View Full Version : Friend hid Facebook post from me, hugged everyone except me

06-12-2016, 04:33 PM
I am so upset, my friend from church made a FB post about moving to my town from her neighboring town and closer to my church and where I live, and that she was looking for a roomate. I got a notification that she posted this, looked at it but later saw that the status was gone. I asked another mutual friend if she could still see the status and she said yes. And a few days earlier she had posted pretty much the same thing about wanting to move to my town only it sounded less definite. The status she posted then hid from me said she was excited to be able to move to my town and closer to my church and that she was looking for a good roomate and not just anyone. Why would she hide that status from me??
Also, I am so upset this girl who I thought was my friend hugged everyone in my church group goodbye last night except me. She just looked at me and walked past me out he door. Why would she do this?? I feel like she doesn't like me and wanted to hug everyone except me. Also, when I messaged her and a group of girls from our small group to hang outshe just said No I am busy, sorry! and immediately left the conversation.

06-12-2016, 05:00 PM
I'm so sorry! I've encountered "friends" like this in my life as well. As hard as it is, the best thing to do is distance yourself from these kinds of people. If they want nothing to do with you, it's best to not waste your precious time on them. It hurts, I know :(

06-12-2016, 09:14 PM
If you're like me, you'll want to know why, and the only way to know for sure is to ask, but she probably won't tell. She's not a real friend, so let her go if you can.

06-13-2016, 07:08 AM
There are not real friends from facebook. Real friends are like pearls, rare. Look for them in real life not virtual.

06-13-2016, 09:29 AM
I am so upset, my friend from church made a FB post about moving to my town from her neighboring town and closer to my church and where I live, and that she was looking for a roomate. I got a notification that she posted this, looked at it but later saw that the status was gone. I asked another mutual friend if she could still see the status and she said yes. And a few days earlier she had posted pretty much the same thing about wanting to move to my town only it sounded less definite. The status she posted then hid from me said she was excited to be able to move to my town and closer to my church and that she was looking for a good roomate and not just anyone. Why would she hide that status from me??
Also, I am so upset this girl who I thought was my friend hugged everyone in my church group goodbye last night except me. She just looked at me and walked past me out he door. Why would she do this?? I feel like she doesn't like me and wanted to hug everyone except me. Also, when I messaged her and a group of girls from our small group to hang outshe just said No I am busy, sorry! and immediately left the conversation.

I am sorry you are having to deal with this, but I have to ask what qualifies a friend to you. I have a lot of acquaintances and very few friends. I can Count my friends on 2 hands and have fingers left over. My definition of a friend are the people I can count on when I am at my worst, in other words the people who will show up if I am in the hospital.

and not wanting to sound sexist here, but I know this will be taken this way. I had no idea how "catty" women can be to one another until my nieces were born...down right cruel. Perhaps these young ladies ( I use that term loosely) are for some reason jealous or threatened by you.

06-13-2016, 11:45 AM
One option is to gently prod her and mention the fact that the post was deleted and "clear the air". Actually, I recommend this because sometimes things are just plain misunderstandings.

06-13-2016, 09:17 PM
Oh I so agree with Dahlia on this!!!