View Full Version : Back Again

05-17-2016, 04:04 PM
Hi Everyone.. I used to be on this site ALOT and it helped during my toughest times :) I have been doing well lately, had two babies in the past two years and am very proud of that as I never thought I would have kids because of my anxiety.

However, I am back on seeking for advice and a listening ear because I am having terrible anxiety all over again. I switched from Paxil to Zoloft prior to getting pregnant as it was deemed safer for pregnancy and now that I am done having kids I have decided to go back to Paxil as I liked how I was overall in comparison to the zoloft. It will be 3 weeks back on paxil this thursday and I have been having moments of sheer anxiety with my eyes.

When driving I feel like I am holding my eyes wide open and then they start to feel weird, dry, and as though I am in a dizzy, dream like state and it's breaking me down. If I am wearing sun glasses I start to feel like they are really heavy on my nose and tight around my head (which they aren't at all) I feel a bit better when I squint but honestly that creates a problem within itself because I end up with a headache from it!

I had my eyes checked at the end of 2014 because I ended up having an ocular migraine and everything was fine and I just made another appointment for May 31st to have them rechecked by my optometrist.

Anyone else have similar feelings with their eyes?

Thanks for letting me vent!

Boo Bass
05-17-2016, 11:45 PM
Hi there

Anxiety and adrenalin can affect the eye muscles. My guess is that this is happening to you.

Anxiety is also a side effect of Paxil. I only lasyed 10 days on it for that reason. My guess is that you will start feeling less anxikus soon when Paxil kicks in.