View Full Version : Specific Anxiety

Felix Sky
05-23-2016, 09:46 AM
So I was laid off last month. I also had some other family related events around the same time.
I generally have anxiety, depression, and my bipolar 2 under pretty good control. I don't allow it to rule my life.
I don't do well when things fall apart, as many people with anxiety and depression do

My anxiety is pretty severe right now and it has to do with interviewing, technical interviews (I work in IT), and everything else that has to do with getting hired. I have this fear that I was simply lucky to have my last job and make really good money. I also know that my technical skills are lacking to what they should be. I am not an idiot and I do have many years of experience, but I am just terrified that these recruiters and employers are going to think I am an idiot and a fraud. I can't shake the feeling. I get insane anxiety before phone interviews (not so much in person) because I HATE talking on the phone in general.

I've only been searching for 2 weeks, but already had plenty of phone interviews. One in person interview and many Skype interviews. I am taking today off, besides a Skype interview later today, and going to just rest my mind and body. I feel exhausted.

Am I being unreasonable and unrealistic? Is this just anxiety doing it's thing? I am trying to figure out what's going on here. My wife is saying that I am acting completely irrationally and that I have plenty of experience and should be more confident. I can't shake the feeling that I am not good enough to get hired. I have enough money for a few more months. I don't want to spend all my savings this way.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Thank you in advance!

05-23-2016, 09:56 AM
It is just your anxiety speaking. I suffer from anxiety as well and have had very low self-confidence because of it. I am no expert but have to believe that with higher self-confidence the feeling of anxiety decreases. With the years of experience that you have, you seem more than qualified and very marketable. Just stick to what you know best. Relax, think positively, and a job will follow.

Felix Sky
05-23-2016, 10:16 AM
Thank you. That's what my wife is telling me as well. That I am underestimating my overall knowledge. I still can't help feeling inadequate, but I have to go on and try to be positive. I have no other choice