View Full Version : Normally confident with social/performance anxiety. Help?!

06-06-2016, 03:15 PM
It's getting to be debilitating.

The basic gist is that any time I need to speak in front of people, where I'm the sole focus, my fight or flight response goes into overdrive.

Tremor, sweaty palms, shaky voice, rapid heartbeat.

I'm in a career where I need to speak in front of professionals on a fairly regularly basis (bi-weekly). Sure, with tons of practice and familiarity with the subject and my audience it might get better, but for now it's miserable.

The only thing that seems to help is a beta blocker, Inderal (propranolol) to be exact. I take 10-15mg before I might present and I'm almost always fine.

The odd thing is I speak great over the phone, one on one or when I'm engaged with a handful of people. But put me on a podium in front of 10+ and forget about it.

What are some of the underlying causes of this? And can Inderal/Propranolol eventually stop working for me?


06-06-2016, 03:21 PM
The other somewhat strange thing is I'm typically pretty outgoing and funny.

But just today I was asked to introduce myself (a two second intro with just my name and job title) and choked up.

It's really confusing.

06-08-2016, 05:35 AM
Well this fear its comon around people and not necesarly anxiety to have it .what i would sugest you its that before you start a speach to focus on things you want and dont focus on fear shyness etc .Also autosugest you yourself that you are very courageod and do this with emotion