View Full Version : Anxiety, depression, polyphagia and medicines not working

Sam Vincent
05-22-2016, 09:02 AM
My dad is 60 years old

Pre-problem period
Diabetic for 2 years and then diagnosed as being non-diabetic and stopped his medicine (metformin)

First Symptom : Nov 1st
Within a month he started developing sudden, uncontrollable hunger especially in morning, approx. 30 minutes after breakfast. Accompanied by fatigue, drowsiness, disinterest.

Diagnosis 1 : His ferritin levels are low. Prescribed iron tablets -> Didn't work
Diagnosis 2 : Reactive hypoglycemia, prescribed 5 meals a day -> Didn't work
Diagnosis 3 : Dumping syndrome, prescribed "Glucobay (Acarbose)" -> Didn't work

1 month passed, symptoms worsened, the duration and recurrence of polyphagia within a day started increasing till 3 PM

Second Symptom : Dec 1st
Since no improvement was seen, started developing anxiety. Immediately started getting panic attacks.
Anxiety symptoms : Started worrying and being afraid about every trivial stuffs. Every discussion started acting as a trigger and at peak of panic attack was took to ER

Psychiatrist consultation

Jan 1st
Prescribed : SNRI D-Veniz (Desvenlafaxine) 50 MG + Clonotril (clonazepam) 0.5 MG
Effect : Clonotril controlled panic and anxiety attack within 30 minutes
D-Veniz showed slight improvements such as panic attack got reduced but anxiety attack still occurred everyday and depression didn't improve much

Mar 1st
Doctor revisit
prescribed Nexito-10 MG (Escitalopram) : Comparatively lesser benefit than d-veniz, as 15 days didn't see any improvement, doctor upped it by 20 MG.
Still no improvement seen. Side-effects of drowsiness, weakness increases and overall worse.

May 1st
Doctor revisit
Prescribed Serlift (SSRI Sertraline), Paxidep (SSRI Paroxetine) and Ativan (lorazepam) together.

Tests Taken
Endoscopy of stomach : Clean
CT Scan of lower abdomen + pancreatic protocol : Clean
MRI brain : Clean
GTT : Clean
Thyroid : Clean

His extreme hunger is still the biggest problem, occurs 5+ times a day other than normal meal times. He is suffering greatly.