View Full Version : Mom's in surgery anxiety is high

06-16-2016, 06:11 AM
Hi all for once my anxiety isn't because I am worried about myself but as the title states my mom is about to be in surgery as type this about 10 minutes to go. She's having her Gallbladder out and they're taking part of her liver. They found a mass in the gallbladder but can't determine if it's cancerous or a bunch of gallstones bunched together or something benign so they're taking part of the liver just to be on the safe side but as of right now the mass whatever it is, is contained in the gallbladder and worst case scenario should it be cancer it hasn't spread anywhere.

The surgeon says she does this on a daily basis for the past 10 years but when it's your mother or close relative/friend you can't or at least I can't help but worry. I think because you don't hear about the successful surgeries you only see and hear about the ones that go wrong on the news and online, but then I think of all the professional athletes (big sports fan) who have surgeries for injuries and they all make it out so I am trying to stay as positive as I can, but this is the first time someone close to me has needed a major surgery like this I am stressing out. It's supposed to take around 3 hours I am going to be a nervous wreck here. I know how to calm myself down when my anxiety is caused by me and I can control it, but today it is caused by someone else and I can't control any of what goes on during her surgery all I can do is sit and wait and hope for the best.

Anyone have good successful surgery or major medical procedures experience whether it was you or someone close to you that went through it?

06-16-2016, 02:03 PM
If your anxiety was not high right now, it would be a very sad situation. Mom will come out allright.
Try to calm down, when she is in recovery room you must show optimistic face. I remember when I got the message that my mom was in surgery for the same reason, I was traveling in the bus (I was in school) at different city. People asked me if I am ok , I thought I am dying. I went to hospital from the bus station and got the room number and i went there and she was still groggy for the surgery. I was so happy, I will never forget that day. She was ok:))
It was like 40 years ago maybe a bit less, 12 year ago my brother had a major surgery (cancer) and he is still alive and kicking :)) She will be ok