View Full Version : Please help Obsessive Thought

06-13-2016, 02:56 PM

I got HPPD. It's an anxiety disorder that causes different physical and mental disfunctions. Almost got it for over a year now and things are going better and better.
The one thing I struggle with the most now is the obsessive thinking. The thought that I just can't get out of my head is: "I didn't think about it". This thought always comes in my mind when I realize that I didn't think about the thought. That's like all the time... Then I am constantly thinking about the thought and it is like impossible to get out of it. I think about it when I realize that I didn't think about it and then I think about it that I should not think about it. The vicious circel continious..

I know obsessive thoughts are a part of anxiety that your brain produces and that you do not have to give attention to the thought and just let it go and you don't need to resist it. But this feels like impossible for me. I think about this thought like 24/7 and when I try to let it go it never leaves.. I have the feeling it is getting bigger and bigger by the minute....

I can get really depressed over this obsessive thinking thought. I try to be positive, but I just have the feeling it never goes away...

06-13-2016, 09:15 PM
I don't know but I think everyone who lives with anxiety (GAD in my case) suffers from a form of obsessive thinking. I don't know if it ever goes away but I sure as hell hope it will someday.

06-14-2016, 01:36 AM
Hi SanFranLarry,

I know for sure that eventually it will go away. It just is a pain in the ass at the moment. Today when I finished my positive morning ritual I came across two interesting posts about anxiety and obsessive thinking. I found an amazing working trick and started using it today and it works like a charm. Whenever an obsessive thought comes in your mind say it with a funny voice and smile! In my case whenever the thought "I didn't think about it" comes in my mind I say it with a Mickey Mouse voice and smile because it's just so funny and extremely silly at the same time. It's just how you interpret your obsessive thoughts. First (and yesterday haha) when I had the obsessive thought I would become negative, blaming myself and trying to get rid of it. This way you start a vicious cicle and the thought keeps getting more powerfull. You brain gets an alarm ringing when that thought comes in your mind and your brain gives it extra attention because you are negative about it.

An other very interesting post I came across was releasing anxiety and negative obsessive thoughts. What you actually do is just sit, relax and watch your thoughts. Just let them be and accept your emotions about it. Don't resist, don't resist your negative emotions and just let the moment be and wait. This maybe sounds very spiritual and random but it actually works. I tried it this morning. This way you release all the negative anxiety thoughts and feelings in your body.

It's really hard to explain but I highly recommend that you read this post:

Oh I can't post links because I must have 25 posts. Well.

Type in Google: calm down mind overcoming obsessive thoughts. Then click the first one. The title should say: Overcoming Obsessive Thoughts / CalmDownMind dot Com

Let me know if it helped you in any way! When I come across some things that could help me out, I love to share it to others so we can help eachother.

Love and peace,
