View Full Version : Digestive - Is this anxiety?

05-31-2016, 12:58 PM
Since Thursday last week (Monday now) I have noticed that when I'm going to the bathroom for a bowel movement, there is excess sticky, yellowy stuff on the toilet paper afterwards that takes a fair few wipes to get rid of (sorry!).

Is this anxiety? I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy done a few years back and they were all clear, but that was about 4-5 years ago, and after that I would feel like I needed to go more often sometimes but it was on and off. Now I seem to be getting this yellow stuff.

Yesterday it was better, and this morning, then I was out having the car washed and in the car I could feel my abdomen feel, different. Not sure how. Didn't last too long. Got home. Not desperate. Thought I'd check anyway. Stools were fine, just this yellow stuff.

Problem is, then I start to get anxious about it. I start watching my digestive system and watch for any feelings I get. This probably makes it worse, but I can't help it. I start to think, "Is this IBS starting?", "Is this an infection?", "Is this appendicitis starting?", "Have I got bowel cancer?" and so on.

Worry, worry worry. Any suggestions? Anyone else get like this too? Should I just ignore it? It's just it's different to how it usually is, however I do usually get a tiny bit of yellow stuff but this is a lot more now.

Thanks (and sorry for the subject!)

06-05-2016, 08:45 PM
I would see a doctor first to see if there truly is something wrong with your digestive tract. But it you could just be worrying over nothing, just check and see what a doctor says first. At least that's what i would do.

06-09-2016, 08:53 PM
Many times anxiety and stress can cause GAD and/or IBS and what you described is exactly some of the symptoms. When my anxiety kicks in big time, I go through this. Gas and gas-pressure (chest tightening and head pressure) go along with it.