View Full Version : Hi! New Member!

06-10-2016, 08:52 PM
Hello all,

My name is Lexi and I'm a new member here on the forums. I'm 20 years old and I've been struggling with anxiety ever since middle school I would say. It directly relates to the fear of throwing up which is called emetophobia and also just the general anxiety about getting sick or something being wrong with me or dying. I also have a lot of panic attacks when these situations and things come up. I've been trying to help myself calm down by relaxing more and getting myself to destress whenever I can.

I'm excited to be here and to find other people that feel the same way I do and experience some of the same things I do as well. Thank you guys!

06-11-2016, 11:04 AM
Hi and welcome, we are all here to support each other and I'm sure you'll find lots of useful info here..:)

06-22-2016, 03:11 AM
Hi, I am also new here but I feel that you are in the right place to get some very valuable information and help.