View Full Version : Suggest some common fears!

06-08-2016, 04:08 PM
Hi to everyone!

I would love to share with y'all some thoughts about common phobias and how to overcome them.

There will be a list of phobias and their meanings. Then, you will discover some solutions to the problem of different phobias and panic attacks.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

” The number one fear that characterize the course of life in the modern world is the fear of missing out (FOMO).

“What if” and “if only” are sensitives that are an unassailable byproduct of our modern cultures and societies. No matter what we long for, where we wish to be, or with whom we wish to be with- the fear of missing out reflects an absence of connection.

This anxiety can be overwhelming or subtle, whether we are well aware of our distance from something elsewhere or we’re unconsciously suffering from a sense of detachment.

A fundamental part of being human is being social. Some argue that the virtual environment and our obsession with technology puts us farther apart from each other than ever. This argument is incomplete, however. To date, there is no solid data that links our online habits with our happiness (assuming happiness is the opposite of fear).

Fear of Being Judged

” One fear is the fear of being judged.

We hate being judged.

I do have an evolutionary explanation for it. We don’t want to appear weird. We want to “blend in” – we want to appear normal.

Why? Because predators will go after the guy that stands out.

If you watch animal channel, you will see that the lions will go after the zebra that’s alone instead of a group of zebras that are together. Birds will fly together for the same reason, the probability of being subject of an attack is less if you’re in a group and you don’t stand out.

PS: If you want to find out more phobias, you can check this article: common phobias and strangest fears (http://mind-globe.com/common-fears/).

Feel free to respond to this post suggesting some common fears not mentioned in the article linked before.