further - you don't even need to be in the mood to read. This guys have a very very easy voice to listen to as well. Here is the whole book. I downloaded it. I only had it in sections ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... so this was a good find for me as well:


Before I explain in detail for others on how to download this, here is a 3 minute clip on the Author talking about Letting Go:

http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/Letting%20go_zpswayynohn.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HE60Hk786Lw)

__________________________________________________ _________________

For those interested in downloading videos and or ripping the sound track that is longer than 20 minutes and don't want the hassle of downloading malware, I will show you how easy it is via a free online media recorder - known as Clip Converter: (http://www.clipconverter.cc/)

I often forget the process of ripping mp3s because if you don't hit the right buttons in the right order it just downloads the video which I often do not want. I prefer mp3 because the file size is much smaller and I only need sound when listening to self help messages whilst out walking ... or any podcast like methods. I still use clip converter for tutorials and the like ... but mostly for mp3s. Many other places will not convert more than 20 minutes. Sometimes this site will have issues if the music is copyrighted.

The following is a picture guide on the exact method I use to rip mp3 from vids at this sight ... please read instructions below that to get it right. If you don't do it right, you'll end up with a video file and or possible nothing at all:



Copy the YouTube url into the clip converter url box
Click Continue Click ... THEN → MP3 (warning - make sure you hit continue, before you hit MP3!)
Then Click Start
On the next page You simply click Download.
A new page will pop up – close it immediately.
Your browser should now be in the process of downloading for you.

I hope you find this guy interesting. I do believe Dahila loves this guy :)

07-19-2016, 03:22 AM
Using the YouTube Filter for skimming your favorite Self Help Teachers. This is a tip that many of you already probably know, however I share it anyways. Sometimes I don't have the time or the stamina to keep up with all the great insights available on the web. So I find dropping down the filter box under the youtube search bar and selecting under 4 minutes a really great way to get to the point in a lot of messages. It's important to note that not everything you hear will be easily understood. Often insight takes a lot of effort and exposure on our part to really take in. This is why I will often search those authors of whose books I know well. Typically ones I have listened to over and over and over again. So it is, that when I want a quick boost or just want to get to know what someone or what a topic is about, I will often got the the youtube filter and select under 4 minutes with my favorite authors and or topics in mind.


Here is a quick one I found that you might understand Dahila, but not so much for others who have not yet read or heard a few of his books: "A scientific approach to not knowing at all." ... I love this guy too. It's his messages that often keep me grounded with regards to those recovery methods that harp on goal setting as the primary means as too always drumming in to be "Better" (more than we already are ... the secrets and all those other over the top manipulative emotive sales pitching techniques . yadda yadda ... you get the drill)

I find much in all processes, but this guy... he is the master of letting go!


07-19-2016, 11:13 AM
Nice, my converter is; http://youtubeinmp4.com/. When you copy paste YouTube link to the blank space, you press the button Download MP4, another page opens and you can choose to either download video format .mp4 or audio format .mp3, because my phone supports playing this site's mp4 files, I use the MP4 button.

If you press .mp3 button, there is another site opens, you could use this site, it is nice also, if the format you are looking for is .mp3, since that is what I use. http://www.youtubeinmp3.com/. You could directly open this, and copy paste the YouTube link in the blank space, and press Download MP3 button, and another page opens and you hit the Download MP3 button at the top of the page. And save the file.

A little dry explanation maybe, but these websites are easy.

Do you know a website that edits videos but not something easy, something advanced? And for free? I am tired of looking for a free app. I have a converter app in my computer, but I want to do more than converting videos, sound and colour fixing, splitting, and more... If I start shooting videos for fun, I want something there first.

And I will listen to the video you posted, I will definitely comment on them, and do some reading of other things. I think I am close to understanding what I couldn't see before.

07-19-2016, 01:26 PM
I like the coconut example. I think in "The Mentalist", Patrick Jane trapped the thief once in a convenience store, he gave him a pack of cigarettes or something through the opening of the glass wall, when he grabbed it, he couldn't take back his hand because his fist was too big through the opening. I guess the guy had a monkey brain since he wouldn't let go and he was trapped :D

I feel sleepy, I don't think I can find this book for free. Not a fan of audio books. I have a visual mind.

07-19-2016, 01:42 PM
Wait, I found it. I'll start reading it.

07-19-2016, 03:00 PM
I will have to reply in full after ... I just wanted to ask could you link me to the book you found please. I found some pdfs, but they are not the full book. Just in a rush right now ... I will read your responses in detail later.

Hope this finds you and Dahila well.

07-19-2016, 03:21 PM
Sorry people, didn't want to cause anxiety attacks... What was I thinking talking about free stuff here...

Edit... Edit... Edit... Edit... Edit... Edit... Edit...

07-19-2016, 05:43 PM
I have an audio book and I enjoy it so much, No secret here, I love Jon Kabat Zinn

07-19-2016, 09:59 PM
Great links. Thanks BB. In your own time with all that other stuff. That's why I should stick to linking short videos. Srry I only use Adobe software on my computer like adobe after effects for video editing .... I do very basic stuff. Having said that though, I do not know of anything FREE online that does it. I once did use a free program called Nandub.

Linux has a good prgam called one shot. I have Linux on a partition and often use it as a my goto for open source software.

Feeling tired today ... I helped a family move house with my trailer. Saved them a couple of hundred bucks. I did it for 10. lol Was part of my PEERHAPS organisation helping those who need it.

My computer chess set arrived today. It felt good helping others then coming home to my chess set arriving. :)

I take photo when I have recharged.

A moderator at the weight loss forum crashed my thread and started praising Jesus and letting me know who she was. I let her know what I thought of her tactless entry and am no longer a forum member there now.

Like I said ... I need to recharge.

Back soon - LOL.

07-19-2016, 11:13 PM
Here it is - My new companion :) ... "Companion 1200 Chess Computer (http://www.spacious-mind.com/html/companion_version_a.html):"

http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/Companion%20Computer%20Chess%20Set_zpsd0rgzynz.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/71988794@N08/28346629791/sizes/o/)

Runs on 2XAA

I got it for about $37:00 Australian dollars = 36.14 Canadian Dollar = 84.51 Turkish Lira. It's in very good condition as you can see. I'm very happy with my new companion. :)

07-20-2016, 09:11 AM
hi guys. I am not posting anything beside warning. Bb i do not know where you live but downloading torrents, even linking them on forum , can get you in trouble, especially if you live in States and do not use VPN. However you probably register here on your ip and it is still in file. Just be careful:))
Nothing is for free in this world, very soon oxygen will be limited too, to the ones who pay.........

