View Full Version : How I healed My anxiety

06-04-2016, 10:26 AM
So I started getting symptoms of GAD at 13 im 27 now, there was a lot going on in my life with my family and it was causing so much stress for me. I started to get very severe gad. It go so bad that I was getting panic attacks at lest once ever few days, it reached the point I no longer wanted to leave the house, I was getting these racing thought palpitations, thinking i was going to die, its kind of like feeling of dread. Like feeling my life is over.

I am so grateful that I was able to overcome it. There are a few things you need to consider when overcoming gad, what people are you round? are you around people who trigger it and make it worse? I know when I was living with my nan my anxiety went to its peak where it became agoraphobia, I was being emotionally bullied and abused by my nan, until I got out of that situation was only until I was able to fully focus on myself and heal.

If you are around an environment that makes you feel worse than you should be then leave that environment!!! doesn't matter if its your own family members your health and happiness comes first!

So how did I heal from my anxiety? How can you do the same? 99.999% the reason why you have anxiety is because of the fact that you had traumatized childhood experience whether you remember it s being traumatic or not. How I was able to heal and feel more at peace with myself is to look at my ugly past childhood trauma and make peace with it. This takes courage commitment and consistency ,but believe me its so worth it, because it frees you from this emotional prison.

You need to look at yourself honestly to see what it is that has traumatized you so that you can heal it and make peace with it, this is how you will heal your anxiety.

Now I help other people do the same I help people uncover the deepest wounds within themselves to heal it from place of love and forgiveness so that they're no longer trapped by these useless negative feeling of anxiety fer and worry and they can move forward happily peacefully in their lives.

I do Skype sessions and use 2 powerful techniques 1 being EFT and the other Theta healing. These are the tools I have used and still use to transform many things in my life. Message me if you want more info or if you would like to work with me.

Ive also started my Youtube Channel on Tap long sessions and also theta healing sessions

06-04-2016, 11:26 AM
Very cool, thanks for the info..:)

06-04-2016, 11:32 AM
Very cool, thanks for the info..:)

Youre welcome :)

06-04-2016, 01:55 PM
How i find you in youtube? Grettings from Mexico

06-04-2016, 02:20 PM
Hey :)

I can't put my links on here. you can go to: youtube . com/c/thrivewithlouise just type that in without the spaces :)

Im going to be posting healing videos on anxiety shortly. I was doing videos related to other topics but im going to be focusing more on the healing.