View Full Version : Ibs, anxiety, or bowel cancer I can't kick this :( never felt this low in my life.

05-19-2016, 12:35 PM

On April 17 th I had 2 days of constipation and I started worrying I have colon cancer. I had some lactolpse on Sunday and took it for a week this scared me even more as it was diahrrea and I had to keep going up to 5 times a day anyway I went to the doctors 2 weeks friday and he said it will settle down and the fact Id been experiencing cramps and other bits for so long mucus bits of constipation etc it could be ibs but didn't say it was.

Anyway last monday the diarrhoea stopped and Id say I was probably managing one or two bms a day I kept inspecting them have a habit of that atm and they were all sorts thin, then I did sausage type ones torpedo shape ones kept changing. They feel soft coming out but idk it feels weird on the stool chart they were all a 4 Id say. Anyway on friday I had a scare I went 8 times at work I am getting stressed there atm and can't calm down on fri mornings once I went I thought I saw blood ! But after getting down and Inspecting it it looked light brown and there was pink cleaning fluid in there a flush before so maybe it was the light reflecting off of it maybe I also flipped it with tp to the top and it was light brown.

Yesterday had another scare thought I saw red blood so this is gross I picked it apart on tp and i think it might have been co co pops as when I dropped it in the toilet it went red! Scared the shite out of me must be how it reacts to Light.

Anyway in the mornings I wake up with sheer panic thinking I have cancer they were really loose earlier last week and in the morning I get gas aswell in the morning quite allot. But this morning I went did a torpedo shape one but it still feels there more in there 4 bms later where I am now im just getting bits out.

It seems to go from constipation back to normal I haven't had loose or watery stools since I stopped the lactlose but im still convinced I have something sinister it still feels like Theres incomplete evacuation now just getting bits out at a time.

Other symptoms ive had before is constipation, passing mucus sometimes on its own or with stool. Also have cramps atm that move its mainly centred atm and most of the time under my ribs in the center but it can go lower right, middle upper right and left under ribs it's sometimes crampy and sometimes spasms that last about 2 seconds also been having lower back pain aswell recently that moved Into my middle back sometimes.

A week ago I did have some red blood on the tp on wiping and itching sometimes happens around my rectum I think it may have been a fissure from straining as it was stinging that night and itching since I put sudocrem on it a couple of times it seems to have stopped. I was straining allot even with the lactlose.

I'm scared and convinced I have cc and can't calm down I feel terrible depressed as anything Ive even gone over it in my head of my diagnosis.

Been this morning as soon as I got up and it's still similar have a bit of gas well quite allot and I passed some decent sized ones but most of them are like thinning not very thin s shaped with a few bigger ones. When I go it feels like I'm going to push a bigger one out but nothing that size comes out unless it's breaking off or something.

What I'm saying are you sure this is anxiety as I did calm a bit but it's still there or does it take a while to settle ?

I'm even anxious now before going to the toilet incase it doesn't come out right which makes me really tense . and before eating and so on but I can still eat quite well. I did have some itching before i think it was a fissure or little cut as I've put some sudocrem on it and it seems to have gone a little now the itching etc.

But yeah I'm just panicking all the time and when i get the urge to go I'm still really nervous and anxious for what might happen, Had the urge just coming home from a mates house tonight went had some wind but nothing came out there's definitely some in there though and now I'm scared again because i keep thinking this is the start and it's going to get worse from now with the constipation .

The cramps I've been having are in the upper abdominal area and a bit in the lower but mainly upper can this be anxiety?

I've been out to day for the day and although i still had the slight feeling of i might need the toilet the urge hasn't been strong and some of the symptons slightly dissappeared I'd say.

I don't know what to do :(

Dr Feelgood
05-19-2016, 01:50 PM

On April 17 th I had 2 days of constipation and I started worrying I have colon cancer. I had some lactolpse on Sunday and took it for a week this scared me even more as it was diahrrea and I had to keep going up to 5 times a day anyway I went to the doctors 2 weeks friday and he said it will settle down and the fact Id been experiencing cramps and other bits for so long mucus bits of constipation etc it could be ibs but didn't say it was.

