View Full Version : Scared and alone

05-20-2016, 11:10 AM
Hello, my name is Joe, I'm 23 and I'm new to this site. I suffer from anxiety daily, and I don't have anyone to talk to. I want to know if there's other people out there who process the way I do...my anxiety comes randomly but when it does its terrifying.

When I'm at home I'm okay, I feel safe and secure. When I go out to eat, I usually experience anxiety and I lose my appetite...I'm okay in most public places, but restaurants seem to be a trigger for me.

Also, when I have too much time on my hands I tend to overthink...I often wonder what the point of anything is, I think about how insignificant i/we are as humans which makes me freak out even more.

I also have a tendency to think about all the bad things that can happen to me in the future (like being alone, being broke, never finding my way, etc).

Does anyone else feel like this? I hope I'm not alone...

Prince Romeo
05-20-2016, 02:59 PM
Hi Joe.

No, you definitely aren't alone in this feeling. That is exactly what anxiety does to you. What helps me is to have hobbies and engage in them as much as possible. It helps alot. So what are you're hobbies? Really investigate and find out. The more you keep busy, the less time you have left to spend on thinking so negatively all the time. :)

05-20-2016, 06:34 PM
Hi Joe.

No, you definitely aren't alone in this feeling. That is exactly what anxiety does to you. What helps me is to have hobbies and engage in them as much as possible. It helps alot. So what are you're hobbies? Really investigate and find out. The more you keep busy, the less time you have left to spend on thinking so negatively all the time. :)

I enjoy watching sports, going to sporting events, collecting/listening to vinyl records...but it seems that I've lost enjoyment in my collecting lately. I haven't had the same enjoyment as I used to have and often times ponder selling the whole collection off because I don't see the point.

05-22-2016, 04:10 AM
This sure is anxiety. Worries about the future, the past, the present - anxiety will attack anything u care about. My struggles with anxiety are on and off, but when they come they completely disable me. I can't sleep, eat or think properly. I'm going through a very rough one right now, let me know if you want to chat.

05-22-2016, 06:03 AM
You're not alone! I'm the same way actually -- my anxiety usually comes on at random, no warning.

I definitely do worry about the future! But there is a good meditation for this...

Sit criss cross (indian style) and put one palm on each leg. The left leg represents the past (memory), the right leg represents the future (fantasizing). Close your eyes and breathe. Deep belly breathing is really calming. When we hyperventilate, we tend to breathe through the chest, and tighten the throat. That's why pretty often if we get anxious, a common symptom is neck pain.
And when a thought goes into your head, note whether it is memory (thinking about the past), or a fantasy (thinking about the future). Then lightly tap whichever leg the thought was (ex. if you were thinking about the future, lightly tap your right leg and then go back to breathing). I find this helps me if I worry about future events, especially scary ones such as going broke, being alone, or any other things.

05-22-2016, 11:52 AM
This sure is anxiety. Worries about the future, the past, the present - anxiety will attack anything u care about. My struggles with anxiety are on and off, but when they come they completely disable me. I can't sleep, eat or think properly. I'm going through a very rough one right now, let me know if you want to chat.

In going off to college and I'm scared my anxiety will completely hold me back from doing well, making friends etc...the thought of being alone at school with no escape rope is terrifying me.

05-22-2016, 06:13 PM
thats how i feel plus i hate being close to people and making weird noises by accident. being looked at funny. i hope i can focus on my work and not on anything else, it would be a blessing...

05-22-2016, 07:02 PM
You're not alone. I tend to overthink and analyze situations, interactions I had with people in my mind. Like the wheels are spinning fast in my brain. I'm sort of new with trying coping skills. Do,you have a favorite hobby, tv, movie or music you like? Maybe that will help distract. Wishing you the best :)

Prince Romeo
05-22-2016, 07:56 PM
You're not alone. I tend to overthink and analyze situations, interactions I had with people in my mind. Like the wheels are spinning fast in my brain. I'm sort of new with trying coping skills. Do,you have a favorite hobby, tv, movie or music you like? Maybe that will help distract. Wishing you the best :)

I asked Josephx the same thing but he said he is losing interest in the things he once had a passion for. It's difficult to really enjoy your hobbies if that passion dies out. But I think it can be restored. I have to fight everyday to feel passionate about something, even when I don't feel like it, just to keep me going.

