View Full Version : i tried a poem "I wish'

05-20-2016, 09:28 PM
this might suck so bare with me lol. If you like it you should do your own "I wish" I would like to see what everyone comes up with.

"I wish I could be completely comfortable with myself. I wish I didn't feel like everyone left. I wish I could wake up and be proud of myself. I wish everything wasnt so complicated in life. Yet I make everything complicated in my life. I wish I didn't feel like a disappointment to the people I love most. I wish I could ride and smoke on the west coast. I wish the pain in me could go away. I wish I could be myself everyday. I wished I could help those struggling around me, but then I realized you have to let others be. I wish I was happy and not just pursue it. I wish I could be the best at everything. I wish I could wake up in the morning and be pleased with who I see in the mirror. I wish I could control the weather. If I could control such a thing, it would be cloudy all the time. I wish my brother didn't have to do the time.. I wish I could sleep my little stupid life away. I wish the anxiety would disappear for a day.. or maybe even 2. I wish I knew what to... Do."

I seen a similar version to this, I just decided to do my own. I never really did a poem and I dont even know if this would be considered a poem, but hope you like it.