View Full Version : Anxiety from heat or hunger?

05-09-2016, 06:18 PM
So today I was out on a hike with my mom. I'm outside all the time, but today was a particularly hot day. Usually the weather is around 50-60 degrees here, but it was almost 80 degrees today. Anyway, I went hiking and began to get dizzy and I got a throbbing migraine. I didn't want to disappoint my mom, since this is something we've been wanting to do for a while. So I didn't tell her until it got real bad.

So we went back to the car and I cooled off. I drank a lot of water as well as aimed the air conditioning on me. My mom decided we should travel down to the lake to dangle our feet in. But the more we drove, the sicker I felt. My headache got worse, as well as my dizziness. I also began to feel nausea and had a queasy stomach.

From that, I began to get anxious. I thought, "what if I caught norovirus?" And began checking myself. I swallowed, no gagging. I drank water, no vomiting. So I'm sure that this was only just anxiety, not an illness.

I was so dizzy though that when we parked, I couldn't get out. So we decided to just leave. Well, it began to get shady out because it was going to rain. And when we got closer to the mountains (where we live) the weather got cooler, and cooler. So we went to the ranch to feed our horses (we board them) since it was on the way back, and we might as well.

Then I began to get even more nauseous, so I tried to get up to go to the toilet. But I felt my legs get like jello, and I felt extremely light, like a feather. I turned around and suddenly lost my balance, falling into the car door. I regained my balance and got back inside. I had a bag in the side of the car door so I held that instead.

On our way home, I fell asleep a few times, but woke up a few times as well. I thought at one point I was going crazy because I'd hear my mom say really weird things, rather than what she was actually saying. And the signs were blurry and I could barely make out the words. Usually that was when I'd drift off to sleep, and then I'd awaken again.

Once we got home, I was feeling a little better. So that's why I think this could have been from anxiety... Maybe the heat induced it?

Another idea was because I was hungry. I didn't eat before I left, and I always feel sick if I get hungry.

Any ideas what caused this, and how I can prevent it the next time? I will definitely remember to eat before I go next time. But I'm not sure how to prevent getting hot. I was wearing a light, short sleeve shirt and a pair of jeans. My hair was out of my face and in a pony tail.

05-11-2016, 03:51 AM
You sound pretty much right on the money. Dehydration, being hungry and exercise combined often cause panic attacks for me.

05-18-2016, 04:40 AM
Dang! Guess I know what to do next time. Kind of worried for next weekend though -- it'll be in the 80's.

05-18-2016, 11:52 AM
Yes, be sure to eat! Don't skip that. You were drinking a lot of water but you had not eaten. Go to a sporting goods store and see what they have to keep yourself cool on a hike.

05-22-2016, 05:57 AM
Thank you! I guess drinking a lot of water without eating can have bad side effects. I did read somewhere (not sure if this is accurate) but it's best to drink 45 minutes before eating. Then wait 2 hours after eating to drink again.
Yes, be sure to eat! Don't skip that. You were drinking a lot of water but you had not eaten. Go to a sporting goods store and see what they have to keep yourself cool on a hike.