View Full Version : Anxious to move + wisdom tooth + noro fears

05-27-2016, 05:04 AM
So we're going to put our house on the market this summer... And I'm anxious to move. I grew up in this house my entire childhood. I am familiar with everything, and with all the neighbors. I have so many memories here, and it's my safe place. Whenever I'm too afraid or anxious to leave the house, I just stay in my room... It's my comfort place. Anyway, we're going to be moving this summer and I'm so scared to move. It'll all be so new and I won't know anyone. I am afraid that I won't adapt as quickly and won't have a "safe place" (like my bedroom in this house) so if I do panic, I won't ever stop panicking and I might have to go to the hospital. Or, I may not even make it to the hospital (we're moving to a remote area) because it'll be so far away. I'm so anxious about this right now that my stomach hurts :(

I also am having issues with a wisdom tooth. One of mine already grew in and the other I think is having trouble. The other one does hurt a lot. My dad says I might have to go in to the dentist to get it X-rayed. I'm really scared of dentists, I haven't gone in over 10 years because I've been putting it off this long. But now I absolutely have to go if this wisdom tooth doesn't come in correctly, to avoid infection or it harming my other teeth. I'm scared of them poking and prodding in my mouth, and being put under "laughing gas" (that's what they called it when I was a kid, not sure what it's called now). I just can't handle the thought of going to the dentist.

I am also anxious right now about norovirus. I'm worried that when a potential buyer comes to check out our house, that they'll carry norovirus particles in with them and I'll catch it and get sick. I heard most of the time they just come in the house and glance inside the rooms, maybe walk around a bit. I'm just scared that it'll go airborne and they'll sneeze or something... And if they had norovirus during the past few days, that means that norovirus germs will fly around the air and land in the rooms! Ugh :(

05-27-2016, 05:31 AM
I'm nauseous right now and I'm worried I caught a stomach bug :( I don't know what to do.

05-28-2016, 05:35 AM
You poor thing, you sound really distressed.

I'm also terrified of the dentist (not been for a long time), and spent some of the morning surfing the internet. I found this, which has put my at ease a little bit:


The norovirus, may I ask why you think you might catch it?

05-30-2016, 03:53 AM
Thank you so much for the link! Going to read it.

On my app (Sickweather) it says that in my city, norovirus is going around. So I'm so nervous that one of the buyers will be carrying it and then spread germs in the house. Either through coughing, sneezing, or some other way.

05-31-2016, 03:22 PM
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Having wisdom teeth removed isn't necessarily that bad, though. I had a couple removed last year (after putting it off for a long time because I felt that it was never the right time to go through a recovery period and also because I was a bit scared). One of them was removed through surgery and the other one they just pulled off. But I didn't have to be put under laughing gas or anything, I only got local anesthesia/analgesia. It's strange, but the local anesthesia also felt calming. I've also heard that some dentists can give you an anti-anxiety pill before. You should tell them that you're scared of the procedure, many people are and dentists are used to dealing with it. Good luck!

Have you thought about where your anxiety is coming from? What you have now sounds like a variety of worries/anxieties, but the root cause is probably something else.

06-02-2016, 04:12 AM
Thank you so much for the link! Going to read it.

On my app (Sickweather) it says that in my city, norovirus is going around. So I'm so nervous that one of the buyers will be carrying it and then spread germs in the house. Either through coughing, sneezing, or some other way.

i hope it's helped you. i just registered with a dentist now and made an appointment. i made an early morning one like it said on the link.

don't worry about the noro virus, and them bringing it in to you. if they were suffereing from it, they wouldn't be able to leave the house. plus you need to stay in doors for 2 days after having it, or something like that.

06-02-2016, 05:28 AM
I have an operation next week to have two problem teeth removed. Stupid teeth..:rolleyes:

06-02-2016, 06:47 AM
I have an operation next week to have two problem teeth removed. Stupid teeth..:rolleyes:

are they your wisdom teeth?

06-02-2016, 08:15 AM
are they your wisdom teeth?

No luckily, they are my chewing teeth..lol, the ones at the side of your mouth

06-02-2016, 11:40 PM
I know the feeling, not a fan of the dentist. I'm going to have to go there soon too. My teeth are absolutely awful due to extended periods of being depressed and apathetic and not taking care of them. I'm just waiting for the go-ahead and then I'm going to have to go get them fixed to the best of their abilities.. Considering how much needs to be done it'll take more than a few appointments. Not looking forward to that.

06-02-2016, 11:56 PM
I'm diabetic and my teeth suffer the consequences

06-03-2016, 06:38 AM
I'm diabetic and my teeth suffer the consequences

I have a condition that makes me produce little spit. And since spit is part of keeping the teeth resistant, well.. My coca cola addiction a few years back didn't help either. I'm surprised my teeth haven't just fallen out already tbh. Even more surprising that apart from the holes I need to get filled they don't even look that bad tbh. So I guess I should be happy about that.

06-19-2016, 12:24 AM
I'm sorry you guys have to go too :( I still didn't go to the dentist and I let two wisdom teeth grow in. Hoping the top ones grow in just as well as the other two.

Two One
06-22-2016, 02:17 PM
I had my wisdom teeth removed in January 2014 and around that time my anxiety was very severe. I don't enjoy going to the dentist, but I wouldn't say I have a phobia. I had the procedure done with only a local anesthetic. It wasn't bad at all. The worst part is waiting for the bleeding to stop. The pain wasn't bad at all for me, two Tylenol took care of the pain. There was no way I was taking the Vicodin I was prescribed.

As for the norovirus... I'm an emetophobic and have a deathly fear of norovirus (I'm also a pre-med student). I would honestly rather die than have norovirus. When it comes to norovirus, virus particles are only shed through the stool and vomit of an infected person. It is not airborne like influenza or the common cold. The virus can be airborne for a very short time if someone has an emetic episode in the open, but even then the virus would only be airborne for a very short amount of time. As long as you wash your hands thoroughly and don't put come into direct contact with an infected person, you should be fine.