View Full Version : Really tired but afraid to sleep, wish me luck

06-19-2016, 12:34 AM
So last night I woke up around 3am in a panic. I opened my eyes and hallucinated a spider the size of a raccoon on a giant web. Then it swung across the room on a web and landed on the other side of the room on the wall. I began to shake and it was on the wall by my lamp, which I was scared to go over to turn on. My ceiling light doesn't work, all I have is the lamp that the "spider" (or hallucinated spider) landed by. So I grabbed a flashlight and spent 30 minutes shaking in the dark, looking for the spider. I couldn't leave because I didn't want to turn my back on the wall it landed on, but I didn't want to get too close and turn on the lamp, either. I had something similar happen when I was 6. Woke up and hallucinated something scary and it disappeared. Grabbed a flashlight and began to look for it, only to find out it was just me hallucinating. This has only happened twice in my life, but I'm really worried it'll happen again tonight. Especially since I've been really stressed lately, so I think it may be more likely to happen. I am going to try to go to sleep because I can barely keep my eyes open at this point. Please wish me luck, I really don't want to hallucinate again because it seems real if you're half-asleep and can't think correctly (what spider is the size of a raccoon?).

06-19-2016, 06:11 AM
Stop hallucination, close your eyes meditate then go back to sleep, I wish you luck

Mr Hall
06-19-2016, 06:33 AM
Good luck to you. I hope your hallucinations come to an end.

The Intolerable Kid
06-23-2016, 09:22 AM
Perhaps try falling asleep in front of the TV. Often this can help especially if it is something innocuous or outright boring (like a financial news channel or C SPAN.) It can help keep the semi-conscious mind off of more frightening topics like spiders.

06-23-2016, 11:50 AM
Good Luck, would love to meet some of you to try and understand all these anxious problems

07-09-2016, 05:40 PM
Thanks guys! Sorry for the late reply!