View Full Version : I screwed up.

Tye Kirton
06-18-2016, 03:43 PM
9 or 10 months without Alcohol. 6 months without weed. my buddy came over last night and gave me 1 beer. I drank it after tons of peer pressure then i couldnt just have 1 so i wwent and bought a 12 of hard beer. Drank some of that. Got some weed. Smoked some of that. 1st hoot and 8 beers later i felt fine. Just dandy. After hoot number 2 and 3. i was straight screwwed up. So out of body i wwas just watching life pass me, but i had myself under control cause i kept sying this is the effect. Now its morning and i feel... foggy. i must admit though.. im not as depressed as i used to be. now that i got the " what am i missing " feeling out of my system i feel 100% happier. Although i do feel kinda foggy which is a bit strange to me. I dont feel sick and hung over, but i feel like.. idk... its hard to explain. thoughts?

06-18-2016, 05:25 PM
Do you intend to take up drinking and smoking pot again due to your new found tolerance?

06-18-2016, 07:34 PM
We all can make mistakes. As long as you don't continue to make them, I would not worry. We all have to live our lives as we
see fit and not be taken down the wrong path by others.

06-18-2016, 11:14 PM
I would add ... the only way to stay on the right path is to accept responsibility for our own choices. In this way, we are less likely to end up in a cycle of blaming others.

Mr Hall
06-19-2016, 01:47 AM
"Mistakes, obviously, show us what needs improving. Without mistakes, how would we know what we had to work on? "- Peter McWilliams

We all make mistakes in life. I would be surprised if I met someone who didn't. They are a part of human nature. I think its more important to focus on how you progress past your mistakes. I guess the beauty of making mistakes is that we can learn from them- in one way or another. Perhaps you may have learned that it is easy to be led astray by others and by learning this you are better prepared if you come across a situation like this again.

Hope this helps

06-19-2016, 04:17 AM
Well you feel bad because your friend influence you and you stop your ambition .Maybe your body feel god because you give them the substance he want back but the mind said ,oh no not again i hate this .By stoping your ambition you loss self confidence .I dont want to tell you what to do its your life but be careful because addictions are dangerous and take control over your life later on

06-19-2016, 06:13 AM
Never blame other's for your action, What are you a child of 5?
Whatever you chose to do it is your responsibility. It took me like 10 years to quit smoking..........but I had done it. So will you. Go back to your old ways, sober days and work on not repeating the mistake, The best is not to talk about it, but just do it. The feel of happiness is temporary and will be replaced with more anxiety and guilt ..........

06-19-2016, 11:11 AM
The key to kicking addictions is to realize "one is too many." If you really want to kick alcohol and weed out of your life, you have to remember that. I learned that from a friend's trip to a place where they help with addictions.