View Full Version : Help with Body/Muscle tension? Body is always tense? Help please

05-05-2016, 06:30 PM
Hey everyone

After I started having anxiety attacks a couple of months ago .. Shortly a couple weeks later I started feeling a lot of tension in my legs.. Like I had a ball of energy stuck in my quads.. I found my legs were always tense. I would relax it but it would just come back...

A week later it moved to my shoulders and then my face.. I'm always finding my shoulders shrugged high.. And my facial cheeks are flexing.

I know this is anxiety.. But I've been doing PMR(Progressive muscle relaxation / meditation for hours) and I've seen very little improvement.

Does anyone have any advice how to cure this problem? I've heard exercise / calcium can release stored energy/tension but I'm too anxious to workout. The best I can do at the moment is eat right and get enough sleep.. And I'm taking vitamins so I don't think I have a deficiency.

05-05-2016, 07:35 PM
sometimes relaxation or meditation needs extra work. It is very easy to say relax your muscles. To do it, you must be relaxed somehow. I am on benzos, small dose though but it helps me relax (most days) the stubborn muscles

05-08-2016, 02:13 PM
sometimes relaxation or meditation needs extra work. It is very easy to say relax your muscles. To do it, you must be relaxed somehow. I am on benzos, small dose though but it helps me relax (most days) the stubborn muscles

I am able to relax my muscles while meditating but tension comes back every time shortly.. Even if I meditate for a hour a day.

05-08-2016, 06:28 PM
Brian try to meditate twice a day for 15 minutes, if possible keep the same time. I have the same, relaxed while meditating (I do it for well over 30 years or so) and tense back in case of few minutes.