View Full Version : Recent panic attack.

05-02-2016, 01:13 PM

It's been probably 10 years since I've posted on one of these forums. About 10ish years ago when my anxiety first started it consisted of a ridiculously high heart rate of 150-180 resting and almost blacking out. Went to the hospital and they found nothing wrong and linked it to anxiety which was probably linked to drinking absolutely way too much caffeine and told me to stay away from energy drinks. I haven't had any problems with anxiety until last Monday. This all started because I've always had a slight paranoia when it comes to my heart rate, everything has dropped down to normal ranges and I've had it under control forever. Come monday night (4/25/2016) I was trying to fall asleep and I decided to check my heart rate with my phone that has a heart rate sensor. It's been quite reliable until that night when I went to check it and it wasn't working very well. It's very picky on how you place your finger on it. But because it wasn't working very well at all I basically started freaking out and started to have a panic attack. Started to feel a little dizzy/nervous/scared. Calmed myself down and it started to get a little better, I was shaking and my adrenaline was going for a little bit. But about 45 minutes later I was doing much better. This issue I'm having just started with my recent panic attack. Over the next week and as of today I've had a slight tightness in my chest. It seems to come and go depending on how much I focus on it. If I can completely take my mind off it I don't notice anything out of the ordinary but when I start to think about it my chest starts to tighten up a little bit. It was fairly nerve racking for a while but as I started to control my breathing it isn't as bad. These episodes can last hours and hours. Nothing hurts, its just this tightness in my chest that's dis concerning. Sometimes it's not even really noticeable and sometimes it is, just depends where I put my mind.

When I woke up this morning I felt great, but about 15-20 minutes after I woke up I started to think about it again and it came back. It got to maybe a 6/10 while I was at work and as soon as I got off work it's dropped to a 2/10. I'm fairly sure this is an anxiety issue but with my paranoia it's hard to completely come to this conclusion. I've thought about going to get it checked out but it's ridiculously expensive and I'd hate to go in for anxiety.

Also I'd like to add when I'm having these episodes my heart rate isn't anything super abnormal. It's anywhere from 80-95 which is fairly normal for me and my blood pressure isn't anything abnormal either. I feel like all I'm doing is making myself go crazy. I'm sure it's anxiety and I know I can get over it, it's just hard not to focus on the symptoms.