View Full Version : Half Borderline , How to live and cope.Anyone else work full time

06-07-2016, 09:31 AM

I was just diagnosed with more than half of the borderline symptoms. I work full time monday- friday and I struggle. I love the job I have , its in my field and it took me 5 years in school and 2 years to get hired...But I struggle to make it with full time hours. I do get holidays 3 weeks and I am thinking of dividing up the time every three months.

I find exercise helps. I am very black and white though , as many of people with this diagnosis are. How do you cope. I take medication wellbutrin and sertraline and I have a therapist who does CBT and DBT.

Does anyone else out there with most of these symptoms- borderline, panic attacks, depression & anxiety work full time. I was also involved in a serious car accident 7 years ago that left me with a tilted disc and i find the only way to deal with the pain is exercise 6-7 days a week, chiro and massage.

Looking forward to your replies


06-07-2016, 07:45 PM
I suffer with health anxiety and work 50 plus hours a week. I find work helps distract me from my anxiety.

06-08-2016, 05:20 AM
Yes you must find things that make you forget about your anxiety .Do sports ,read personal development also because t will help you and be grateful also it helps a lot

06-08-2016, 07:06 AM
Yes you must find things that make you forget about your anxiety .Do sports ,read personal development also because t will help you and be grateful also it helps a lot

Thank you for your replies. I do love my job and the industry I work in. I just find I have bad days. Some people are also quick to judge me. I don't want to leave my job, I am taking a few days vacation which I hope will help clear my head.

I workout to help the anxiety, a lot . I do cardio 5-6 days a week and weights 4, Yoga once. I have a trainer and a meal plan and we communicate all the time. I think this is how I stay normal so to speak. I find that Lorazapam makes me more with it than when i take clonazapam. And when I become anxious my boss understands and allows me to step out without telling anyone, I find music helps and deep breathing.

I am happy to hear about others who go through similar situations every day. I have been at this career for almost two years, its one of my biggest accomplishments to date.

Thanks for your help and for understanding. I am working with a Councillor now who does DBT to try to understand my limits more and advoid situations which I know will cause anxiety for me.