07-20-2016, 11:39 AM
Water is not for free why should air be? They pollute everything for more money and then ask for purification price.

Sorry about the weight loss forum...

07-20-2016, 01:39 PM
I am not afraid. I've been jailed for less. I welcome such action. It makes for a great story in this part of the world and goes a long way to seeing hackers rise above such oppression.

Just PM the actual links, however I'm open to discuss such sources in a round about way. Like I say, arrest me. See if I care! No offense Dahila, but I will not be controlled like so.

Thanks for the book. I'm sure Jon-kabat could care less and in all likelihood is happy for some to have it in said fashion rather than not.

So come on cunts ... you want to lock me up? COME THE FUCK ON?

Just PM email address ... the finner details. But do please know that I could give two fucks about such authoritarians. GO FUCK YOURSELVES. I find it more frustrating that others are so easily controlled is all. None the less D is correct about not being so forth coming. Thx all the same.

I want to make a Vlog, so perhaps that would be an excellent topic. I could invite the system to come hang me. ;)

07-20-2016, 01:48 PM
Man, you are as crazy as me! I LOVE that!!! Fuck the system! :D

Cool, with this post, I am the senior member!

07-20-2016, 01:50 PM
Well in my city guy was fined with 10.000 for tormenting. You know me enough, I have everything as you know. I am just saying I would not last a day in jail or on the street when I would be forced out of my house....... I am against too, it is denying our personal freedom, but the world is such unfair place ..........Rich can care the least, people like me.........I have to give the insurance every sale I made otherwise they will not insure what I do make. The province I live in is the most expensive one............
jon Kabat could give his autorization to big torrent but no, why?
It is all about money

07-20-2016, 01:56 PM
You wonder where I live, sure. I live in Turkey. And yeah, everything is about fucking money! I am sure that if they take my house from me, or they put me to fucking jail, I am sure it will not be about fucking torrents. And yeah, I wouldn't last in the streets or in jail either... But who cares about me, all they care about is their money! I would continue about this fucking stupid fucked up life we have here, but what's the fucking point! Everyone is going insane, but who cares about us! Who fucking cares about us!!!!!!!!!

07-20-2016, 01:59 PM
I refuse to work because of that system (as too it fucked me up) called tax as too the oppressive way in which we are controlled. Just because I might have to bend over and be fucked up the ass does not mean I should cry for the same to happen to others.

I appreciate where your coming from D. I just woke up and yet to correct the typos I posted from my bed/phone. After I do that I am heading out the door to walk around the suburbs with a hiking pack. Funny how we even give a fuck if the things we even ware are to be of acceptance or not. Fuck what others think! i am over the fucking squabbling and thought patterns that go on with this world.

I definitely talk more on this when I get back. I have a friend that's always in my head about the FEDS ... I tell him the same think FUCK THE FEDS ... FUCK THE HUMAN RACE!

Back soon enough.

PS - I love you guys though ... don't forget that ... very important ... :)

07-20-2016, 02:14 PM
BB I have friend who moved here from you country Ayla and she is awesome person. What I see there now you got a regime. I am with you guys I am pissed and not proud of human race, we create hell for us and all creatures
I should not say anything about the torrenting , I am sorry lesson learned

07-20-2016, 03:39 PM
It's fine, it's just not good days these days...

07-20-2016, 03:55 PM
I'm still on the go but just wanted to say I understand why you said it Dahila ... I do - We don't need the brain washed grammar Nazis of this world making things harder as it it. :) I got some video footage of the sun as I was walking this morning - Is hard to watch the sun rising and stay pissed off. I share that later :)

Be well my friends.

07-20-2016, 03:57 PM
I leave on this note!


07-20-2016, 04:04 PM
Oh my God! What the fuck! Good riddance :D Fun video, thanks Ponder! As always...

07-20-2016, 04:37 PM
Hey guys,

I saw these posts on the side bar thingy and thought I'd jump in. I can always do with friends who think the system is completely screwed!


07-20-2016, 04:51 PM
We should have a fan club, "Fuck The System!". Man! I needed to laugh hard very badly! As said, I am not really into stirring up trouble. I am a pacifist. But it doesn't matter what I am, life is kicking me hard to force me to act... Hope I will never have to compromise on who I am...

07-20-2016, 05:02 PM
We should have a fan club, "Fuck The System!". Man! I needed to laugh hard very badly! As said, I am not really into stirring up trouble. I am a pacifist. But it doesn't matter what I am, life is kicking me hard to force me to act... Hope I will never have to compromise on who I am...

Laughing is good! I think my sense of humour has saved my life in fact. I don't fit into this system very well at all you see :)

07-20-2016, 05:06 PM
I know what you mean, I don't fit any system... That's why I am trying to create my own little world. Hope it works. Someday...

07-20-2016, 06:24 PM
I seek
the serenity to accept what I cannot change;
the courage to change what I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.

This is really great for these days. I am trying easy ways to drop the confusion, and reach for strength momentarily to focus on what's important right ahead. And repeating this kinda helps. And I have a thing I do, it is like grounding yourself to the moment. I try not to think about past and future, or emotional thoughts, and I stop talking to myself inside my mind. I see everything and listen to everything without thinking about how I feel about them. Completely calm and peaceful mind this gives me. And also makes me very sharp at that moment. But it doesn't work at one go. It needs practice. When I first started working on my issues, I was doing this whole day, and at the end of the day, I used to write about what troubled me during the day. What was coming and going, what kind of painful thoughts clouding my mind. And I would try to see what I was hiding behind those thoughts. The truth about my pain... And after figuring things out, I would continue not thinking about them at all. This also helps to control the body, anxiety and stuff. And it prevents bad dreams at night. But if you really want to figure things out, it is not really easy to stop thinking about painful stuff. Hence the anxiety...

I wanted to share this...

07-20-2016, 07:34 PM
I went to AA for a while and I still use that prayer. It's pretty much one of the best sayings ever, in my opinion.

I need to practice mindfulness because I have SO much anxiety :( I have this "pit of dread" in my stomach most of the time, despite my life being quite non-stressful. There is one major source of anxiety though (my daughter/ex-husband) and that's what I use the Serenity Prayer for..

