View Full Version : Constant repitivive thoughts; currently obsessed with determinism :(

06-12-2016, 03:44 AM
Hi all, long-time anxiety sufferer here, I think I could really use some help right now.

So as a background; I've suffered from repetitive, chronic anxiety my entire life. I don't know if it's GAD or OCD, and I cannot be diagnosed since 1)my family doesn't take mental illness seriously 2)I live in a heavily religious country and am agnostic. This is also why I'm so terrified from getting depression, I really try to hold on to happiness when I can but it's difficult because of my constant. unending. thoughts. It's always some random topic, typically based on challenging my worldview; from religion to philosophy. Now I've read up on Determinism as a lead on from previous worries I've had about whether or not life is worth living and if I should have been born, and now I've got some brand new anxiety about free will!

Part of me is like, I don't really care, I suppose? I've always imagined my choices were made as a result of past experiences and who I was was shaped by my parents/environment, but reading the free will debate further has been so confusing and anxiety-causing; am I trapped by life? Who am "I", really? Can I look at other people as people, and not just "robots"? Is life cheapened by the understanding that I don't have free will?

It feels like these thoughts are forced, I don't want to have them, but they keep coming, and coming.

I'm desperate, absolutely desperate to talk to someone who has experienced anything similar to this. I have no one to turn to IRL, and I basically live on the internet. If I find myself slipping into depression because of these pointless existential thoughts, I might never make it out....

(I just noticed the typo in the title :eek: )

06-12-2016, 04:26 AM
Have you tried walking?

06-12-2016, 05:22 AM
Thank you for the reply Ponder; actually yes, I've started to make an effort to try walking for 30 minutes everyday. It's typically a nice experience, but my mind can't help but run with anxiety when I'm left alone. Being 'alone with your thoughts' hasn't been very fun recently :(

But I understand exercise helps, and it makes sense; if my mind fails me, I can at least work on my body.

06-12-2016, 06:43 AM
You are happy with the life you have ? I think you are controled by society and also parents .To change your life you must confront others and make your own way in life ,own thoughts etc .This is the way to fix your life and anxiety also

06-12-2016, 07:15 AM
You are happy with the life you have ? I think you are controled by society and also parents .To change your life you must confront others and make your own way in life ,own thoughts etc .This is the way to fix your life and anxiety also

I wish it were that easy! Until I can leave the country I really am on my own... Even then, I don't know where to go. But that's for another time.