View Full Version : Hellooooo

Emma Bradshaw
05-17-2016, 01:44 PM
Um hi. My name's Emma and I have an anxiety problem. Huh, I sound like an alcoholics anonymous member. No idea what to put here though really apart from hi, finally decided to join a forum and maybe talk about my anxiety for once. Urm, i'm a single parent, I have terrible panic attacks (mostly without any apparent triggers), I struggle to talk about it, I have a female cat named Dave and I am in love with my xbox. So that's my lovely awkward introduction. How are the rest of you today?

05-17-2016, 01:59 PM
Haha Hiiiiii Emma,

Welcome! I am fine, thanks. How are you doing right now? Good first step. Sorry to hear that you are experiencing severe panic attacks (most panic attacks do not need triggers, it is a miscalculation from your brain, so they just pop up). Anyway, good luck and I hope you will find what you need!


Boo Bass
05-17-2016, 11:59 PM
Hi Emma

Read up here and elsewhere on how to overcome panicattacks. It can be done and starys with relaxation breathing.

BB. Xx