07-20-2016, 08:24 PM
You are most welcome gypsy & TY for your input. Much appreciated. I found the secular version of that prayer over at this site:

It led me to a book that I believe BB likes as well called The Proactive 12 steps. You sound on target today BB. Srry I have been unable to make a move. I have been very busy when not eating, walking, exercising and basically during other times when taking a breath. The helping out with the move yesterday took a bit out of me and then running around after my kids and soon to be on baby sitting duties again. Is OK though, I don't mention it in the spirit of complaining - I like helping out when I can as I know just how cruel this system is to those who don't fit the mold or slip through the gaping wide holes. I see it as my role to help when I can. My help is more about doing what I can to enable those being beaten and to educate those about how our currently culture thrives only to create pain.

I don't have time to put together video just yet. I have to practice more on the editing with that in order for it to be more enjoyable and not such a chore, however I share a selfie of my embarking on the Urban streets with my back pack for a little added stress. :) - At times we need stress in order to grow ... just ask the plants that thrive in the wind or those that wilt when not receiving enough.

I share these two picks I took with my phone then later processed:

Urban Hiking with a sunrise snap: (I may at times act like I have a lot of fun things to do - but I do know what stress is all about.) Creating our own realities is dead on the money when it comes to taking control. I'm glad you mentioned somewhat like so BB. Take care guys ... time to go pick the little one up.

http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/Off-for-my-urban-hike---early-morning-post-card_zpsr7ulatrs.png (https://www.flickr.com/photos/71988794@N08/28337970922/in/dateposted-public/)http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/Post-Card-Morning-Walk-PNG_zpskojiuu7x.png (https://www.flickr.com/photos/71988794@N08/28159789430/in/dateposted-public/)

07-20-2016, 09:11 PM
Nice pictures, thanks for sharing :)

07-20-2016, 10:06 PM
YW - That's pretty much what this thread is all about. Now heading of to move a piece. Edit - Done ;)

07-21-2016, 02:12 PM
To Do List:

Stop being a People Pleaser and start saying No.
Find MORE time for MYSELF!
Pick your routine back up!!!

__________________________________________________ ___________

The last few weeks have been really hectic. Time to focus back on my routine and work on those focus points I know will re-energize me. I'm supose to go and watch a movie with someone today, but in all truth ... movies can be so draining when your not up for the watch. LOUD and TOO MANY PEOPLE. Problem is, this other has a relatively stress fee life and takes my position on this plain for granted. I think it's time to give up having friends that drain like so, even though I only just met him. I'll be telling him today that my life is too hectic at the moment to have a committed day to come around.

I made the commitment before myself, which goes with the people please phase. I don't mind making committed days for myself as I can change them, but once you involve others, humans tend to cling and make each other accountable with shame and guilt. I don't mind accountability but see that a much more effective tool when being applied from one's own perspective .. not antoher's.

Yep - time to tidy up the loose ends that our starting to consume me. Time for the kids to grow up some as well.

That's a wrap.

07-21-2016, 02:16 PM
Hi ya Guys I hope you don't mind me popping in to say Hi, Dave that new lifestyle of yours is working wonders I can't believe the transformation, I am quite tempted to pop over and see you and sign you up as my personal trainer :D.

All is still good with me to be honest I am probably happier now than I have ever been, I am busy with work and back running my own business for over a year so I can be quite flexible with my hours and even have a bit of spare cash to treat the family. We have a dog now as well he is about 10 months old, all my life I wanted to have one and finally my wife gave in when I am home he barely leaves my side as I am typing this he is asleep next to me. I really do love having him around, such great company.

https://c4.staticflickr.com/2/1715/26343384811_9bf9dc15cd_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/G8SJvR)

I miss popping in here and seeing you guys I hope all is well with you and your families Dave, Dahila, John and anyone else who pops in that I might know. Take care all and hope to speak soon.

07-21-2016, 02:32 PM
We are like following the same path on our own... I was reading about the same stuff a few days ago. This thing you are talking about... is emotional dependency. There were these questions about this thing, I know, off topic but it kinda made me see it clearly: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-14987/are-you-in-love-or-are-you-emotionally-dependent.html

I can't be with people, because I have lots to do by myself, figure out about myself. And I can't go to a movie theatre. Because everyone feeling the same emotions at the same time, it is like mainlining heroin, and losing it... Really bad high of anxiety for me!!! And when you are there with someone, you don't like the movie, it is like you have to please them for some reason by talking about it like you liked it... Emotional dependency! And it causes more anxiety because you are betraying yourself by not admitting you hate every second of it...

07-21-2016, 04:42 PM
It’s really great to see you pop in Cully. Awesome in fact! Beautiful photo you share there and a very nice looking dog. I think you did well in selecting your new best mate. You’re still my number one Flickr Lens when it comes to viewing the best available photos on my following list. : ) LOL about the personal trainer … thanks for the kind words, however I am not doing so well with people lately; except my online friends who are far less demanding.
That’s awesome about your own business doing so well and also the family reaping rewards. That’s the way life should be. : ) Lisa found me some superannuation floating about to which I have put in a hardship claim. One can only hope that maybe in the next few weeks I may be soon able to give myself a treat. Perhaps I may buy a new camera? I am getting the photo itch once more. Do some bush walking and take my little compact for a walk … or even on my urban walks.

Thanks for popping in. Any time … you know you’re always welcome at my place.
__________________________________________________ ____

BB -once again your right on the mark ... I will have to reply later ... feeling quite drained. This other I was suppose to go out with is not responding and its draining me further. All the kids are still on my back and bla bla bla ... Have given the phone to my wife Lisa ... I think I will just go play chess and ponder some more later.

You said it all in your last post. I feed back when I am not so drained. Thx for your continued support.

07-22-2016, 05:44 AM
Anytime... I made my chess move and waiting for you !! :)

07-22-2016, 09:02 AM
Did you get this too?? https://en.lichess.org/learn#/ It's so much fun, I am even going through the piece moves, even though I know how they move, it's more fun than a stupid candy crush game in Facebook, my cousin was really into this stupid thing for some reason...

07-22-2016, 03:27 PM
Good evening all, thank you for your kind words on the pictures Dave. I have been out to see my friend the old fella i think I spoke to you before of him. Things are not going so well for him sadly his partner is really sick and not likely to get better so life is pretty tough for him at the moment. I try and see him at least once a week to give him some company and make sure everything is ok, it's a real bastard getting old.

It's great news if you manage to get yourself a new camera I am always interested to see your landscape over there. I never seem to tire of lugging mine around sometimes to my wife's annoyance! especially if we are out walking and I drop behind, more than once I have heard a shout from the distance FOR CHRIST SAKE JUST TAKE IT AND COME ON :D.

