View Full Version : Curing Anxiety Through Diet

10-11-2008, 12:23 PM

It's my first post here. I've been lurking for a while now but only just decided to post as I have a query.

There is obvioulsy a lot of different methods of controlling/ overcoming anxiety that have been talked about on this forum but noone has said that diet has improved or resolved their anxiety problems.

My query is, is there anyone in this forum that is having success with diet in curing their anxieties. Since getting anxiety myself about 4 years ago, i've had a lot of success on a low carb diet and although i'm not 100% cured I feel that i'm slowly getting there.

Just wondered if anyone else is in the same boat (so to speak)


10-11-2008, 01:36 PM
hallo there! welcome to the forum :)

i think if you take a closer look you'll see plenty of posts from myself about diet and nutrition since discovering the link between diet and anxiety really solved things for me! and also from motif who recently discovered they had candida, changed their diet accordingly and has had fantastic results - they recently posted up a great link to an article on the evils of sugar lol.

i don't talk about diet to everyone, i think most people here already know a bit about it and are trying it out. some people need a little bit more help, so i'll only talk about food if i think it's suitable e.g. if i see someone posting up similar symptoms to the ones i had.

but it's good to see someone else championing it too, it's such important information that so little people seem to have access to, so the more people who spread the awareness the better in my opinion :)

10-11-2008, 02:24 PM
hallo there! welcome to the forum :)

i think if you take a closer look you'll see plenty of posts from myself about diet and nutrition since discovering the link between diet and anxiety really solved things for me! and also from motif who recently discovered they had candida, changed their diet accordingly and has had fantastic results - they recently posted up a great link to an article on the evils of sugar lol.

i don't talk about diet to everyone, i think most people here already know a bit about it and are trying it out. some people need a little bit more help, so i'll only talk about food if i think it's suitable e.g. if i see someone posting up similar symptoms to the ones i had.

but it's good to see someone else championing it too, it's such important information that so little people seem to have access to, so the more people who spread the awareness the better in my opinion :)

Hey Northstar,

Firstly, cheers for the welcome. Wish i'd joined a lot sooner but been so preoccupied healing myself I never got around to looking to others for advice.

Thanks for introducing yourself and giving me motif's id as i'll be sure to look you both up and read through your entries (should have searched more thoroughly before posting this topic I suppose).

You've actually 'hit the nail on the head' in your reply when you mentioned candida as this has been central to my problems and subsequent recovery so it'll be interesting to read other people's fight with it and also help spread the awareness (when it's the right time to talk about it obviously).

Thanks Northstar :)

10-11-2008, 05:49 PM
There is obvioulsy a lot of different methods of controlling/ overcoming anxiety that have been talked about on this forum but noone has said that diet has improved or resolved their anxiety problems.

I did, if you have searched or looked into my recent post.

I believe diet is the only way to cure ourselves, but people are to lazy, they prefer takes drugs. Within 5 weeks I got like 85% better and progressing.

10-12-2008, 12:26 AM
I did, if you have searched or looked into my recent post.

Will have a good read today Motif, thanks.

I believe diet is the only way to cure ourselves, but people are to lazy, they prefer takes drugs. Within 5 weeks I got like 85% better and progressing.

I mostl agree with you here as I do think diet is the only way to cure anxiety although I do think that there are cases where the symptoms are just sooo severe that they have to take drugs in the short term to give them the strength to eventually 'stumble' on to diet as the cure!! I've never needed drugs myself (or rather I never went to the pharmacy with my prescription for beta blockers and Seroxat) as I don't agree with them (they are just damaging the body further) but I can see how they can give some people the breathing space.


10-12-2008, 03:22 AM
I mostl agree with you here as I do think diet is the only way to cure anxiety although I do think that there are cases where the symptoms are just sooo severe that they have to take drugs in the short term to give them the strength to eventually 'stumble' on to diet as the cure!! I've never needed drugs myself (or rather I never went to the pharmacy with my prescription for beta blockers and Seroxat) as I don't agree with them (they are just damaging the body further) but I can see how they can give some people the breathing space.


Well, meds might give SOME people breathing space. But you have to emphasize the word 'SOME'. The fact is that FAR too many people have bad reactions to antidepressants to recommend them to everyone, even if only temporarily. As for diet, it can definitely help. But I would not say that it is the ONLY way to cure yourself of anxiety. Although diet is important, I believe it still ranks only in second place compared to CBT methods - at least for most people.

10-12-2008, 03:34 AM
Well, meds might give SOME people breathing space. But you have to emphasize the word 'SOME'. The fact is that FAR too many people have bad reactions to antidepressants to recommend them to everyone, even if only temporarily. As for diet, it can definitely help. But I would not say that it is the ONLY way to cure yourself of anxiety. Although diet is important, I believe it still ranks only in second place compared to CBT methods - at least for most people.

i agree that diet is not often the only way to recover, anxiety can cause so much damage to our mental health that some form of therapy is always helpful to try and sort things out for someone who has been overwhelmed by strain and worry. but i also believe that diet should be number one on the list of things to do to improve anxiety, whats the point in taking CBT if you're still feeding your body all the kinds of things that will just irritate and make you feel worse? therapies like CBT or psychotherapy should be used together with an improvement in diet & lifestyle to really combate it, i think together they're very poweful for healing both body and mind at once :)

10-12-2008, 05:26 AM
i agree that diet is not often the only way to recover, anxiety can cause so much damage to our mental health that some form of therapy is always helpful to try and sort things out for someone who has been overwhelmed by strain and worry. but i also believe that diet should be number one on the list of things to do to improve anxiety, whats the point in taking CBT if you're still feeding your body all the kinds of things that will just irritate and make you feel worse? therapies like CBT or psychotherapy should be used together with an improvement in diet & lifestyle to really combate it, i think together they're very poweful for healing both body and mind at once :)

Couldn't have put it better myself. :goodjob:

10-12-2008, 10:17 PM
Although diet is important, I believe it still ranks only in second place compared to CBT methods - at least for most people.

It is fundamentally wrong approach, you're dealing that way with symptoms not with the root causes. Same way is wrong today's 90% of all medical "care".