View Full Version : Anxiety Symptoms are taking over... I Think?

05-03-2016, 12:26 PM
Hello all! I am happy to be able to join this wonderful site and happy to share my experiences and hope and I can get some feedback.

I am currently in therapy and under treatment at an anxiety study center.

While I could write pages about my past experiences, I am hoping to just receive some feedback today about what has been going on the past two months.

I got Bronchitus and strep a little over two months ago, but I am allergic to one of the strep medications so the person that gave it to me gave me the next best antibiotic. He said it usually cures it but may not fully kick it out. That medication was amoxicillan. The strep did get a little better but not fully so i went back and they did a test and I did not have it. Then the fatigue started, I had not debilitating fatigue but still moderate fatigue everyday as well as chills and a sore throat. I got tested for thyroid, lyme, hepatitis (because I had slightly elevated liver enzymes) and mono. Everything came back normal as well as the blood cell count.

Then I thought I had chronic fatigue, and was totally freaking out. Basically, I thought it was not anxiety causing these symptoms because I get these every day non stop even when I'm not anxious at all.

Then, I am being forced to go school and these symptoms are even worse there I can't concentrate and feel like I have the flu and am just overwhelmed and then the migraines come and my grades go down and it just SUCKS.

I want to go back to my normal self.... PLEASE HELP. Little stuff like "tools" does not work, is there any over the counter anxiety meds that may help, or do you guys think this is chronic fatigue?

If you have any questions, reply and id be happy to answer.


05-03-2016, 01:31 PM
Maybe your fatigue is also caused by stress. A friend of mine took L-Theanine for anxiety, but I believe that every medicine, vitamin or herb you take, should be
talked over with a pharmacist or your physician in case their may be a potential interaction.