Thanks for the welcome back this place has the best people

https://c8.staticflickr.com/8/7408/27641837303_fe5eba3cd9_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/J7BDcM)

The beautiful Sally B I had the pleasure of seeing her a few weeks back. Take care all and hope to speak soon Cully.

07-22-2016, 04:40 PM
I made my move BB and have Favorited the link. Looks interesting but have not gone into it as I am once again in rush mode to get things done. Sigh. Keep those links coming though. I have a chess folder now. :)

Amazing Cully!!! As always. LMAO ... I know how that goes when mixing camera and family. My photos suffer as a result. It really is a buzz to see you back. NO pressure ... I'll just enjoy it as long as it lasts. I've got a bunch of questions re the quality of your work but like I've said, I'm in a rush this morning as I have eBay pics to take.

I feel for your friend and yourself as well. I know how much he means to you. Thanks for mentioning to me. Please feel free to talk further with whatever unfolds.

I share a pick from walking ... my little compact is only worth $89 au dollars / 50GBP ... not very good with low light but I make the most of it I guess. Depicts enough of what I wish to share. I got 500au and thinking seriously of upgrading. was research like hell last night. I will make a post later about my thinking on which one to buy. It has to be little compact though as I am too anxious with the DSLR. I talk more later Cully and would love to hear your feed back ... thus far I am tossing up between a PowerShot SX720 HS and a coolpix s9900 ... I explain why later ... I like having zoom as well as a compact ... low light is just a bonus ... like I said I will have to post on this later. I hope you have some time later to comment but understand if your also pushed for time as well cully. Thanks for continued replies. Much appreciated.

I took this one ... it was full moon. I rendered to capture the feeling I like most when out walking in the dark. Creating my own reality looks very much like this as I go about painting in the late evenings and or very early hours:

My Favorite Time of The Day:

Take care guys - I know many of you are sleeping ... rest well. I'll keep the lid on things while your all recharging. ;)

Don't tell anyone, but I can't wait till I am done with the eBay pics and get back to researching my next camera. - I post some better picks from the walk soon cully. Show you what the old cheap compact can still do ... here's a quick one for now ... then I must go!!!

Coolpix S6500 $89au/$50gbp Taken whilst resting on a sign post - on my early morning walk:


07-22-2016, 08:15 PM
I could not help myself ... damage done ... after all I said about a dslr, I ened up with a bridge camera. Pretty much the same size as a dslr ... but I won't be messing with all the lenses ... at least I tell myself that now: I always wanted a decent zoom. :) Video performance looks good online.

https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8650/27865810684_7ebd19a91f_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JspyFN)

Edit LOL - See what your presence does to me Cully. :) Just kidding.

07-23-2016, 06:23 AM
HMMMM - Not happy with this. The image quality on my $89.00 dollar compact is as good if not better. Simply not worth the degradation for the zoom. I think I am going to have to ring the store tomorrow and complain just how poorly the camera performs. Worst comes to worse, I'll have to sell on eBay and cut my losses. I should of stuck to my original plan and avoided buying local. Doh! DOH! fucking DOH!!!!!

07-23-2016, 11:10 PM
Hi Dave just to say I am still here I spent last night on the Owl hunt I will do a proper reply later. Rushing around!!!!!!!!!!


07-24-2016, 12:33 AM
Spectacular shot! I understand what it's like to always be on the go. All good ... just glad your sharing again. :)

Here's today's best one with the bridge camera. I'm starting to see a place on the shelf for it. It's also today's exercise for me as well.

Edit - When in doubt ... run with your ringers crossed & hope for the best. ; )

https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8727/28428707391_7695044e94_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Kj9ygr)

07-24-2016, 04:28 AM
Shame your not happy with the new camera I bloody hate it when you buy something on impulse and it doesn't come up to expectation, I got a little Fuji x10 a while back the reviews claim it performs ok but sadly I have not had any joy with it. Perhaps it's me maybe it got one chance then slung in the fuck it bucket!. That shot of Joey looks good to me I bet you are having trouble keeping up with him now.

Sorry for not replying yesterday the weather here has been just fantastic it's just too tempting to be out from dawn to dusk, there is going to be a long dark winter ahead of me soon I have to make the best of this. I have been taking the boys swimming in the sea some evenings ( I hear him say and !! ) but normally its so bloody cold it's really nice after a long hot day.

I love the my favourite time of day shot mine has to be dawn you can't beat a good sunrise. My boys have got that Pokemon thing and I have promised to take them out to hunt for bloody Pokemon I think I will take my camera there may be a photo opportunity there somewhere ;).

https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8677/28215665950_d8250226e5_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JZjEt9)

Catch ya Later.

07-24-2016, 03:12 PM
Definitely a favorite pic of mine. I don't stay pissed off for long Cully. That was two days ago, that I bitterly question that camera like so. I had expectations ... something which I try to avoid in life. I have since come to find a place for that camera. I treat it like a lense in a kit. If I don't blow out the picture size I can use the camera more liberally, however I can bide my time with placing myself in just the right conditions with the right settings and pull off some surprising shots with the super zoom. :) Basically I have now found piece with my previous disappointment through a long tried and tested school of thought → acceptance. Although I had to go through the experience of disappointment in order to find the peace ... instead of seeking as opposed to finding such contentment through hours and hours of research. Thus impulses need not be as scary as we always think.

OK - that's the story on my new superzoom ... It's also much lighter than my old dslr which I think Is a good thing as well.

Yea .. I will miss the cool weather as things start to heat up here soon. I know what you mean, but the other way around for me.

Yea ... Talking to the wrong guy re the Pokemon thing ... I'm prone to drive over participants ... mostly the ones that play the game thoughtlessly and cause accidents. We have had quite a few over hear creating all kinds of havoc. Having said that though ... I wish you guys all the fun that can be had. Just stay safe. ;)

Opportunity abounds! :) I can't wait till I have time to go out and challenge myself with a little people photography. Can't wait till next time I get a camera with an articulated screen. Take care Cully.

Happy Snaps.