Anyway last monday the diarrhoea stopped and Id say I was probably managing one or two bms a day I kept inspecting them have a habit of that atm and they were all sorts thin, then I did sausage type ones torpedo shape ones kept changing. They feel soft coming out but idk it feels weird on the stool chart they were all a 4 Id say. Anyway on friday I had a scare I went 8 times at work I am getting stressed there atm and can't calm down on fri mornings once I went I thought I saw blood ! But after getting down and Inspecting it it looked light brown and there was pink cleaning fluid in there a flush before so maybe it was the light reflecting off of it maybe I also flipped it with tp to the top and it was light brown.

Yesterday had another scare thought I saw red blood so this is gross I picked it apart on tp and i think it might have been co co pops as when I dropped it in the toilet it went red! Scared the shite out of me must be how it reacts to Light.

Anyway in the mornings I wake up with sheer panic thinking I have cancer they were really loose earlier last week and in the morning I get gas aswell in the morning quite allot. But this morning I went did a torpedo shape one but it still feels there more in there 4 bms later where I am now im just getting bits out.

It seems to go from constipation back to normal I haven't had loose or watery stools since I stopped the lactlose but im still convinced I have something sinister it still feels like Theres incomplete evacuation now just getting bits out at a time.

Other symptoms ive had before is constipation, passing mucus sometimes on its own or with stool. Also have cramps atm that move its mainly centred atm and most of the time under my ribs in the center but it can go lower right, middle upper right and left under ribs it's sometimes crampy and sometimes spasms that last about 2 seconds also been having lower back pain aswell recently that moved Into my middle back sometimes.

A week ago I did have some red blood on the tp on wiping and itching sometimes happens around my rectum I think it may have been a fissure from straining as it was stinging that night and itching since I put sudocrem on it a couple of times it seems to have stopped. I was straining allot even with the lactlose.

I'm scared and convinced I have cc and can't calm down I feel terrible depressed as anything Ive even gone over it in my head of my diagnosis.

Been this morning as soon as I got up and it's still similar have a bit of gas well quite allot and I passed some decent sized ones but most of them are like thinning not very thin s shaped with a few bigger ones. When I go it feels like I'm going to push a bigger one out but nothing that size comes out unless it's breaking off or something.

What I'm saying are you sure this is anxiety as I did calm a bit but it's still there or does it take a while to settle ?

I'm even anxious now before going to the toilet incase it doesn't come out right which makes me really tense . and before eating and so on but I can still eat quite well. I did have some itching before i think it was a fissure or little cut as I've put some sudocrem on it and it seems to have gone a little now the itching etc.

But yeah I'm just panicking all the time and when i get the urge to go I'm still really nervous and anxious for what might happen, Had the urge just coming home from a mates house tonight went had some wind but nothing came out there's definitely some in there though and now I'm scared again because i keep thinking this is the start and it's going to get worse from now with the constipation .

The cramps I've been having are in the upper abdominal area and a bit in the lower but mainly upper can this be anxiety?

I've been out to day for the day and although i still had the slight feeling of i might need the toilet the urge hasn't been strong and some of the symptons slightly dissappeared I'd say.

I don't know what to do :( I've had simalar symptoms since last November ,I was in hospital for four days ,had various tests and scans and nothing was found ,in December I had the camera down the throat ,they found my stomach lining is inflamed due to excess acid caused by my depression and anxiety, I'm on meds for it now but it has taken a long time to start settling down ,all the things you worried about were also going through my mind too , but I am starting to feel less pain now .
To be sure see your doctor and have it checked out ,best wishes I do understand how you feel ,and the blood and soreness on your bottom my just be piles ,but like I say go see the doctor!

05-19-2016, 02:11 PM
I've had simalar symptoms since last November ,I was in hospital for four days ,had various tests and scans and nothing was found ,in December I had the camera down the throat ,they found my stomach lining is inflamed due to excess acid caused by my depression and anxiety, I'm on meds for it now but it has taken a long time to start settling down ,all the things you worried about were also going through my mind too , but I am starting to feel less pain now .
To be sure see your doctor and have it checked out ,best wishes I do understand how you feel ,and the blood and soreness on your bottom my just be piles ,but like I say go see the doctor!

I did go 2 weeks back and he said it should go back to normal I'd say it's got a little bit better since then, but I'm still freaking out

05-19-2016, 05:26 PM
See the doctor.........................