View Full Version : Med free and my reality

06-01-2016, 06:49 AM
SO i have been off of meds for maybe 2 months now, really know idea, I have a bad concept of time. Anyway...hows it going??? not great, but not bad. Apparently I have anger/rage issues I can go from 0 to 100 in 2 seconds flat and maintain that speed for hours. I have to be real careful to manage it. Anxiety Oh yeah its there just under the surface, I am constantly working to avoid any "disturbance" to trigger an attack, in other words letting my mind blow something minor out of proportion. Also I am extremely emotional, will cry at the drop of a hat ??? everything slightly sad sends me into an emotional human waterworks. There is a commercial on radio right now about kids in foster care needing clothing...that one sends me over the edge. Self image not great, I am very critical of myself, also I am very critical of others..its things like my friends cannot carry on a conversation with out playing on their #@$%%$ cell phones. It just irritates me and I have left gatherings because of it.

Thats about it...I'm coping...thriving?? not really. The brightest part of it all is that I am killing it at the gym...so its not all bad.

06-01-2016, 08:04 PM
It seems like you are doing OK. I am 59 and all of the younger people are always on the phone,
including my daughter who is 25.

06-02-2016, 09:46 AM
It seems like you are doing OK. I am 59 and all of the younger people are always on the phone,
including my daughter who is 25.

True I am doing good...especially when i think of how it was before. LOL I'm 50 and my friends are 50 or over, I have no idea why anyone would want to snap chat with someone sitting at the same table?? I refuse to open an account. Its an odd world we live in.