View Full Version : Freaking out about water up nose!

05-11-2016, 05:28 PM
Hey everyone normally I wouldn't post on something like here but I am very nervous.

A. So yesterday I went to Walmart with a friend and being college students he showed me a great cheap healthy meal consisting of pre washed lettuce and canned chicken and olive oil. We went to my car and he was shaking the bag with the chicken and some of the juice went up my nose. I ate some spicy food and my nose ran. I was crying later for unsealed reasons do you think I am good? I'm freaking out over here : /

My sense of smell doesn't seem as good but I was crying yesterday so I had a lot of stuff in my nose.

And on top of that I went to The store later and I got a spicy beef jerky stick and when I opened the stick it went in my nose and really burned. Later it the burning stopped and was doing chores and it hurt again! It stopped for a while. And then I snorted in to like get the mucus out not snorted up and it really burned in the back of my nose. Now my sinus hurts on my eyebrows and on the top of my head.

I'm sorry if this is stupid I'm just very nervous. I don't wanna die :(

05-12-2016, 06:28 PM
Anyone have any advice? I'm really freaking out over here. I can't stop worrying. :(

05-12-2016, 09:21 PM
No worries here.

05-13-2016, 12:06 AM
No worries here.

Thats good to hear. How do you figure? : / I'm still freaking out and can't even sleep this is terrible

05-13-2016, 12:30 AM
I used to be exactly like this.....are you still alive? Somtimes when I worry about something I start feeling symptoms. I once thought I was having a stroke.

05-13-2016, 06:26 AM
Sorry for not replying to this sooner. You poor thing you seem really distressed (and Kirk wasn't helpful!).

I am sure you're going to be fine. You sound like you have a severe case of health anxiety at the moment, and it seems a heck of a lot worse than it is. Please not, I'm not a doctor, but I have a I have a dust allergy and it runs a lot sometimes. You've had water up your nose, it's something that your nose isn't used to so it will run to to rid your system of the water, like it's flushing your nose from the water. The spicy food will also have the same affect on your nose (because it burns your throat and your nose is connected to your throat), and coupled with the water incident is making the running worse. But it's normal, shows your body is doing a good job of protecting you-only at the same time freaking you out, which isn't so helpful (you're like 'cheers body!').

You said snorted too, and have a headache? I think that could be your sinuses, and you could just be congested.

I think maybe there is something else you might be anxious about too, and this has triggered it. Having said that if you are still worried, going to see a trained medical person will put your mind at ease.

Try to not worry too much though, which I know is easier said than done.

05-13-2016, 07:28 AM
I have had water, detergent and soap go into my nose and up it sometimes and I remember tasting it as
it went down my throat. I remember it causing me to cough and have a terrible taste in my mouth. I believe
your concerns are not warranted in this situation.

05-13-2016, 07:36 AM
Treestar, please do not criticize me as I am only trying to help. Thank you.

05-13-2016, 07:45 AM
Treestar, please do not criticize me as I am only trying to help. Thank you.

I didn't mean to criticise or make you feel bad. You just wrote 'No worries here'-which I took as you weren't worried about yourself, not that ScareDpants situation didn't warrent worry. I will try not to think so black and white (which is one of my anxiety traits that I'm trying to stop.) I am sorry.

05-13-2016, 07:56 AM
No problem, I understand. I just wanted you to know I am here to try to help others and myself. I meant that ScareDpants should not worry.

05-13-2016, 08:00 AM
Same reason I am here, and knowing my comment made you feel bad in any way defeats that purpose. I realise what you meant now.

05-16-2016, 08:04 AM
Have you ever gotten water up your nose while swimming? Or taking a shower? Did you die? Of course not. And you won't die now ;)

I remember something my doctor told me when I was discussing my anxiety, saying that when I have a panic or anxiety attack, I feel like I won't live to see the next half hour of my life. My doctor said, and I quote, "No one has ever died from a panic attack and neither will you."

Those words, to this day, comfort me when I'm freaking out over something. It's not the water up your nose causing problems... it's your brain. Your brain has you believing there's something seriously wrong with you physically and the more you worry about it, the worse your physical symptoms are going to become. The brain is a very powerful organ and can literally cause physical symptoms, even though most of the time they're unwarranted. The more you think about it, the worse you're going to feel.

Stop thinking about. Blow it off and say "Eh, it's nothing, this too shall pass."

And it will.

05-16-2016, 12:11 PM
Because you're a college student, you're just starting to realize you worry about things with your health that others wouldn't even think twice about. It's called health anxiety. The clue you gave me that you might have this is that you've "freaking about about it" and "you don't want to die." That's what anxiety does to us. It makes us think the worst possible things are going to happen. What you described is nothing to be concerned about, you're fine, but to ease your mind you might want to do what I do. I sometimes get things checked out by a doctor, or go to the "urgent care" or clinic near me. Your college must have a place to go also.

05-16-2016, 02:38 PM
Because you're a college student, you're just starting to realize you worry about things with your health that others wouldn't even think twice about. It's called health anxiety. The clue you gave me that you might have this is that you've "freaking about about it" and "you don't want to die." That's what anxiety does to us. It makes us think the worst possible things are going to happen. What you described is nothing to be concerned about, you're fine, but to ease your mind you might want to do what I do. I sometimes get things checked out by a doctor, or go to the "urgent care" or clinic near me. Your college must have a place to go also.

So true that we feel the worst possible things can happen, with ANY situation. I walk around day after day, feeling like life is teetering on disaster, that any day something really bad is going to happen that's going to change my life in the worst possible way. So yeah, when it comes to our health (I have health anxiety, driving anxiety as well as generalized anxiety) every little thing that happens to us physically can be traumatic. The internet doesn't help. My doctor told me to STOP self-diagnosing on the internet. The internet can be a great tool for information. But when you have anxiety and you look up a health concern or symptoms for this or that, you don't see "this symptom can also be caused by something completely benign and/or harmless" - instead you see "YOU'VE PROBABLY GOT CANCER AND YOU ONLY HAVE 6 MONTHS TO LIVE."

Yet I can't help heading straight to my computer for every little thing that ails me. I wish I could stop, but I can't.

05-16-2016, 02:39 PM
I just realized I probably also have OCD, haha.

05-16-2016, 03:40 PM
I think many people may have some form of OCD.

05-16-2016, 03:46 PM
That I can't argue with.