View Full Version : is it coming again?

10-02-2008, 11:05 AM
I have been feeling much better for the past tree weeks, back and work, more relaxed, feeling like me again. Then i woke up yesterday feeling really down and anxious, i dont know why...the only thing was that i'd had a pretty bad dream that night and was very tired from a busy week. Anyway i felt myself 'searching' for anxious thoughts, i can sense my internal dialogue getting louder again and know that i'm going down the road of looking inwards too much yet again. I know i need to avoid getting back into the cycle so i'm not letting my routine be affected and i'm trying to remain accepting of my thoughts, etc... I'm starting CBT in a couple of weeks (work said they'd pay...bonus!) and i just want to get through the next few weeks...dont want a relapse! I know its in my hands...and that i'm in control...any tips to help me along?

10-02-2008, 12:28 PM
hi evilbob, i only want to suggest one thing to you, celebrate the fact that for 3 whole weeks you've been feeling good!! that's amazing news :D for anyone suffering with anxiety the fact that you went 3 weeks without feeling very bad is fantastic, well done!

it's ok to have bad days. remember recovering from anxiety takes time. one bad patch in 3 weeks of feeling good is fantastic progress. i have also had those moments where i felt the anxious thoughts begin to chatter again and those moments can be quite scary. in my experience they tend to disappear as i get back into my routine and distract myself with happier things. think about this: in the past when those anxious thoughts came along you would have just allowed it to happen and not felt any control over them or the anxiety whatsoever. but look at you now, using all the tools you have to overcome it, you're focused on what you need to do and are aware of the fact that you're in control - that would never have happened in the past when you were in the grip of anxiety. so consider this new more rational approach to the thoughts as progress :) i know i would! time and time again i've managed to surprise myself by not allowing those thoughts in during situations when i would usually be freaking out, i know you can do the same.

look at how far you've come, it's amazing :)

i just had another thought, when you wake up in the morning because you haven't eaten all night long your blood sugar can be very low. for people prone to anxiety low blood sugar can equal an anxiety or panic attack. it's not unusual at all for you to wake up feeling down. the best solution to it is to have a good wholesome breakfast as soon as possible after waking, or at least have a snack like some fruit by your bedside to eat as you wake up to tide you over until breakfast.

and you are right, the choice is yours from here. you can choose to allow the anxious thoughts to take over again or you can choose to stay on the strong path that you have been taking :) you have the power, believe in yourself and your ability to overcome anything.

do something nice for yourself to celebrate your achievement, you deserve it :goodjob:

10-02-2008, 02:28 PM
Hey there, i'm so happy that your having CBT, this is what recovered me.. you wont feel the effect of the treatment straight away, it may take a while..... I thought it did nothing to me, but i soon realised after a few months that infact it recovered me... it's very subconscious..

Regarding the episode you had yesterday.. It's pritty normal that it will come back because your body is so used to being anxious, so what will happen after a few weeks is you'll wake up, and you'll be like 'I should be getting anxious/has it finally gone' kind of thoughts....and then it just all comes back!... Recovery is a slow process but from what you are telling us, your doing absolutely the right things.....as you said.. completely accept how you feel, continue to live as is it wasn't there (DO not change your lifestyle).. but don't ignore feelings, if you get what i mean..

You're doing the right things and i bet you feel positive and happy that your finally having treatment.. you'll soon feel better :) keep us informed!

10-02-2008, 04:24 PM
It sounds like you are doing really well and doing all the right things.Maybe you felt anxious again due to being so tired and also maybe the bad dream stirred your anxiety a little. I am a lot better with anxiety than what I was although today I have not been that great for different reasons. Sometimes I am doing really well and thinking that the anxiety has gone for good and then I get panicky almost like it feels strange not having the anxiety feelings and then I get anxious about it! It is like I am so used to having the anxiety that it feels strange when its not there and then that makes me anxious. I know that sounds mad but its how I feel.
You are doing well tho in going 3 weeks without a relapse! Well done to you! You will find the CBT a big help, so keep being positive and look forward to that :)

10-03-2008, 04:20 AM
You feel bad after feeling good for thre weeks because that's just the way anxiety recovery is. Recovery is NOT about a steady progress from high anxity to normalcy. Rather, 'ups and downs' are a completely NORMAL part of recovery. So try to accept your current setback for what it REALLY is: a completely normal part of anxiety recovery. Also, I have found that I often feel BETTER after a setback than I did before it. It's almost like the setback is something my mind HAS to go through to get better. And one more thing. NEVER try to figure out why you had a setback. If something REALLY bad happened to you, then there is a good chance it is the cause. But SO much of the time, setbacks occur without provocation. So do yourself a favor and DON'T try to figure out why it happened. This will only make things worse.

10-03-2008, 04:35 AM
Thanks for the words of support...its much appreciated! The last couple of days have been increasingly better...still having some thoughts and feelings but not reacting to them in quite as fearful a manner.
I really appreciate what you all wrote, and its good to know that these feelings are a normal part of recovery.
Carla - what you said makes perfect sense...feeling odd because you're not feeling panicky! If it wasn't such a pain in the arse i'd probably laugh at it!
Northstar - I've read a lot of your posts and have been trying to eat a lot better and a lot more regularly...i must say that it has definitely affected my anxiety an awful lot

Thanks again for all your words of encouragement and support!

Roll on CBT!

10-03-2008, 04:49 AM
Hi again!
You will find CBT to be of use. Most people who have had or are having CBT say it is really good. I am looking for a new counsellor/therapist to start CBT again. I wish you all the best with it. :)