View Full Version : A little bit about me.

06-15-2016, 04:57 AM
So, I was diagnosed with Panic Disorder when I was 14. I was having panic attacks a couple times a week and they could be triggered by the smallest thing. Sometimes they would come from what seems like nowhere. The first time I had a panic attack was terrifying, I honestly thought I was going to die. My mom, who was a nurse, was able to help after she found me sobbing on the floor. I don't even remember what caused it.

Fast-forward after years of therapy I had learned how to manage my anxiety to a functioning level. My Panic Attacks had settled down to the point of only experiencing one a few times a year. I was like this for about 6 years. These last two years have been traumatic and I've gone backwards. I've lost 5 family members within months of each other to illness. The 2 most traumatic losses, losing my Mom a week before Mothers Day and My Grandmother. Ever since then my Panic Attacks have returned and I've developed Health Anxiety(or Hypochondria). Not just with my own health but everyone around me, even my own pets I constantly worry they're sick. I get anxiety whenever I hear a friend or relative sees a doctor, no matter how routine. I sit there and worry they're going to find something. I took my dog to get her shots and had anxiety leading up to that. Like they were going to find something I couldn't see, or she'll have a reaction to the shots. I know I'm being irrational, but I can't stop thinking about it. I'm always trying to keep myself from trying to google symptoms, which usually makes it worse.

I've been going back to therapy. Pretty much right now we're working on staying off of Google when I start to worry.

I don't know anybody in my real life who goes through this. I kinda wanted to try a forum, maybe find people who might understand. Sorry my if my intro is a little long.

06-15-2016, 02:22 PM
I am so sorry for the many losses you have experienced recently. I can understand how that could be a major trigger as to why you are dealing with more attacks again and Hypochondria. I have Anxiety, Depression and Hyperventilation syndrome but went un-diagnosed for many years, I've suffered from all of them most of my life. I just didn't know what I was dealing with especially the Hyperventilation syndrome until about a year ago. It sounds like you are doing the right thing by going to therapy and seeking out others who can relate. You are not alone and my prayers are with you...