View Full Version : Overanalyzing new relationship

Caroline Ferch
06-11-2016, 04:55 PM
Hey there!
So..i am 16 years old and just started a new relationship...actually my first real one. And i like him we're having a lot of fun but i find myself thinking all the time: am i ready for something like this? Is he good for me? Can i live with the fact that he suffers from depression? And so on. I know it's normal to question new relationships but i just start panicking over it. Like many people with anxiety, i hate new situations, in fact they drive me insane. Since my summerholidays are starting soon, i dont know how often i will be able to see him and that also scares me a lot. I guess im just looking for any advive how to deal with this..thanks

06-12-2016, 06:48 AM
Well its normal to scare you if its the fisrt time its normal at all people but dont worry because this helped you to discover as a person and to find more about you .If you never try nothing you dont know nothing