The other morning whilst out walking ... hospital window.
https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8600/27906803544_1c0da5478a_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Jw2Erf)


07-24-2016, 06:44 PM
You know what? You were right about this Flickr. I found this Project Apollo Archive, and it is awesome! Looking at those pictures, it's amazing... https://www.flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive

07-24-2016, 10:11 PM
NICE - Thanks for the link yet again. :) I am yet to start back into my stargazing mania ... lol. I am big time into astronomy and all things related. HOWEVER - there is one major revelation that I recently discovered that blew my mind away and show me that not only the church indoctrinates:

The Truth Behind the Moon Landings (http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/truth-behind-moon-landings/) ... I saw this recently on Netflix and it turned me. I was born just before they launched the supposed moon landing mission. (sure they have flown around it and done other missions ... but they are yet to actually prove they have landed ... there are plans to actually debunk the myth ... just like they did with 911!) I grew up an avid space fairing monkey, but slowly lost interest the more NASA started acting like a Pentecostal establishment that broadcasts TV shows similar to your average brainwashing charismatic christian TV stations that abound today. Enough said. :)

People are so easily lead. Given the mess with that repetitive 911 story ... it's pretty easy to put one and one together and see just how often Governments lie and the mass scale to which they often do it is no longer a secret. The issue is more how peoples perceptions are managed and just how conditioned we have all become. Our education systems are indeed a very scary thing when you consider just how imprinted from beginning to end those that live under such a regime. Woops ... did I say regime. lol ... where did that come from. Pfft.

OK - it's not all depressive, ... awakening can be such fun. It's where we let go of all that BS and think just how free we have really come as we stand back and look at all the flag wavers, donut eating uniformed drones and all the little collared ants slaving away busily racing the rapids in order to buy their things.

Speaking of which ...

I bought some things whilst out in today myself. I post in a second.

So that's my take on NASA ... Give me a telescope any day. I can't wait till china hits that moon. They intend to send a prob not long from now to peer down at the supposed moon landing sight and prove once and for all what BS everyone has been fed. I so hope they find nothing at this alleged sight!!! You would think NASA could prove it either way ... but nope. Just some dodgy footage that has been ripped to pieces by the same science that claim to of used. hehe.

Hey BB - are you into Astronomy minus the hole NASA thing?

07-24-2016, 10:24 PM
This is the Music Therapy I mentioned some time back that I just finished putting together for my daughter and grandson. No opinionated voice overs or lyrics ... not like you'll find in threads like these. : ) ... I picked up the MP# Boom box pretty cheap off eBay and also the CDs from a few opp shops today. I'll keep the CDS I think and turn them into high end MP3s: Listening to some of the vibes now and it feels good. Good to have a break from all the new age binural beats that can get too much ... too much chill music is not so chill or me. Very very refreshing just to hear some mellow music with sounds of nature:

https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8516/27913701124_fa32884d71_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JwD1R3)

Talking about mindless droned consuming and buying things ... I bought some more things myself ... I bought another Companion Chess Set to which I am selling again ... Have been making a few $$$ up-scaling the adds that others do not spend so much time doing when creating their own adds. I/We know just how much more money you can make with a well created add. Takes a lot of time though ... speaking of which I am yet to finish this post, go to the gym come back and do some more product pics.

I will sell the Radio Shack unit as it's worth more for the label and also the box is in reasonable nick:

https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8773/28452619101_938ab5d4e9_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Kmg7oi)

I'm still waiting on my little/tiny computerized set. Will let you know when that one arrives. Got it at a good price!

OH YEA - I also found this book at the opp shop when looking for music:

https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8067/28246622500_4f7f0cc3e1_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/K34jLL)

https://c4.staticflickr.com/9/8686/28452602211_b8b42d2a20.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Kmg2n6)

07-24-2016, 10:29 PM
Last but not least ... I found some cool Minecraft Books as well. Less than a GBPound each :

Just click on the magnify view when reaching the link:
https://c7.staticflickr.com/8/7514/28498374566_525ae253bd_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KqiBTC)

https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8808/28498360716_064413086b_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KqixLQ)

https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8727/27913686384_26c97345fe_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JwCWsU)

OK - I'm feeling like it's time to hit the gym!!!

Then more time to do the eBay thing. Adios ... until next post. ;)

07-25-2016, 12:47 AM
Unbelievable! I was never into conspiracy theories before. But more and more they are the only things that make sense to me. No I don't believe everything I hear from a broadcast. But that's who I am, this is like the only thing I can truly rely on myself, I could always see the general truth in a lie, not the tricks though. Living in denial makes you stupid even if you are not... Which begs the question, are we really stupid, or is this another ridiculous thing they want us believe! Maybe I should start debunking my own topics. That's my curse... I don't believe anything they tell me. I recently started to pay close attention into all things that smelled funky to me.

About NASA, I didn't think about it this way. But you know this about me, I am always angry that they are keeping us stupid, and giving back every advancement as a nice story to tell, rather than making them into vision of today! Tomorrow is nonsense! We will never reach tomorrow! Because we keep postponing everything.

In the third Iron Man movie, the think-tank fashions the perfect terrorist, the Mandarin, which was focused on hiding the games in plain sight all that time. I think the movies really explain it all.

Enough with this conspiracy stuff...

I am more into piano music, something that has more melody, and more feelings. Not really enjoying classical music if I can't find the depth into myself in there. My favourites are; Debussy: Clair de lune, Beethoven: Sonata in C Major Opus 2 no. 3 - Adagio, Schubert: Impromptu No. 3 in G-flat major, Op. 90, Chopin: Nocturne #13, Op 48 no. 1, Lento. I must admit, I kinda got hooked on them through movies and TV series, but what can I say, I need more depth into things, a moment, an emotion, something meaningful, a complete piece of art. And I have this album; Philip Glass - Solo Piano. I love it. I have been meaning to expand myself in this area, but never had such an occasion. Not easy to find something I will fall in love with... But I have enough of nature sounds as mp3s in my computer.

And that Minecraft looks like a fun read! But I am not good with chess books. That's why I keep spending more time in lichess.

07-25-2016, 03:01 AM
"Maybe I should start debunking my own topics." :) :) :) :) Nice tunes and well said re NASA.

07-25-2016, 02:28 PM
Evening Guys how you all doing, Lol at running over the Pokemon hunters I was merely the driver and the hand there to reign in over exuberance that usually goes hand in hand with small boys. To be honest I think it's much better to be out and about hunting for stuff than being cooped up in there bedrooms especially in this glorious weather. I took your example and decided to give that little compact another chance and take it on the hunt, I am still not too impressed with it but suppose it is what it is. At least it's small and way better than my phone so maybe it does have a place in my life. A couple of shots the Pokemon were too fast for me.

https://c2.staticflickr.com/9/8683/28468920441_43d724ca79_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KnGEcT)

https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8470/28440516572_f90fbfe98a_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Kkc5J1)

I love the Hospital window picture, reflections in such can be easily overlooked and what could be described as a mediocre building has become a frame for something beautiful! well spotted. My boys are often playing that minecraft, I have to say I have never taken a lot of notice of it! I am impressed at what can be built Tower bridge is something else.

