View Full Version : Body Temperature Drops & Shivers - Need Help!

05-18-2016, 04:38 PM
I don't know if any of you have this problem, but any time I have anxiety or even if I'm excited about something, my body temperature drops.
I feel really cold even when it's near 80 inside. My teeth chatter as well, that's usually the very first symptom. Then depending on the level of anxiety, the body temperature drop is next, causing my teeth to chatter even more. And if it's really bad, internal shivering.
It's very hard to concentrate on anything when this happens, and it feels pretty much impossible to control. Luckily it's not AS bad as last year, because last year I'd throw up every time this happens as well.
Does anyone have any advice for me? My doctor does not feel comfortable giving me anxiety medicine at this stage as he feels the risks out weight the reward, and with my age I have a better chance of somehow overcoming this.
Next week I am starting a driver's learning deal as well as being at my stepdad's place the rest of the time (he makes me VERY nervous as he tends to get upset very easily), so my nerves will be at it's worst. I'm not really sure what to do.

05-19-2016, 11:46 AM
Hi MrFalliorslife,

This could be a symptom of your anxiety. I advice you to find a psychologist to talk and work on your anxiety/ panic attacks. Good luck next week when you are staying at your stepdad's place.

Can you keep us updated?

05-19-2016, 05:26 PM
See the doctor.........................

05-19-2016, 08:16 PM
Hi MrFalliorslife,

This could be a symptom of your anxiety. I advice you to find a psychologist to talk and work on your anxiety/ panic attacks. Good luck next week when you are staying at your stepdad's place.

Can you keep us updated?

We don't really have the money for a psychologist or a therapist sadly.

See the doctor.........................

I did, I said that in the first post... In fact, I've seen several.

05-19-2016, 09:07 PM
I am so sorry, I had not read it the way I should. Have you checked the temps with the thermometer? I have this shaking and I am cold or very hot, when I get very upset, but mostly I have symptoms like yours. the true is my body temperature is very low, lower than 36.6 C, My normal is 35 sometimes lower.
It is anxiety. Maybe you should try to meditate, it can be guided meditation too. It works. Well avoiding situation that you get upset, it beneficial.
Life is good and bad, but when is good we do not appreciate, when bad thing is happening we react like that. I probably have shivers longer than 25 years .......... Psychologist suppose to help people, to learn how to respond to stress. No one can help me, I clamp up as soon as i should talk about myself. Except here :))

05-20-2016, 03:24 AM
I am so sorry, I had not read it the way I should. Have you checked the temps with the thermometer? I have this shaking and I am cold or very hot, when I get very upset, but mostly I have symptoms like yours. the true is my body temperature is very low, lower than 36.6 C, My normal is 35 sometimes lower.
It is anxiety. Maybe you should try to meditate, it can be guided meditation too. It works. Well avoiding situation that you get upset, it beneficial.
Life is good and bad, but when is good we do not appreciate, when bad thing is happening we react like that. I probably have shivers longer than 25 years .......... Psychologist suppose to help people, to learn how to respond to stress. No one can help me, I clamp up as soon as i should talk about myself. Except here :))

That's okay.
I've never checked my temp because of that reason, however when it feels like I have a fever or whatever because of this I do and it says it's normal.
I don't know if I meditate incorrectly or what, but I know I've tried the peaceful audios where you stay quiet, not be disturbed and just pay attention to the sounds. I like the nature ones the best.
Yeah, I avoid situations when I can, but sadly, if I was to avoid everything that causes this, I'd have to avoid driving, working, having a girlfriend, or doing anything fun.
It's really odd that it happens to me when I'm excited. Like having a girlfriend come over was the absolute worst. Every single time my girlfriend came over, I'd throw up and be sick all day, then when she left I was fine. Then I planned to go to the zoo with my mom, the day came and I got sick in the morning so we had to postpone it.
Then one day in january something happened, I guess all the stress from this wound up being too much and I started getting massive pressure in my chest, feeling like it was a heart attack. Went to ER, everything was normal. But the chest pressure NEVER went away, I had the chest pressure heart attack feeling every single day from January until last month.
Every time I tried to work at a job, it would come on even stronger to the point I literally could not work. I was all hunched over and moving much slower than normal, so the jobs only lasted 1 day each time. Which really sucks because I actually WANT to work, I don't want to use it as an excuse to not work.

05-20-2016, 08:39 AM
obviously you programmed your brain to send the signals to the body; avoiding situation= sick, There is a major connection between the two of them. You really need to see a doc, Take referral for psychiatrist. Family docs are not the best to treat anxiety. Do you have any insurance or access to psychologist and therapy. I guess not but i may be wrong...........It seems like anxiety took over your life,,,,,,,,, fight it with many available tools and maybe it is time for medication.

05-20-2016, 06:05 PM
obviously you programmed your brain to send the signals to the body; avoiding situation= sick, There is a major connection between the two of them. You really need to see a doc, Take referral for psychiatrist. Family docs are not the best to treat anxiety. Do you have any insurance or access to psychologist and therapy. I guess not but i may be wrong...........It seems like anxiety took over your life,,,,,,,,, fight it with many available tools and maybe it is time for medication.
No, sadly I have no insurance and no way to pay for a psychiatrist or anyone similar.
Doctor said I shouldn't have medication, so I'm just stuck in this situation trying to handle it as much as I can with not much progress except that I at least don't throw up.

05-23-2016, 07:08 AM
Today is the first day of the driver's school + first day working with stepdad :/