View Full Version : So many triggers :(

05-22-2016, 05:55 AM
Here's an update on the horse thread I made: I visited my horses and they were great! I didn't ride but I felt comfortable on the ground with them.

Now here's for today's post: I have so many triggers it's not even funny. So I was invited to go gardening with my mom and grandma (at grandma's house). I thought about it real hard. I remembered having a panic attack there once (and my grandma laughed at me) and I also am sensitive to heat, which makes me even more anxious. To add to that, I also am about to have my period, and I have really bad dysmenorrhea (cramps, nausea, sometimes vomiting, diarrhea/or constipation, headaches, etc.) and that triggers me as well... I have norophobia (fear of norovirus or a stomach bug) and sometimes when I get dysmenorrhea symptoms, I mistake it for a bug and get scared from that as well.

The house was really hot today. The indoor thermostat said 81 degrees inside the house... We don't have AC so I sat in my room in front of my fan (it was on high). I began to feel anxious because of how hot I got, so I got my thermometer and took my temp. 99.8! I absolutely freaked, thinking I was catching a bug, and called my mom. She comforted me for a while on the phone. I eventually cooled down to 98.5.

I'm not sure what to do :( I usually take a Zofran and an acetaminophen before my period starts (I have an app that tracks it) and I take those medicines during it as well. I also use a heat pad, essential oils, tea, acupressure, and yoga poses known to help with cramping.

I have a headache right now and am cramping really bad (I can't sleep) and I'm confused as to whether it's a bug or just dysmenorrhea.

Sorry for the rant. I'm hot, my stomach is cramping and my head hurts, and I'm anxious :( I'm so scared it's a bug. My tracker says my period is in two days, so I am really worried this might actually be a bug.