Take care guys and good to meet you Berry

07-25-2016, 03:21 PM
I really enjoy your photos Cullingford! Thanks for sharing them with us.

07-25-2016, 03:21 PM
Is this your little compact here? Impressive little thing. I've seen it as high as a $1000.00au, but found then found it for several hundred instead:


I looked further on Flickr as was amazed as what it could do. 2/3rds camera hey. Might have to considered it, but will have to wait till I can pull out a small loan for something like that. Using the light is a must for me to pulling anything off close to the results you got Cully. Nothing to be nit picking about that's for sure. I almost fell into that wagon with my most recent purchase, but all things considered, I only got what I could afford. Having said that ... I'm yet to go out and use the zoom to good effect. I'm looking forward to doing just that when time allows.

So how do you walk around with camera. Camera in hand with arm just idly by your side? Any chance you care to comment on how you go about shooting on the fly?

Glad you and the boys are having fun with the Pokemon thing.

Yea ... I like the hospital window shot was well ... but not going to post in any photography forums any time soon. lol

07-26-2016, 12:49 AM
Today's Highlight. ;)

07-26-2016, 01:32 PM
Time for a walk ... take your backpack Dave & leaver the mp3 player at home!

07-26-2016, 03:31 PM
Thank you Berry very kind of you.

Yeah that's the little camera Dave I got mine second hand and not a great amount of money but then I suppose that is relative to a persons circumstances. On the shooting on the fly I am definite carry in the hand person it annoys the hell out of me hanging around my neck. I was using my phone when I was out and about but it's utter crap, I have been known to grab DSLR with Sigma 50-500 and lug that around much to my wife's embarrassment ( why the hell does it have to be so big) . This little Fuji seemed a reasonable compromise I just need to give it a bit more effort.

It's been a busy one for me today so I am off to bed. Take Care Guys

https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8783/28493558431_a7dbdf0f42_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KpSWdP)

07-26-2016, 05:20 PM
Yea - when I take larger cameras out, I find just letting hang lightly by the hand hold (with strap around my wrist) allows to to shoot much more randomly and also quick. Thanks for taking the time to reply cully. I have to keep going myself. I hope this finds you well rested. I reply full next time around. It's a really treat seeing not only the quality of your shots but also your work. I really appreciate the subject material as well as your compositions, approach and settings used.

BB - I responded in the other thread re Circadian Rhythm. The subject is a big one with me. Srr if I came across too strong. I only do well focusing in what can be done to make things better rather than focusing on what is wrong. I play my recovery quite defensively and have done so for a long time. I am actually well known for it in here so please do not take anything I say personally.

Whilst you are in talks with the other I have on ignore ... I'll just mix with you in here for a bit ... if it still suits you.

Got to go ... quick minecraft run and then on with me day.

Adios until next post.

07-26-2016, 05:58 PM
I should give this up. I am not making any sense I think. I have always been a destructive force, because I hate it all! I hate this life. This isn't working because only someone very close to me, who needs me can appreciate my need to tear apart a weakness, rather than building on it, because they know what I go through every day just to be normal. I am sorry. I tried. Too much anxiety for me to discuss my issues and other people's issues. I need to be with them to really help them, not really enjoying writing this stuff down. Talking to someone is always better, supporting them, when they are down. I wish I could work where I need the most, but because of various reasons I can't... I am just fucked up... Sorry. No need to be upset, it is just the way it is.

07-26-2016, 06:24 PM
I'm only good at placing the blocks on the ground and building my way up. There is no good that will come from entertaining what does not work. I don't mind helping others, but I do have to set boundaries for myself. That way I won't lose sight of recovery. It's a mutual positive affect in fact. I choose to change what it is, into something I can live with no matter what. What is ... is no longer ... when I am no longer choose to see it. I change the way I think, by accepting it is me that choose to see what is.

If the view is not helpful, then get up and change ones position and take on a new point of view.

07-26-2016, 06:58 PM
I knew it was gonna end this way, anticipation is a bitch! You're right. This is not helping me. I was here only for you, I thought you were like me, if you don't appreciate what I think, or how I talk to others, this is pointless. I was better on my own, it is not a good idea for me to have false hope about having someone, if that someone is not really here for me. So, goodbye and thank you for all the support you have given me. You have helped a lot. And good luck!

07-26-2016, 07:11 PM
I imagine that, like me, you say that you never have enough time and that you just cannot cope with 60 dozen things all at once. How on earth do you get out of that spiral? Many people never sit down and look at how to work smarter, rather than harder and even longer hours

07-26-2016, 07:32 PM
I wonder though, if we were not gonna whine, if we were not gonna talk, what the fuck we were doing here??? And why the fuck wouldn't you let me go the first time!!! This is not a picture gallery pal! You actually managed to make me hate myself, so thanks for that so much! I let you know me, and all you do is get angry with my every word, and I am not even writing to your post!!! God! This is it, I am done. I am done with this nonsense! Continue conditioning your fucking mind!

07-26-2016, 10:14 PM
I did explain the reason why I chose to reach out to you like so in this thread. I have Kirk on Ignore and since you guys are in discussion, I thought it best to leave that vibe continue. Yes I understand your presence in my thread is to help me and in fact, much your writings have. My most recent challenging posts today actually occurred in neither your or my thread. I also alluded to the general state of affairs within this forum from my own position of defense as mentioned in my last post here. The dynamics of such from my point of view has not been one to take for granted your need to express as you do. In fact I have supported you in doing so several times.

So please let's do keep perspective here. Now that you have mentioned it ... yes ... anticipation is a bitch. With every opportunity that presents a way out, comes resistance in the form of past and future thoughts. It's a pattern I have noticed that comes from digging ones hole too deep. I speak from experience of course. We tend to get bogged ... stuck in our own mess. So much so that even when we are offered a silver spoon and a free pass, we instead choose to wallow in our self pitty rather than take a much needed break. This very much applies to myself that way things have been for me:

YET: Whilst standing knee deep in a pile of shit (I smile at such a thought) ... I don't see my efforts to get up at 4-5am as a chore. Nor do I the walking on hours end with the gym workouts and all the researching to eating and living clean. My family is also drowning in their own shit, and just like I advised earlier in another thread, I give the same advice to them. Not to see themselves as some kind of problem as is often the case that comes from being diagnosed with X or Z. Cling cling cling ... comes the shovel and then deep hole. I was not just referring to you. I was in fact saying like so to help myself. I take the time to use the tools to dig my way out ... rather than dig holes.

