View Full Version : Other options

05-24-2016, 11:18 AM
Hello All,

I have been treated with 20mg Lexapro and 2mg Klonopin per day for the past 3 months or so for anxiety and depression. More anxiety than depression but while on the Klonopin I noticed I was getting more depressed over time even though it was helping some with the anxiety. The Lexapro hasn't seemed to do anything but my Psych doctor wants to keep me on it because it worked well for me for about a 5 year period in my life and controlled some depression I had at the time.

I came off the Klonopin cold turkey as of 5/13 and I have had a lot of anxiety and a few bad days of depression. I know cold turkey is dumb when on this med but I hadn't been on it a long time and I was so tired of how it was making me feel that I made the decision to go that route.

My question is, every time I bring up to my doctor how I am feeling he points me back to my Psychologist. I told him since I have come off of the Klonopin, my anxiety is really amped up an he said continue working with my Psychologist. Since I have been on this combo I have had a lot of complaints of depression and he blamed to Klonopin and added "continue with your Psychologist". I told him at one point that I didn't feel the Lexapro was working to do anything and he said since it worked before it is the best option to get me back to where I was over those 5 years and to "keep working with the Psychologist".

I really feel like no matter how dire I sound to him, he is going to stick with the Lexapro because he has told me he doesn't believe in the poop out factor. When I mentioned switching he asked me what I wanted to do. Well, I don't know what to switch to...that is his job to suggest that or at least I thought. So I made an appointment with another doctor but unfortunately it is 2 months out as it is tough to get in to some places as most of you know I'm sure.

Anyhow I just don't know anymore. I definitely want to stay away from benzos now and really I am afraid of not knowing where to go with this next. It seems like the last 2 doctors I have seen don't really listen to me. The one prior to him had me on Viibryd. I told her how hopeless I was feeling every day and she asked me "are you having panic attacks? are you sleeping at night?" The answer to the panic attacks was no and the the sleeping was yes so she told me "then the medicine is working" and that was that. I don't know so I am asking you guys. It sounds like the doctors think I will be better if I just keep doing CBT with my Psychologist and if I feel like dying, just deal with it.


05-24-2016, 08:04 PM
It may be a good idea to get a second opinion.

05-24-2016, 10:42 PM
Hey thebaseball2001,

An option is to wean off Lexapro slowly (don't discontinue it abruptly - "cold turkey") then, when almost weaned off, begin natural treatments such as St. John's Wort, (Kira, Jarsin, or Perika brands) possibly with 50 mg of 5-htp, which acts much quicker.

A previous post follows: I suggest tapering off similarly to the following: first week 90% dosage; following weeks: 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 7.5, 5, & 2.5%. For Paxil, Lexapro (reputedly the 2 worst for discontinuation symptoms) and Effexor I suggest taking twice as long. Effexor (venlafaxine) is an antidepressant in a group of drugs called selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) - drugs.com

One way is to get a mortar, and pestle, and crush tablets to a powder; put it in a long, thin line, and work out correct proportions, perhaps cutting the line in half once, and then repeatedly (measurements need only be approximate). A more accurate way is to dissolve them in water, and use a graduated medication measuring container, from a pharmacy. I know Lexapro have a liquid version, suitable for this purpose, but am unsure about yours.

Another option is to replace it, 10% daily, with Prozac at a similar dosage; stabilise for a short while, then wean off the Prozac at 25% less weekly (said to be considerably less troublesome, for most people).

Check out http://www.itmonline.org/arts/ssri.htm & http://www.antidepressantsfacts.com/taper.htm SSRI WITHDRAWAL SCHEDULE & http://theroadback.org/workbook.htm free Ebook.


Relevant previous posts may be viewed at:

GENERALISED ANXIETY DISORDER: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?33964-New-to-the-site-and-looking-for-help&p=223989#post223989

Give the Meridian Tapping Technique / EFT a good tryout, to see if it helps you. It is free via mercola.com or www.tapping.com (13 free videos), or www.eftuniverse.com or www.emofree.com or one of the many YouTube videos. Google: "YouTube; EFT videos".
Professionally instructed is generally preferable (Google: therapists; EFT; [your location] or mercola.com has a locator). - There is a version for use in public places at http://eft.mercola.com (if you like, you can claim to have a headache, as you employ the acupressure massage / tapping on your temples, but you would then be restricted to subvocalising: saying it to yourself in your mind: "Even though I have anxiety, I deeply and completely accept myself)." or words of your own choosing.

DEPRESSION: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?32707-has-this-happend-to-you&p=216510#post216510

HERBAL ANXIOLYTICS: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34269-5-Powerful-Tools-You-Probably-Haven-t-Tried-Yet&p=225415#post225415

NON HERBAL NATURAL (NON PHARMACEUTICAL) ANXIOLTYICS: (5-htp, etc.) http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34355-Help-Please!!!/page2

There are many other treatments for depression that can be used concomitantly, such as optimising vitamin D, (view "Vitamin D3 Cured my Anxiety, Depression, and Panic Disorder", at http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?12695-Vitamin-D3-Cured-my-Anxiety-Depression-and-Panic-Disorder&highlight=vitamin ) moderate daily exercise, omega 3 fish oil supplements, and smiling therapy.

05-25-2016, 07:28 AM
You definitely need a good doctor who will listen to you so keep looking until you find one. Their job is to find just the right dose and medication for you. I have been on almost all of them and I can tell you, different ones work better than others for different people.