View Full Version : Is this a sign of Dissociation?

05-05-2016, 11:53 AM
sometimes when i know a person really well/care about them/love them and they talk about themselves in the past, it makes my body react the same way it does when i feel abandonment or sudden loss??? it’s like an involuntary feeling like “i suddenly don’t know u, what are u saying, what do u mean?” and i can’t picture them in the past because i only know them now. so when my friends/partner talk about themselves in the past, it makes me super uncomfortable and this has always happened and i don’t know WHY. i know i get feelings of dissociation sometimes but i can’t find out if it’s part of that online anywhere :/

i talk about myself all the time, in detail, about my past and present and it doesn’t do a thing to me. but when other people try to tell me about their past i get so scared, like i’ve lost them or they died. like, a pang of fear like i suddenly don’t know where they are. it makes me so angry with myself. it also gives me a feeling of jealousy like "i don't know what ur talking about bcus i wasn't in ur life then, i wasn't there, and i'm jealous of people who were there to see u then". and it's REALLY weird and i don't understand it at all. it isn't a voluntary thought. the anxious feelings i get when my boyfriend talks about stuff in his past, especially bad times he's had, come on me like a train and i have to try and stop it with a butterfly net.

feeling that level of anxiety about something so random and inexplicable makes me worried about myself.

05-05-2016, 12:43 PM
I feel kind of similar but not quite the same I guess. When people talk about the future and the things they want to do (like graduate, get a job, or get in a relationship) I get a bit jealous and feel like it's unfair that nothing stops them from doing the things they want but anxiety stops me from doing what I want. Also if I know the people who I feel like I described towards, it makes me think that because of those sudden changes in their lives they might forget or abandon me. It's hard to explain..

What you feel though is probably not the same I do. Have you talked to anyone about this?