YES - my thread is in fact a picture gallery. Just ask anyone here that knows me. I know Dahila can attest to that. :) Now now ... I'm not calling reinforcements in. Just stating a fact. Photography is a very effective recovery tool for me:

https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8730/28470991442_402217283b_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KnTgQN)

I hope you like this one Cully? Took it with my Panasonic Bridge Camera @ 60XZoom in manual settings. I'm very pleased with what this camera has to offer in the way of likewise shots from a modest position. I did have to do my usual editing to get the quality up to standard for a 1920X1080 Resolution. Now I no I can do shots like these, I am once again keen to balance in some photography into my current routine. Thank You Very Much for the inspiration. Yet again. :)

__________________________________________________ __

Moving on. BB - please don't be so pissed. I meant not to upset you, although knew some of the things I said may have in fact been hard to take. None the less, I do believe they need to be said. No matter what we or others dump ... we must accept responsibility for the way we allow ourselves to feel:

Notice I branded the Dumpster with my name and a smiley face. : ) -
https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8449/28544926206_8bef64067a_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Kuqd57)

Life is to short to stay pissed off. It's not so much a case of conditioning as it is more a case of reconditioning. Fostering is a good word ...
how we hold our thoughts is crucial. If you want things to occur naturally, we then have to stop acting out the conditions we are typically imprinted with. Once we dump ... we need to work on the pile before coming up with another load. So ... let's just keep things real for now. If we are here for recovery, then let's work on that.

The forum also works on group participation. Challenging others is part of our recovery. More over challenging ourselves is even more important, just as BSing ourselves is a destructive force. Hang in there. There is 3 days left to make your move. Don't rush.

Whilst public ... your welcome back any time from my point of view.
__________________________________________________ _____________

Time for me to download some tunes and go to the gym.

But before I do ... I take a chance and welcome the new person with thus far 1 post? Hello and Welcome to the Forum ltomama0945 - Stick around to find out. : ) Working out how to use tools is pretty much the story of my life. But by the time I work it out, there is nothing left to build. LOL ... just kidding ... that's when life starts all over again. : ))))

Adios - until next post.

07-26-2016, 10:50 PM
Today's test video footage ... you know how hard it is to hold be hand and zoom. Other than that ... seems to do good video under the right conditions. I only uploaded at 720P. Will do a 1920X1080 test next time round and concentrate on stability:


07-27-2016, 02:59 PM
Evening Dave that Camera is not bad at all the shot of the family on the beach is nice, I can see you are going to have a lot of fun with it. The Video was impressive too especially when you panned out I was impressed with the quality over that distance! are they putting sand on the beach?. It's a bit different to the beaches here if you dumped all that sand it would all disappear with the next high tide.


Maybe not the best day for making sand castles !!

I was hoping to get out this evening and get a few snaps in but never managed it, one of those evening when time slips away from you i suppose. I have a nest of Barn owls at one of the places I go, the parents are back and forwards with food I am hoping to have another crack at them before they fledge fingers crossed for some nice bright evenings. Hopefully you can manage to slip some photography into your schedule as i do enjoy seeing your stuff.


07-27-2016, 03:56 PM
No. This is not about you. I realized I'm not ready for arguments or challenging conversations. Don't worry. If you're still here, I'll find you when I'm ready. If I'm ready...

07-27-2016, 06:49 PM
Ooooh drama!

Where's I'm-Suffering gone btw? LOL!

07-28-2016, 02:36 AM
I do understand BB. My own defensive attitude often alienates me creating a comfort zone that's content within an environment that's often viewed more on the side of social phobia. I don't see my contentedness as an irrational behavior. I still get frustrated which is more an annoyance that's worth making the effort to reach out and acknowledge to others that I am sorry I when not being mindful.

I will be here - I have at least 10 thousand more posts up my sleeve. :)
__________________________________________________ ____________________________

Hello there gypsee. Hope you are well? I actually miss Marc. I sometimes find myself hoping he has been reading my threads. He showed me many insights. I am thankful for that. I was an asshole to him on many occasions - but like I said ... very pleased I made the effort to see things through and make some kind of connection that imo still emanates in one form or another ... a healthy and positive affect.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Huge day. I might go through some of my pics of the day and post a few of those.

I'm srry Dahila, I'm srry BB and I'm srry Marc -

NOW ... the show must go on. ROLL CAMERA ... ACTION!!!

07-28-2016, 03:00 AM
Hi Cully - Those breakers look HUGE! People are not crazy enough to swim in that are they? Looks like one could easily get sucked way out into the ocean swimming in that??? Is it a case of looking worse than it is or are those breakers like 8 to 10 foot high?

I managed to come up with this interesting share. I think it's appropriate given the dynamics in this thread of late. :(

https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8795/27987735613_6a82d95c9c_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JDbsHK)

I'll post some more on Flickr that I took today.

Peace out Bro ...
PS - hope you pull off a cracker shot re the owls.

07-28-2016, 04:11 AM
I do understand BB. My own defensive attitude often alienates me creating a comfort zone that's content within an environment that's often viewed more on the side of social phobia. I don't see my contentedness as an irrational behavior. I still get frustrated which is more an annoyance that's worth making the effort to reach out and acknowledge to others that I am sorry I when not being mindful.

I will be here - I have at least 10 thousand more posts up my sleeve. :)
__________________________________________________ ____________________________

Hello there gypsee. Hope you are well? I actually miss Marc. I sometimes find myself hoping he has been reading my threads. He showed me many insights. I am thankful for that. I was an asshole to him on many occasions - but like I said ... very pleased I made the effort to see things through and make some kind of connection that imo still emanates in one form or another ... a healthy and positive affect.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Huge day. I might go through some of my pics of the day and post a few of those.

I'm srry Dahila, I'm srry BB and I'm srry Marc -

NOW ... the show must go on. ROLL CAMERA ... ACTION!!!

Hi Dave :) Yeah I've been worse..

07-28-2016, 08:34 AM
Hi I was very mean to Mark, then we started to exchange letters, and I was so wrong about him. Finally I started to like him, and his wisdom. I learned a lot from our correspondence, a lot, I miss him too. I know Gypsy :))) but I do

07-28-2016, 08:16 PM
Here's me chilling this morning:


07-28-2016, 11:43 PM
Awesome shot mate it was a crazy day for me yesterday, by the time it was over I just hit the sack. Good to see you are having fun with your zoom I will post properly tonight get some more stunnas if you get a chance.

