View Full Version : What is most likely my source of anxiety (of these four)? Inputs appreciated!

05-11-2016, 08:03 PM
I have four things in my life that has increased the last years, and the anxiety is worse than ever before.

1. Alcohol. Daily drinking until getting drunk & falling asleep.
Fun for the moment but the day after and all other time when im not drinking the baseline anxiety is worsened.

2. Headache medicine that i take everyday to cure the hangovers.
The headache just gets worse and worse and I take it eventually. I guess this is a bad loop.

3. Coffee. Daily intake.
Even though I know i get worse anxiety after drinking a monster or a cup of coffee, I keep returning to it for that small "kick".

4. Daily masturbation to porn.
I am pretty sure porn kills my motivation in life. After i masturbate i get social anxiety and escape from social situations. Also noticing worsened anxiety levels.

I suspect that each one of them can be the reason of my anxiety, but one must be the main culprit or have more influence than the other ones...
When I do all of them I can't even go out without becoming panicky and want to escape to my home. Dizziness, unreal feelings etc.

I have now decided to stop all of them and I am on day third. I have bad headache and anxiety, but I guess it takes time?

Which one would you guess is the one that has destroyed most for me?
I know that you can't see into my brain, but just to get a few inputs would help me alot. Anyone who has been in a similar situation?

05-11-2016, 08:13 PM
I would say alcohol would be the worst.

05-12-2016, 11:29 AM
The ancient home of fear is a brain structure called the amygdala, an organ the size and shape of an almond buried deep within the brain. It is the amygdala that receives sensory stimuli and sends signals to the thalamus, a sort of relay station.

The thalamus then sends signals to other areas of the brain that orchestrate the release of adrenaline and stress hormones such as cortisol, which in turn mobilize the response to danger. The brain chemical that triggers the release of cortisol has been shown to produce fearful responses in animals in the absence of any threatening stimuli.

as fear processing in the brain is broken amygdala gets over activated and sends signals to pump stress hormone cortisol...sometimes serotonin can trigger the anxiety too...we need new and acting fast meds to calm down amydala.