View Full Version : muscle twitches

10-08-2008, 08:14 PM
I am trying so hard to not to freak out everyday but it seems like everyday there's something different. Do anyone else get muscle twitches? I mean, serious muscle twitching? I had an eyelid twitch for like a week. I have also had a nose twitch, a finger twitch, pretty much everywhere in my body. It's just so hard because I think that I have this under control then it comes flying back. I worry about my health every day. I can't remember the last time I had a worry free day with no feelings of doom. I function well, people would never guess that I have these thoughts. It's just hard for me to believe that anxiety could be doing this. I'm not on any meds but I'm wondering if it is possible to kick this without them.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated. :)

10-09-2008, 06:09 AM
This is a common sign of anxiety, if all other causes have been ruled out by a doctor. When my anxiety was at its worst, I would often have various twitches throughout my body. My nose often twitched and my legs and arms too. Around my mouth area would often feel numb and tingly. I was told by a doctor that it was caused by anxiety and it is quite common to experience this. It is to do with the adrenaline that anxiety releases. I would spend hours trying to work out what disease I had cos I just didnt want to face the fact I had anxiety. I do have a kidney disorder and I tried to put everything down to that but a lot of what I was and still experience is simply anxiety. Magnesium supplements can help a lot with muscle twitching and anxiety as anxiety causes magnesium to be used up quickly I read. Once my anxiety eased so did the twitching. I hope it gets lots better for you soon.

10-09-2008, 08:37 AM
Thanks Carla, that really makes me feel better. I guess I'm just sad that I can't snap myself out of this. My husband and family are so tired of hearing about this. They aren't half as tired as I am, though, of worrying about it. It makes me feel better knowing that others are going through the same symptoms and getting over them. Thank you for your kind words and good luck with your symptoms. It sounds like you have a good handle on them.

10-09-2008, 11:35 AM
Hi! :)
Thanks for the message. I can relate to what you say when you said that others are tired of hearing you but not half as as tired as you are. I sometimes give up letting others know to an extent how I feel because I just dont think they can fully understand, but then that isnt their fault. I think unless other people have gone thro or are going through anxiety then they cannot fully understand - just like with all other health problems, physical or mental. That is one of the reasons why I turned to this forum. Others are going through similar problems and we can relate to and support each other on here. I dont always have a good handle on my symptoms but I try and it is getting easier. I had a bad night last night, however today has been better though. You can't just 'snap out' of how we are feeling. It would be great if we could but its not as easy as that is it? You are not alone in what you are going through at all. I hope that you have a better day :)

10-14-2008, 02:23 PM
I have this too but a ton of other things. 4 months ago I started getting odd pains in my joints, sometimes fleeing other times pulsating. Then my feet started to vibrate on and off (only one at a time), now for over a month I have had NON STOP twitching-EVERYWHERE. I am very very scared. I had an EMG MRI of head and full spine, clear..but I wonder if lesions just take awhile to show in an MRI for MS>

I am obsessing over this and its taking over my life!

10-29-2008, 09:49 AM
I have been twitching since Aug. 2001. It all started during a very stressful period in my life. First my girlfriend had to have an emergency appendectomy. Then I got hurt working out. Next came a viral illness that just wiped me out (extreme fatigue) All this occured over about 10 days. At the time I was working a lot of overtime and going to school. Around the middle of Aug. I noticed twitching in my lower extremities. This progressed to the rest of my body and was accompanied by severe itching. I had several medical exams and blood work. All unremarkable except for the above symptoms. The constant twitching and itching made me very anxious. Then I started noticing tingling, numb, burning sensations in different parts of my body. My pmd was getting tired of me.With all the symptoms I was worried about MS and ALS. I did not have any clinical weakness at all. The anxiety was so bad I couldn't sleep.This just made things worse. My pmd told me I was anxious and depressed. He did not have the best bedside manner. His answer Paxil and Ativan. I was eventually sent to a neurologist. MRI (head and neck) EMG and a NCS. All negative, except for the twitching on the EMG. cont.

10-29-2008, 11:29 AM
So what do you mean all neg aside from twitching on the EMG. Did they say you had nerve damage? I too had an EMG which was fine. They did find stenosis in my c spine so I go see a neuro surgeon in a few wks to see if its the cause of all of this, but I hear its not from other drs as spine/neck issues usually effect shoulders, arms and one side of the bod. My pains are wide spread-deep stabbing or pulsating pains that feel like a toothache. What worries me is my left foot is almost constantly buzzing/tingling and now for 2 days straight my right pionter finger has been numb. I have read that anything that lasts 24 hrs is typically related to MS so I am panicked. This does not seem like anxiety. If it were it would be both hands, not one, or both feet not one (also read this), however I AM anxious that I dont know what exactly is wrong. I had a clear mri of my brain and spine in terms of MS lesions however I also know that does not rule out MS as in 10% of cases it doesnt show up on MRIS-of course that put me through the roof. If the NS does not think this is related to my cspine I wil be getting a lumbar puncture to rule out or in MS.


At this point I just want answers so I can get treatment either way

Does the medication work for you?