View Full Version : New member - GI track, heart palpitation related anxiety.

06-13-2016, 01:57 PM
Hello all, I will try to keep it short.

I have been going to a therapist, and had to stop going due to work moving me out of town and having crazy hours. I am not sure the therapist was helping my situation though so I really don't mind not going anymore. I also have been going to a psychiatrist for a while, she gives me medicine to help cope, I really don't know if it helps or not.

Between my heart and my stomach .. not sure what it's called. I get weird, feelings, is the word I would use to describe it, sometimes. It happens on a daily basis, like it growls or rumbles. It's the weirdest feeling. I use to think it was my heart, but every time it happens I try to check my blood pressure and it always comes back normal (normal-ish, I am on blood pressure medication). So I have somewhat learned to not think about it too much and the anxiety related to it is numbed a little (I am on several medications and anti-depressants).

The bad attacks happen when I get a heart palpitation. I get a few a week, and all of them are followed by a pretty severe panic attack. I get a cold feeling throughout my body .. sometimes it's also a hot feeling, my heart goes nuts, I get really jittery, thinking I am about to die from heart failure. When this happens, I try to remind myself that I am fine and it's only a panic attack. I realize almost everyone is affected by a heart palpitation at least once in their life, and I have been to my regular doctor, a cardiologist and a GI doctor. Every test I've done, and every check they have done, it's all been negative. I wore a monitor for 2 weeks and it was paired to a cell phone. Every time I felt something I was supposed to push a button on the monitor and it sends a text or something to the phone, that way they chart out what happened. Well it all came back negative. He says there were no extra beats, nothing. And my heart is perfectly fine. Same thing with my regular physician, and the GI doc has done several ultrasounds and finds nothing in my lower chest / upper stomach.

I am only here to see if someone has anything similar, or has some advice .. anything to get me to stop having that feeling after a palpitation.

I have a somewhat healthy lifestyle, 29 years of age, I love to bowl and play tennis. My wife and I walk or jog around a track regularly. I've changed my diet, I no longer drink alcohol, I do not drink caffeine anymore. I have never smoked or done illegal drugs / narcotics. I just can't cope with it, sometimes it gets so bad I just wish it would end my life so I don't have to feel like this anymore.

06-13-2016, 09:13 PM
Sounds pretty much like stress/anxiety to me -- possibly minor panic attack. Many times the chest pressure is due from gas build-up, very common with people who suffer from anxiety (like me).

06-14-2016, 05:22 AM
Sounds pretty much like stress/anxiety to me -- possibly minor panic attack. Many times the chest pressure is due from gas build-up, very common with people who suffer from anxiety (like me).

Thank you for responding! It's just crazy to me that it's the year 2016, and none of the doctors and machines even, can't find anything.