View Full Version : Update

05-02-2016, 07:15 PM
Tomorrow is my doctor's appointment, to be put on medication for anxiety. My strep throat is getting better but that was a traumatic experience, just going to the emergency room but me completely over the edge. While my mother just sat in the room calming sufing Facebook.
I wish I could say I was doing better. My roommate per my request changed the passcodes on the router and phone so I can't side websites. She gave me access to this site and Facebook end of story. Little does she know I found away to still do hours of research on cancer, type it in the search bar and I can read post comments etc... I feel ashamed hiding this from her but I can't help it.,Research makes me feel in control and better about the situation. I feel guilty because she tries so hard to help me. Since my access to most websites is shut down I now find myself constantly assessing and checking for knee symptoms compulsively. I also barely eat food or drink really food just tastes like saw dust in my mouth.