View Full Version : This is helping me with my anxiety in general everyday. Just a few steps a day

Casper Bruce
06-21-2016, 03:08 PM
Long time reader of this forum. After awhile I decided to take action.
I am new here but I would like to share my tips to help lower my social anxiety daily. I hope it helps someone on here. I know dealing with anxiety can be rough.

1. Meditate- I know people think meditation can be silly but I've been doing it daily for 10 minutes for 2 weeks now and I feel more calm and focused. I do a simple meditation, I close my eyes and when I inhale I say in my head "SO" and when I exhale I say "Hum". I learned this from a friend so Im not sure what it means exactly. It allows me to feel really relaxed and calm. Try to do this for 5 minutes a day.

2. I set a time out where I dont allow myself to worry about anything. How do I do this? Simple really, I just write a list down for what Im grateful for about 15 minutes a day. My girlfriend died of lung cancer 4 months ago and I had really negative thoughts. We were together for 7 years almost...she died at the age of 25. After her death I learned I had to stop worrying and focus on what I have now as worrying wont get you anywhere.

3. Find out what stressing you out and find the root of your problem. Now this one is a tough one! Its hard because your brain loves to defend itself. So you will have a hard time figuring it out. Sometimes its nothing that is really stressing you out and its just you are worrying. Meditation helped with this one alot. I was able to pinpoint why I have social anxiety most of the time.

4. For people with social anxiety - This one is hard too....If you are out in public alone, talk to a random person...just small talk. I know this one is super hard but if you force yourself to do it, you'd be surprised what you can do. Now some people will say some people cant do these things. Im just sharing because they are working for me. Especially the meditation! Hope this helps someone out there. I know how rough it can be to deal with these overwhelming feelings daily. The worrying, the fear, and so on.

06-21-2016, 07:39 PM
ooooooohm is kind of sound which vibrate our body and bring calmness. Casper you doing good. Instead of talking about meds you do meditation. Very good
2 I am so sorry you lost your love and in such young age. yes we must be grateful for what we have. Every night, when I go to bed, open my book and I am grateful. I have roof over my head, really comfortable bed, light so I can read and glasses, so I can read..........small things.
In the morning I go to my garden and my heart is full of happiness when I see all kinds of birds taking bath in bird bath, when I listen how they sing:))
Social anxiety, you right small efford pays a lot. One or two minutes conversing with strangers can give us a lot..........

Casper Bruce
06-22-2016, 07:21 AM
ooooooohm is kind of sound which vibrate our body and bring calmness. Casper you doing good. Instead of talking about meds you do meditation. Very good
2 I am so sorry you lost your love and in such young age. yes we must be grateful for what we have. Every night, when I go to bed, open my book and I am grateful. I have roof over my head, really comfortable bed, light so I can read and glasses, so I can read..........small things.
In the morning I go to my garden and my heart is full of happiness when I see all kinds of birds taking bath in bird bath, when I listen how they sing:))
Social anxiety, you right small efford pays a lot. One or two minutes conversing with strangers can give us a lot..........

Exactly... small steps a day can make a big difference. Thanks she was a great girl its a shame she dealt with cancer 3 times in her life. Yes you really have to focus on whats going on now in life and not worry about things. I know its easier said then done of course!

06-22-2016, 10:09 AM
I am very moved by your life story, to see someone you love to go, is awful. I hope you will know from it that it is only NOW, and HERE. Focus on the now and you will feel happiness again, trust me, I am an old woman , I know

Casper Bruce
06-23-2016, 09:18 AM
Yea Im taking it one day at a time. Thanks Dahila