View Full Version : SSRI's and Tryptophan. Need some advice please

06-21-2016, 01:36 AM
Hi all, I am new to this forum and i need some advice please :)

So this is my story in short. It started 6 years ago when i had my first panic attack at the gym. I was super scared and after my panic attack I fell in anxiety / depression mode. After many ECGs and blood tests, everything was fine. I was put on Citalopram (SSRI) for one year. I felt great with great mood, high self esteem, started to eat again etc

After 1 year taking them, i spent 1 year and a half med free,

Another December came..... I had stress at work and I remember suffering from intestine pain which resulted it was IBS (I eliminated dairy and gluten). During december i drank alot of alcohol (mainly spirits) and guess what? I collapsed again. This time i was given Escitalopram(SSRI) for 5 monhts. Same here, they were great, great mood, high self esteem, started to eat again etc Spent 5 months med free.

Last early January 2016, I suffered from a panic attack after drinking alcohol again (mainly spirits).

This time it was much worse. Not only i had anxiety but I couldnt sleep for 2 weeks. I was given escitalopram (SSRI) + Remeron (for sleep). I refused to take both and just took Remeron (7.5mg).

After 5 months taking remeron, i stopped them without lowering the dose because my pshyc told me there is no need because dose you took was small.

After two weeks that i stopped them, I started heaving high anxiety, knot in stomach and couldnt sleep again.. and guess what? 2 week ago i re-started Remeron again. I wasnt eating, had a knot in stomach and at the same time, high levels of energy inside my body.

Now to the questions. I did some research, and noticed that SSRIs is a serotonin re-uptake.... I always felt great on SSRI's..... So i presume that my problem is lack of serotonin which makes it worse with alcohol consumption or maybe caused when the meds are totally out of my system?

Last january when i collapsed again, i tried CBH, meditation, light exercise and nothing worked. I had CBH with my pshyciatrist (the one you give people meds). I spoke to him about TRYPTOPHAN supplement which increases the Serotonin in the brain. He said that it has side effects and not approved.

What do you think i should do? Any thoughts about tryptophan?

I have ordered Dr's best tryptopure.

Didnt start taking it yet.

Thanks for your help!