View Full Version : Conquering Depression

06-02-2016, 12:44 PM
Hello Everyone,

I am very new here and I want to briefly explain my story of how I overcame depression, suicidal thoughts and loneliness to become the man I am today and plan to stay, and I can finally say that I am alive for the first time in my life and I want others to overcome any challenges they are currently facing physically and mentally and to find inner peace and happiness.

I can honestly say that I have been depressed since I was in the 2nd grade and stayed that way through college. I thought that my loneliness was a curse and that I would stay that way for the rest of my life. I never had anyone to talk to and this led to me storing some volatile emotions and feelings. Over the years, the only voice I would ever hear was the one in my head injecting thoughts into my skin like a drug which would eventually put me into my own death grip as I slowly built my own tomb bound to stay there forever. Many events, some life changing for me at the moment led me down this destination and I eventually wanted to end my life. I couldn't talk to anyone, but I eventually did get some help when I was in high school. This did help a lot (And I encourage people to talk to someone like a therapist), but it was only merely a band aid to a deep wound. I eventually ended up fighting through my high school years and overcame odds to go to college and play on a college sports team. I thought I was cured of my own being and that I would never feel the same pain I felt from my youth. Eventually, when you are high in the clouds, you always look down and gravity takes its course. This led to new struggles and new pain and more loneliness. My life in a nutshell briefly explained in a paragraph led to me to finally grabbing the bull by the horns and fixing myself my way.

First, it started with self acceptance. Every mistake I made and currently make, I took accountability for everything. This is usually the hardest part and was the hardest part for me. I was no longer going to blame my mistakes on anyone else but me. All of my downfalls were done indirectly and directly from myself from my youth to my adult self, but this made me appreciate my accomplishments that much more. I began to eat a much healthier diet strictly of fruits, nuts and veggies. No more soda, chips and other junk. This allowed me to heal many parts of myself from within and I found a sense of inner peace and rekindled desire to live. I am by no means a raw vegan or on a paleo diet, but I hope to reach that level soon. I eventually stopped worrying about what others thought of me and stopped trying to please them, family included. If a friend or random person didn't want to talk to me or acknowledge my existence, they only did me the favor because I didn't need that person in my life to begin with. These changes led to me becoming team captain of my college team, graduating college, and getting an internship which eventually landed me a job opportunity. These were just a few of the many things that I have done over the years and continue to learn many more things.

It is important that you talk to someone first and foremost, whether it is a therapist, family or close friend if you are in state of crisis. I can't stress that enough. Get involved with some community service or conservation movements, these people are great people and you will feel like you belong and are making an impact in the community. Eating a cleaner diet will definitely help and make a huge impact. Stay confident in who you are, no one is perfect and we all have our own struggles and journeys, don't CHANGE who you are for anyone.

I am the exact same person I was as the one that was in the 2nd grade. I am an individual who has very few friends and stays isolated. In other words, I am a loner. I love that part of me though and now, I wouldn't have it any other way. It taught me to appreciate those that remained in my life. The part of me that I thought was my curse ended up becoming my gift. I am on this forum to explain my story and to help those that need it because I want others to feel alive and start breathing again or for the first time. If anyone needs someone to talk to, you can message me anytime on this forum. Success, happiness and greatness are not objects or places, but destinations that we will find someday, hopefully together, but it starts now.

06-03-2016, 04:32 PM
Great to hear that you overcame depression, suicidal thoughts and loneliness and that you now have inner peace and happiness. What an incredible story this is! It’s so exciting to hear of how your life got transformed. I liked following every bit of your write up and if you do not mind I would request you to allow me use your story to encourage those that may be feeling the way you felt in case I meet them. As the saying goes, without a test there is no testimony. You have a testimony worth sharing and thank you for doing exactly that.