View Full Version : how can i help my fiance

10-07-2008, 10:18 AM
my fiance has been diagnoised today with anxiety does anyone have any tips how to help him through it

10-07-2008, 01:17 PM
Hello! :)
Welcome to the forum! I am really sorry to hear about your fiance.It cannot be easy for you either. How are you coping? Many of us on here, including myself are dealing with anxiety/depression and can offer you plenty of advice and support.I only joined in September and already this forum has been of real help. The people who have replied to me have been really supportive too. Was your fiance prescribed any medication? Is he having any counselling arranged? Did his gp provide him with any information about anxiety and depression? Anxiety can be a really scary and terrifying problem to have, but it can be overcome too. Lots of people suffer with anxiety and depression and it is one of the most common reasons why people visit their gp.You are both not alone in this. In what ways is your fiance suffering.Has anything caused him to feel the way he does? I became really ill with anxiety in April of this year *with no obvious cause - it literally happened out of the blue*and lost so much weight and I never ever thought anxiety could cause anyone to feel so ill. It is absolutely awful, but it can and does get better. Your fiance wont always feel the way he does now, if he gets help. It will get better for him and for you. I am much better now, thanks to self help, stopping drinking alcohol - which made my anxiety much worse, eating a really healthy diet, I gave up having sugar, caffeine and refined processed junk foods as those really made my anxiety worsen, taking natural anti anxiety supplements from the health food shops, having CBT, and also by educating myself about anxiety by reading books about it and by reading about it online, so that I know what is happening to me and therefore it becomes less scary. Read thro the posts on this forum and you will find a lot of useful information to help you and your partner. If I were to become really ill with anxiety and depression then I wldnt hesitate to take prescribed medication to help for the short term. There is a lot of help out there for people suffering with anxiety and depression if you know where to find it. Forums like this really help too. It cannot be easy for you either as well as your fiance. I know that anxiety can put a big strain on rships. If you can provide a few more details then we will be able to help you further I am sure.