View Full Version : Thinking, I Guess

06-09-2016, 01:42 AM
So i decided i am going to start seeing a counselor..I don't really want to but i think i need to. Sometime i find myself thinking that maybe one morning i'll wake up and my anxiety will be gone but i highly doubt that is ever going to happen, maybe counseling will help..I'm not sure though. It's crazy how much my anxiety has escalated over the past couple weeks, before, i would have anxiety/attacks only if i was out in a very stressful situation but it has now come to the point of where i'm at home just listening to music and i'll have small attacks. I've also noticed that when my anxiety is coming on i will have a hard time swallowing, i'm not sure if that's normal though. It's also interesting how some people have an affect on me, there are just about two people that when i talk to them, my slight constant anxiety just disappears and i don't worry about things for a while. I guess i am just sharing this stuff to open up a bit, i would consider myself a pretty private person who doesn't like talking about their feelings but i think if i open up a bit, it would be better for me.

06-09-2016, 10:46 AM
Great idea. And if you don't like the first counselor you go to, keep trying until you find one you like.

06-09-2016, 01:20 PM
Thanks for the advice :)