07-29-2016, 12:39 AM
Please do keep posting your pics ... It's helping me learn this new camera. Ultimately I will be unable to match your cameras sensor, but I am having fun just all the same. The following was today's best:

https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8836/28006478194_6e064e0e94_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JEQweG)

To much noise when I blow them up ... this one is best viewed @ 1366X768 which Flickr does not magnify to in the above link. Sadly the view all sizes/original page does not centre the pick. https://www.flickr.com/photos/71988794@N08/28006478194/sizes/o/ See what I mean about the noise on the 1366 - ... I'll have to work on using natures elements a bit more; which requires time and patients ... as you no doubt know. The cheaper the camera, the more time and patients required.

In saying that though, I know what it's like to have a reasonable DSLR let alone a full frame sensor ... You really do amazing work with yours no matter what it's comparison is to mine. I've always said that. I'm just trying to keep my spirits up despite the limits of this camera I'm using now. It's got all the settings I need to prick my interest once more. :) Perhaps I will pick up a full frame DSLR and a 300mm lens next year ... see what happens. Keep inspiring me Cully ... it's helping!!!

Look forward to when you have time. ;)

07-29-2016, 10:13 AM
Hi ya Dave it was a bad day for me yesterday this bloke asked me if I could give him a hand to unblock his sewer and me being my usual self ( yeah no problem }, well the bastard pipe would not clear so in the end I had to smash the pipe the pressure behind the blockage must have been pretty awesome. There was shit everywhere all up the walls over his windows I was well late home by the time I had repaired the pipe and washed everything down.

Nice pic of the bird noise is a pain the arse it seems to really lurk in the dark areas when you shoot against the sky. Have you ever tried topaz de noise you can get a plug in to work with photoshop I am sure you can find an inexpensive way of getting it :) it's very powerful I am a big fan. We get a lot of cloudy dull weather here, if you waited for a sunny day you would never get out and catch any birds, noise is often an issue. On the bird photography it doesn't really matter what gear you have as long as you get in the right place at the right time I think half of it is spending a bit of time try to find any habits to exploit on.

Another beautiful shot you have there on the beach I am pleased to hear you are getting some chilling time in, I love the hills in the background. Going back to that pic of the sea I posted, that was last winter on a particularly windy day no you definitely wouldn't survive long if you fell in there I expect the cold water shock would have got you pretty quick.

https://c5.staticflickr.com/8/7459/27326393156_f4c2f22cab_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HCJUDA)

I was watching this dog play ball a while back I only had a couple of goes at him before my wife told me off for taking pictures of other peoples dogs, I was well pleased to catch him and the ball in focus.

Catch you Later and keep snapping :D

07-29-2016, 05:08 PM
Nice skills cully! Will reply later ... just putting in this mornings efforts whilst out with the little compact then have to do some work. Will catch up soon ... I must check out that tip re the plug in ... back soon enough. Next time I am taking my super zoom :)

https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8569/28354261750_ee730687b7_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Kcz1aU)

Fred - I think that guy is photographing us?
https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8564/28021492574_e6e8503c21_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JGatuj)

For my walking blog yet to be created:
https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8705/28021492244_a1485dd48a_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JGatoC)


07-30-2016, 02:46 AM
Srry to hear about the shit day you had. :) Just kidding ... that must of really sucked man! Thanks for the steer on Topaz denoise ... having trouble sourcing it without having to complete surveys. lol ... trying another download now. See what happens.

Here is one of my better ones for the day:

https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8632/28645026095_4bc4a4f54b.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/71988794@N08/28645026095/sizes/c/)

07-30-2016, 03:12 AM
YOUR A LEGEND CULLY!!! - I am yet to learn how to use it correctly - But WOW ... I just cleaned a JPG, let alone doing this with RAW files. Thanks for letting me in on this awesome filter. Just made my year!!! I wonder how it will make my little compacts results look:

https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8631/28567984341_aceb90b1ef.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/71988794@N08/28567984341/sizes/l/)

07-30-2016, 04:10 PM
GOOD MORNING: Have a good day all. Playing with my grandson today. Best get the chores done. Adios ... until next post. :)

https://c4.staticflickr.com/9/8579/28658957875_6ff879c7f9_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KEuDHn)

https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8496/28041854294_94ef8e2b90_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JHXQjs)

07-30-2016, 09:10 PM
Here is a snap shot Lisa took. Joey, Pop and the Ladder. :)

https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8887/28378850700_89f0c22ac5_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KeK2Bj)

07-31-2016, 12:53 AM
Selling my bluetooth controller. Here are the pics. Thanks to the noise remover plugin I got good results from my elcheapo Compact. Not perfect by a long shot, but heaps better. I don't have a flash set up anymore so noise is a common issue with high resolution shots. I'm just using a couple of white boards and some post processing. I still can't get over just how much better that plugin is compared to photoshop's.


I'm selling this one in order to get myself a class 10 95MBs SD card for quicker write speeds to assist in burst shooting as well as FHD video recording. The price they sell them for locally is ridiculous! The online prices over 32GB start to get a bit rich as well. Thankfully the unit being sold has actually gone up in price so can't complain about that. :)

Hmmmmmmmmmm -

Time to go for a walk I thinks ... then play with my companion chess set. Had a good time with the little fella today. Poor kid has tonsil issues. Hoping mum will let us take him to the doctors. Overwhelmed professionals are complacent enough let alone their tendency to exploit young parents not so well informed. It's a low socio-economic status thing ... once you lived long enough on such a rung, you'll soon know what I mean. Perhaps some of you already do. Not to worry ... we'll walk her through all the BS at any rate. There is a lot to be said for young families that suffer systemic anxiety issues when it comes to a majority of uneducated and ill informed types falling through the net. Very hard to watch the young ones grow up in such a dog eat dog system as it is. Well to do types love to pass on the responsibility where it is never understood. Comes back to easy work practices with complacency at the base in an over taxed systems that only pays off the elites. Yadda Yadda ... Best not to consume the poisons so many of us are lead to believe is within our power to do. Addicts! That's about the size of it. Addicts hooked up to a matrix ... all the doctors, nurses and authorities ... their all addicts too ... puppets on strings ... nothing more, nothing less.

Righto ... time for that walk. ;)

07-31-2016, 04:39 AM
My new hiking buddy:

https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8737/28637667276_d5472179d6.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KCBwL5)