I also can't stand being around people because I just feel so awkward but at the same time I do not want to be alone. I am afraid of what will happen to me after my father passes away. I think I will end up either in adult foster care, in a nursing home, a mental institution, or on the streets.:(

05-23-2016, 03:10 AM
In going off to college and I'm scared my anxiety will completely hold me back from doing well, making friends etc...the thought of being alone at school with no escape rope is terrifying me.

I had this same fear when I moved to another state to study a few years ago. After settling in, I almost left immediately because I thought it was all going to fall apart. I couldn't even start an assignment without a huge rush of panic that I will not be able to do it. I ended up staying beyond all odds and now it is 3 years later, I'm doing a phd, and have met a girl and moved in with her. This all came from initially feeling really alone. The point is to not mould your life around anxiety, because then your life will mould itself to fit an anxious person. You need to try to mould your life as if you didn't have anxiety, like you used to be.

05-23-2016, 09:31 AM
I had this same fear when I moved to another state to study a few years ago. After settling in, I almost left immediately because I thought it was all going to fall apart. I couldn't even start an assignment without a huge rush of panic that I will not be able to do it. I ended up staying beyond all odds and now it is 3 years later, I'm doing a phd, and have met a girl and moved in with her. This all came from initially feeling really alone. The point is to not mould your life around anxiety, because then your life will mould itself to fit an anxious person. You need to try to mould your life as if you didn't have anxiety, like you used to be.

This makes a lot of sense to me. I wish I could go back to the old happy me

05-23-2016, 09:55 AM
This makes a lot of sense to me. I wish I could go back to the old happy me

But you can! It doesn't seem like it now...in fact, neither it does to me, I'm suffering pretty badly too. But your mind with anxiety is a liar.

I look at the evidence: I've relapsed into anxiety countless number of times, but every single time I've gotten better. In fact every single time it has happened, I get better quicker and for longer before the next relapse. This is due to one very important reason : Every single time you will build more positive evidence. Overwhelm yourself with positive evidence to drown out those anxious lies. - This is so utterly important because anxiety is an extremely powerful force, but I'm sure you know all about that. But it will only be as powerful as you make it.

Do you have any symptoms consistent with depression? (ie. anger, frustration, low self esteem etc.)

Joy of Smiles
05-23-2016, 06:09 PM
This same problem's going on with me! I tried everything to clear things out, going site to site, and nothing worked. I've come up to my working solution!

• Try to be more social. Even if you don't know much people these days, try having some social media or getting into communities. Make sure you also spend time outside with people you know in real life. Maybe even try making a friend one day at a time.

• Meditating seriously calms you and helps your brain feel relaxed and think positive. This also helps your brain develop power and helps you control your thoughts.

• Try doing some new hobbies. Maybe go the theaters from time to time to see new movies. Go be a part of sports. Anything outside and social helps. Maybe even shopping works. This helps you ignore your bad thoughts and your positive thoughts last through the entire day!
• Always try and ignore thoses thoughts no matter what, and think about something you're excited about or read some recent news!

• Just find some things that'll really distract you and always avoid thinking them at the beginning of the day. See, if you keep thinking about them at morning, you'll end up thinking about them for the rest of the day. Instead, just try and think about something you'll do for the day at morning. Keep thinking about your task and soon enough for the rest of the day you'll live your day with ease.

• Watch some comedy to start off your day.

Trust me, even to this day I'm still having the same anxiety you're having, but from what I know, I'm actually making progress doing these everyday! It started a few weeks ago with me thinking negative thoughts, and just 2 days ago I started doing these and I'm already feeling much better! These tips work amazingly well. I recommend them.

Otherwise, hang in there, pal! You'll be fine, many explain that this is really a temporary phase. Feel free to add and chat with me if you need someone to comfort you.